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Have You Experienced an Orb?
by Carla Blaha

You would be hard pressed today to find someone who has not experienced an Orb in a picture. 

Orbs are those balls of light that show up out of nowhere in pictures. They are usually milky white and transparent. Upon occasion they can be different colors and even appear to have faces in them. If you don’t know what I am talking about stop reading and go to your pictures. I assure you that you will find an orb or two in no time.

It is said, that Orbs show up in masses (groups) and especially in certain places like churches, cemeteries, and known haunted areas. However, I find Orbs in many of my pictures and frequently in the same rooms or with the same people. Orbs are not detectable by the human eye. 

There are several Orb theories; dust, pollen, or water (not the ones I subscribe to), spirits, or energy that is transferred from power lines, heat, batteries, or people to assist spirit to come through. Some find that Orbs are more prevalent in the months between October and February. This is based on the theory that the energy can “come through” more easily in the cold months.

There are psychics who communicate with Orbs.  Many psychics find Orb communication very easy while others do not.
It is interesting to take several pictures and follow Orb movements. As the person in the photo moves see the orb move. Or you can go on a real Orb hunt. Just go around your house and take pictures. I bet you will find Orbs. Try again another time and see if there is a pattern in the Orbs. For example, the spot your deceased pet liked to rest, your grandfather’s picture, or grandma’s rocking chair.

Happy hunting!

Carla Blaha is a spiritual writer who is an intuitive and Reiki Healer. She has studied and practiced Metaphysics for many years.

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