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Going with the Universal Flow
by Carla Blaha

"Go with the flow."  This is a statement we all have heard a million times. Guess what? You could not get better advice.  Much of our human lives are wasted swimming upstream and against the current.

Did you ever notice that when you bang your head against the proverbial wall you keep banging your head against the proverbial wall? Why do you think that is? It is because you are going against the natural flow of things for you. You are not in your Universal alignment. I am not suggesting you avoid hard work and perseverance. 

If you are driving and you hit a traffic jam you will probably wait to see if the traffic will let up.  Sometimes, it does and sometimes you would be far better off changing your route.  This is what I mean.  Work hard and persevere but when that traffic jam doesn’t let up or you are banging your head against the wall that is the Universe telling you with a blinking light “Try another route.”

When you are in flow with your Universal path everything seems to fit into place. Synchronicity will begin and the Universe will start supplying all the right people and the right events to take place in your life.  It is amazing.

So, what’s the secret? ALLOW. Sounds simple but it can be tricky. When you want, want and want you are holding on with control. That is counterproductive to “allowing.”  You are, then, unable to be in flow. Have your dream, your desire and your goal but then “allow” everything to happen. If you find you have to fight the currents re-evaluate and ask your gut for the right answer it will lead you to the flow. Go with the flow!

Carla Blaha is a spiritual writer who is an intuitive and Reiki Healer. She has studied and practiced Metaphysics for many years.

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By Diane, Saturday, November 13, 2010 08:35:25 PM
I don't know about any of this. What I DO know is we met a friend today, totally unplanned and unexpected. A confluence of events led to this meeting, that became obvious. This friend turned me on to the Hindu God Ganesha. He is the Lord of success and destroyer of evils and obstacles. He is also worshipped as the God of education, knowledge, wisdom and wealth. It just so happened the shop in which we met our friend is the same shop where she bought a little statue of Ganesha some time ago. She explained how Ganesha has helped her through some very difficult times. So I walked back into this shop, and they had only one little statute of Ganesha, which I bought. When we were saying our goodbyes in the parking lot, I began to see a green aura around our friend. I have never in my life seen an aura around anyone or anything. I looked at other things, and at my partner, and saw no aura. I looked back at our friend, and there was the very present green aura around her head. This person is someone I'd met only once before. She is someone my partner has known for years. And I saw her aura. I knew immediately, however, that she is completely and utterly free of egotism and self-agrandizement. I researched what a green aura around a person means, and it's said to mean that person is a natural healer. Our friend doesn't even know this. She is real and down to earth and not looking for accolades. That must be why her aura is so strong.
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