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Seeing Signs from The Universe
by Carla M. Blaha

If you think it’s a sign it IS a sign. How often have you said something to the effect of, “It’s my deceased Aunt’s birthday and I was thinking of her favorite song and I put the radio on that song was playing?” Come on now, we all have had this kind of stuff happen.  It happens all the time, just start to notice. 

Most signs are written off to mere chance or coincidence. I know it is cliché but there are no coincidences. When these lovely synchronistic events happen we should acknowledge them and say thank you. You will get even more.

Signs are given to us for several reasons. Signs can actually warn us about something, help us to make a good decision, let us know our loved one is still near, and can let us know we are not alone. We can call upon God/Universe/Spirit anytime to deliver us a sign.

Believe Believe Believe

The key to so much of this work is sincere belief. If you are thinking about your old college friend (for no reason) and you can’t get them off of your mind and then their name comes up out of the blue, NOT coincidence. Maybe you should call them. If you are asking for a sign and you get it don’t second guess the sign.  Remember a sign is a sign, is a sign.

We can receive signs in any form. But, there are several tried and true signs that are given: pennies, feathers, and numbers for example, 111, 333, 777. 

Just try it. Sincerely ask for a specific sign like a feather or penny to answer your question and I bet you get it!

Carla Blaha is a spiritual writer who is an intuitive and Reiki Healer. She has studied and practiced Metaphysics for many years.

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By carla, Wednesday, November 03, 2010 05:52:20 PM
Amber, I would continue meditating. Keep a journal on what you see and feel. As you continue you may find things become more clear. You may be seeing energy right now.
By Amber, Tuesday, September 14, 2010 05:35:57 PM
I had the crazy thing happen well mediating I started getting flashes of pictures, and pictures i have never seen before, I guess that have not happened yet, i had asked for help per to mediating from the angels, And then latter that week i was sitting with my eyes closed and I started getting flashing pictures of Green mound Bushes and in between flashes I would see the same picture only it was light up in a way that was odd Balls of light were on it? Does anybody know what this means
By Patricia, Thursday, August 05, 2010 09:45:08 AM
In my day to day living, I often see signs but I am too busy and preoccupied to take note and listen. You're right. If only we learn to slow down and trust our instincts, we'd have greater guidance from the universe.
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