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Sagittarius And Relationships
by Sylvia Browne

As we are in the month of Sagittarius, let us talk about how these folks are in their relationships.

Sagittarius is a “don’t fence me in” sign, just as Libra is. Sagittarians are tremendous freedom lovers. And you never, ever want to make them feel like they have no freedom to make them feel like they have no freedom. Now, what is crazy about Sagittarians is that they’ll stay in the house forever…until you tell them they must leave. And then, boy, you’ve had it! But they’ll stay forever in one singular place.

As long as you do not put a time schedule on Sagittarians, they’re fine. Now what is unique about a Sagittarius is, if you happen to be a freedom-loving person involved with one, for some reason they become very possessive. If you turn around the other way and become possessive with a Sagittarius, this person will bolt on you. It’s weird – you never know what to do with them, whether you should be free and outgoing with them, or be possessive. So you stand in front of Sagittarius individuals and ask them constantly, “What do you want from me?”

It is never boring to be with Sagittarians, and I think what makes it all worthwhile is that they are so witty and so marvelous to be around that people usually migrate to them. They always have a group of people congregating around them.

Most Sagittarians do not come into full bloom until later in life. Many of the signs are like this, in fact, but this is especially true of Sagittarians.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By ivy, Wednesday, January 28, 2009 09:55:49 PM
Hi Sylvia. Great Web Cast today. I am also a Sagitarius. Born Nov.23. My husband on the other hand is a Taurus. Very controlling in my opinion. I violently reject his controlling ways, I don't go out much, but when I do, watch out. He calls me every minute I'm out. I like to go out with our kids than by myself, not a fan of going out with my husband. He constantly tells me how to drive, very annoying. When we first met, I thought we would be together always, but now having second thoughts. Any thoughts on that Sylvia? Love u, Ivy
By Patricia and Bill, Saturday, January 24, 2009 12:14:42 PM
hi can you help my family and me and my husband is sooooooooo mad all the time and me and my to sons are depressed and my other to sons were in jail and on drugs really bad ones and my sons girl friend will not loet us see the baby that is one years on i have for grand babys 3girls and one boy
By monica, Friday, January 16, 2009 10:44:16 PM
ok yeah im a homebody and i havent blossomed yet either. I am 44 and have one degree and part of two others. Im going back to school in the fall to finish one of the others. I am single with one daughter - a virgo, im very independant, and i have alot of physical injuries due to my crazy adventurous side. I feel like I have had many chapters in my life; like I have reinvented myself many times. Thanks - monica
By Doris, Friday, January 16, 2009 03:04:07 PM
HI SYLVIA,You are so right when you said that sagittarians are home bodies,but when we do go out its awhile befor we make it back home.My husband says i have no sence of time when i go anywhere.I have a sister named sylvia,so i always thought of her when i watched you on montel.When you read this i hope you will think of me.I love you...........Doris
By otesa, Thursday, January 15, 2009 06:18:47 PM
Sylvia,I am a 35 year old sagittarian and yes your description is so true! My husband is a virgo need i say more..Love you
By LaVonne, Thursday, January 15, 2009 09:39:21 AM
Both my husband and I are Sagttarians. It has been fun to say the least. We have been together 19 years and marriend 18. Now this is funny, We are 11 years 11 days 11 hours and 11 minutes apart in age. CRAZY huh? We seem to be able to read each other minds but at the same time we can't communicate without arguing. It's weird I know. I am a very on the go kind of person. I can get up out of bed, get dressed and out the door in a matter of 2-3 minutes. My husband on the other hand prcratinates to no end. His minute is equal to an hour most of the time. I like to get things done so I don't have to leave the house again. Once I'm out i'm out for the long run and running everywhere I need to go and get everything in one shot. My husband on the other hand likes to run to the store, come home wait for a whle then run again. I like to be early for everything and he waits till the last minute to go anywhere and we are ALWAYS late. If we had to be somewhere at say 10 am, I'd tell him we had to be there by 9:30. He caught on to that, it only took him 10 years to figure that out. Now I don't know what to do. It drives me CRAZY. All in all it has been fun. I know we will be togther for the rest of our lives. I wouldn't have it any other way.
By Lisa, Thursday, January 15, 2009 02:24:48 AM
I thought these things were my bi-polar, among other mental and physical issues I have. Definitely waiting to bloom, I'm 42 on 11-24-08. I love you so much Sylvia and I've longed to speak with you for so many years. Someday, some life(although Chris told me this is my last incarnation)I hope to tell you how you've helped me. You and through you, Chris, are the only ones I believe in this way and I thank you both for that. So hard to trust anyone else. So thankyou again and again. Love and peace always...Lisa
By Lisa, Thursday, January 15, 2009 02:09:43 AM
By Cindy, Wednesday, January 14, 2009 11:05:25 AM
Hello Sylvia, I am a Pisces living with my Sagittarian boyfriend, who happens to be 13 yrs older than me. We get along fine actually. He is very loving, caring, and definately keeps the peace. He has lived in this town and worked at the same place his entire life. Very much unlike me! I don't know if we're marriage material, but we certainly harmonize. A charming wonderful friend for life for sure. :) God Bless, Cindy
By Marie Josee, Tuesday, January 13, 2009 04:00:52 PM
I look forward to the full bloom in my later days. I am 59 at this time. I always liked being a Sagittarian Thanks Sylvia

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