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Can Our Thoughts Attract and Cause Poor Health?
by Carla Blaha

Along with The Law of Attraction there is the Law of Cause and Effect. As it implies, when a cause occurs an effect happens. As I call it, the Boomer Rang Theory.

"Think positively," has been drilled into our heads to the point of no return. So much so, it is going in one ear and out the other. I would change it to, Think positively and feel positively.

A person draped in negativity often suffers from many health ailments. Even if the illness came first, why did the illness happen?  

It has been proven through numerous studies that a person’s mental state can and will affect their health and recovery.  I pose this question; by thinking negatively can a person attract and manifest poor health?”

The answer to that question, in my opinion, is YES beyond a reasonable doubt. The causes of poor health barring an accident (there is an argument that one can be draw to you as well) can largely be mental and emotional.  

Remember, we are spiritual beings in a physical body. If our spirit is not well our bodies cannot be well. As our thoughts seep into our physical make up our bodies either strengthen or weaken. As, our thoughts (which are energy) are sent out into the Universe they will attract more of what they are, good or bad.  Think of the abuse our bodies take just from our mind. The effect part begins.

We have only one body this time around. Why not use our emotions to draw and manifest the best physical and mental health possible. This is not something someone else can do for us. We can do this for ourselves. Be YOUR own healer.

Carla Blaha is a spiritual writer who is an intuitive and Reiki Healer. She has studied and practiced Metaphysics for many years.

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