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Understanding Past Lives
By Carla Blaha

We have all had that feeling upon meeting someone, albeit rare, that there is an instant click, that feeling of comfort and fit. You may say, “I feel like I’ve known you for years.” Well, guess what, you have and it might be more years than you can even imagine.

The idea of past lives is not a new one but one that has not been generally recognized in our mainstream culture. Yet, it is becoming more widely accepted today, probably due to the rise in Spiritual thinking and the fact it “makes sense” to many people.

Dr. Brian Weiss M.D, author of, Many Lives, Many Masters really brought the concept of past lives and past life regression out of the closet.  As a well respected Yale graduate, Dr. Weiss’ findings helped to show the possibility if not proof, to some, that past lives exist.

The concept of past lives is really very simply. We reincarnate to learn lessons and raise our spiritual awareness which in return raises our frequency and brings us closer to the Source God/Goddess. 

With each incarnation we are given opportunities with people and situations to complete spiritual contracts.  The people we reincarnate with (even if we don’t like them), we learn valuable lessons from. How many bad situations taught you a really BIG lesson?

We travel our lifetimes with many of the same people. We can switch roles in the relationship, for example, your mother might be your sister and your husband might have been your brother. Each time we do this we learn more and are able to move on to other lessons. So that old adage, “You better learn your lesson”, is truer than we know.

So, the next time you have the opportunity to learn, try.

Carla Blaha is a spiritual writer who is an intuitive and Reiki Healer. She has studied and practiced Metaphysics for many years.

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By gail, Tuesday, September 28, 2010 08:20:43 AM
very interesting blog. I have had those moments of "knowing" someone when I clearly have never met them before. It's comforting to believe/feel that I might have known them in a different capacity and that I'm not crazy!
By Diane, Friday, August 13, 2010 09:59:20 PM
Interesting that I came upon this tonight. I was explaining the concept of "soul groups" to my sister, and we began talking about our mother, who passed away almost 17 years ago. I said that she had probably reincarnated, and could be a 16-year-old girl or boy, possibly living somewhere nearby. My sister then asked me, jokingly, how old my father's new wife's grandchildren are. I'd never thought about it, but it was an OMG moment. My father's wife has only one granddaughter, and her granddaughter is 16! If the "soul groups" theory holds any weight whatsoever, and knowing my mother, let's just say I wouldn't be at all surprised. Too bad I've never met, and probably never will meet, the granddaughter. Unless it's meant to be at some point. I hope it's meant to be.
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