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Ways to Increase Your Psychic Ability
by Carla Blaha

We all have it. Yes, you do! It is just that simple. We all have the ability to tune into the Universe and “hear” what it wants to tell us.

You must realize that the gut instinct we all have is us already “connecting” to the Universe/God/Goddess. We just have to exercise it like any other muscle.  It gets tired, needs care and begins to atrophy when not used.

There are several things you can do to increase your natural abilities.

1. The basics: Eat well and stay as far from chemicals as possible. Chemicals in food and air can definitely jam your frequencies. Treat your body well.

2. Sleep. Get that shut eye you are going to need it.

3. Relaxation: You can do this by meditating, visualizing, or being out of doors. We are all made up of energy and are all connected to Mother Earth.3

4. Breathing: Most folks just don’t breathe the correct way. We tend to be shallow breathers. For relaxation breathing, take a long slow breath in through your nose. Hold 4 counts and exhale a controlled release for 4 counts. Do this several times slowly. It immediately puts you in the here and now. Must easier to connect.

5. If you become more serious you can take psychic development classes, find a circle group to work in, or find a mentor.

6. Now just listen. You will see, hear or feel things. It is not your imagination, gut instinct remember.

7. Books, books, books always help.

These simple techniques will help you be more open to receive the information that is already being sent to you. You just need to be ready to receive it and BELIEVE.

Carla Blaha is a spiritual writer who is an intuitive and Reiki Healer. She has studied and practiced Metaphysics for many years.

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By carla, Wednesday, November 03, 2010 05:58:41 PM
Absolutely. Being a skeptic is very good. Believe it or not I am too. We all have this ability. If you are willing to believe and be open, it does.
By Dev, Monday, September 06, 2010 12:27:50 AM
Does this really work? I know I sound like a skeptic and I might not be the first,but does it really work?
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