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What are Nature Spirits?
Nature Spirits, also known as Elementals, are mystical creatures that live in the spirit realm of the elements. The elements are Earth, Water, Fire and Air. They exist in the ethereal world. These are spirits who govern nature. That’s a pretty big job!

Many think that the planet could not exist without Nature Spirits. Nature Spirits work hard to keep the planet running as it does. However, with all the natural disasters the Nature Spirits are working overtime trying to help Mother Earth recover and find balance.

It is believed Nature’s way of communicating with humans is through the Nature Spirits.  Several well Known people throughout history have shown to believe in Nature spirits for example, Thomas Edison and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Nature Spirits and Elements

Earth: Gnomes are associated with the element of Earth. They are formless but can take human form by changing their vibration.  They help us with the basic energy of life. They have the reputation of being able to bring great sadness; I guess that means don’t get them angry.  Ancient legend depicts them in caves watching over treasure.

Water: Undines are associated with the element of Water. They are involved in emotions and spiritual issues.  They take form in our imaginations as Mermaids and Nymphs. They are friendly and can be beautiful.

Fire: Salamanders are associated with Fire. They are involved in Impulse, rebellion, and help us develop power.

Air: Sylphs are associated with Air. They feed the mind, inspire us and help us develop mystical powers. They are ethereal light beings. They can present like faeries. The Sylphs vibrate at the highest rate of all the Nature Spirits.

It is a wonder how nature works and recovers herself. Maybe nature is getting a little help?

Carla Blaha is a spiritual writer who is an intuitive and Reiki Healer. She has studied and practiced Metaphysics for many years.

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By Tana, Saturday, February 19, 2011 04:21:59 AM
Many authentic psychics get help from spirit guides in order to give accurate readings
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