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Happy Birthday Aries
by Sylvia Browne

Well it is time that we say Happy Birthday to all of those wonderful Aries folks. Aries is ruled by Mars and the Aries sign is found from March 21st through April 19th. Let me now share with you a bit about these lovely Aries folks!

Aries is the sign characterized by people with impulsive and compulsive personalities. They are very avid learners – but they will only learn what they want to learn. The other fire signs, Leo and Sagittarius, will learn things that they don’t necessarily want to simply because they feel they need to know these things. An Aries is not the type of person to take a generalized humanities course, but will be riveted into specialization, usually becoming an authority on some subject.

Arians will only get into subject that are totally involved with themselves – things that will aid and help them, so to speak. That is why they will study astrology – it tells them about themselves. Like the other fire signs, Arians are also very loyal. Most of the Arians that I have known and dealt with over the years are very fanatical about certain things. If Arians get religion – God help you – because they are going to give it to you! They are not what I would call crazy fanatics, but boy – they get on one binge, and it’s a lifelong one. So they don’t change horses in midstream. They will put their allegiance someplace, and that’s it – it will not waver.

Don’t tell Arians that their beliefs are wrong, because Aries is the one sign that will just deck you. They don’t mess around with you. But at the same time, to get rid of an Aries is almost impossible. If you have ever been married to an Aries individual, or have any dealings with one, and you get fed up with them for any reason, you cannot shake this person! It is almost impossible; Arians will dog your heels.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Gloria, Thursday, May 14, 2009 11:02:51 PM
I am an Aries and I am not going to lie! Alot of this is acurate and you would agree if your honest. But I can't help but laugh. It makes us seem
By sharon, Thursday, May 14, 2009 10:10:37 PM
well i must be not a aries because i was razed you can;t hold on to what doesen;t want to be held on to and if all my ex;s lived in tex i would be the happiest person.including my ex husband but it;s like he dog;s my every move.i can;t shake him hehehehe thanks sylvia your great made me laugh.
By Lena, Thursday, May 07, 2009 11:44:00 PM
My mother Lucy is an Aries and was born in 1934. She is fun to be around and has deep green eyes. I would love for her to meet you Sylvia. Every time you are on tv I phone her to let her know to turn on the television.
By Freida, Tuesday, May 05, 2009 12:50:45 AM
Thats funny , I often wonderd why my exes would never just fade into the background!
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