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Watch Sylvia's Latest TV Appearance
by Sylvia Browne

I had a great time back on The Mike & Juliet Show on FOX this past Tuesday. It's always fun being back on television after some time away since Montel finished.

If you missed my TV appearance, click here to watch the video replay from the Mike & Juliet Show website.

Even more good news is that I will be back on The Morning Show with Mike & Juliet in April. Stay tuned for the exact date. I will have more details on in the coming weeks.

Love Always,

Sylvia Browne

PS. Remember the next time you can see me will be Wednesday, March 26, 2009 on for my next Web Class. If you haven’t done so yet, click here to register now and send me your question!

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Sandy, Friday, March 27, 2009 11:15:10 AM
Hi Sylvia, I enjoyed the web class with you and Chris together. Please do future classed together. I also would tune in to Chris doing his own web class. Thanks Sandy WA
By Sheryl, Friday, March 27, 2009 01:40:51 AM
Hi Sylvia, You and Chris work very well together, loved the webcast tonight. I would love to see Chris continue to do readings with you and would enjoy tuning in for his own webcast. I had a reading with him several months ago and truly enjoyed it. I highly recommend that others sign up for a reading with him as well. Yes, I remain on your waiting list, as do many others. Love you and thank you both for everything you do, Sheryl
By Sandra, Thursday, March 26, 2009 10:23:47 PM
Hey Sylvia, watched the webcast tonite. Just wanted to comment on Chris doing his own webcast. That would be great, really enjoyed seeing him with you, but not on the same nite of the month as your webcast; and/or do every other webcast with you and Chris, then the next month the webcast would be just you. Bottom line want to continue to see both of you. Many blessing... Sand
By Terry, Thursday, March 26, 2009 10:13:24 PM
Oh yes I almost forgot. Who is my spirit guide? LOL Truly when I was a child and at the hospital an old man with white beard and white hair sat by me at the hospital while I awaited news on my brother...He reassured me that all would be okay. His name was Mr Shoemacher....? Angel? When I turned to tell my Mom about him he was gone. I just cant say enough about how much you have helped me....So glad I heard Chris again tonight too! If I had the money I would have a reading with you or your wonderful son. Bless you both
By Terry, Thursday, March 26, 2009 10:09:45 PM
Hi Sylvia! Bummer my question again never got read but it must not be meant to be...I worry that the reason you don't read mine is because it is negative. I dont have much luck...that will teach me for being such an onry kid;. Anyway I love your web casts and miss you on montel. I try to schedule work around you webcast. OH CHRIS you are wonderful too! You are both truly blessed and you use your gifts to help others....thankyou!
By Denise, Thursday, March 26, 2009 09:29:17 PM
Hi Sylvia, I tried to tune in on March 26th, with my a question I had forwarded to you, however, I had problems with the video.. Bless you Denise
By Loretta, Thursday, March 26, 2009 09:22:11 PM
HI Slyvia, I Love ooy. I hope tpbe moving in about a year do you this this is a good thing will I finally find peace within my self and others? Love ya Loretta
By Catherine, Thursday, March 26, 2009 07:10:48 PM
HeySylvia Just Wanted to know is the Questions randomly picked? Just havent heard my Question just Curious on how it works Love you Always Sylvia xoxoxoxo
By diane, Thursday, March 26, 2009 01:09:41 PM
Hey Sylvia! I just can't wait to see you tonight~you truly are an inspiration! The Drs. say my hubby is terminally ill and he is a SHRIMPER~so finances have been bad for a looong time~ I pray they are wrong and we don't lose everything~ I hope you have good news for us all tonight!HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL!! God bless & thanks girl~ you are such a LoVe! See u tonight~ Hugs~ di
By Nancy, Monday, March 16, 2009 09:01:21 AM
Sylvia, God, how I miss you every Wednesday on Montel. You always projected positive energy to me when I watched. For some reason it felt as my mom was within you. I miss her greatly and seeing you on the show reminds me of her for some reason. She passed away when I was a senior in high school and I felt I never got the chance to meet the real person she was. I never feel her presence around me since she died, or my husband for that matter. How can I can I do this? Thank you so much, Nancy

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