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What Is A Doppleganger?
by Carla Blaha

Everyone has a double or at least that’s what they say. But, what does that really mean? Is it a person that resembles you?  Do they have the same hair, eyes and build? Or is it the exact double of you? I mean exact.

A Doppelganger is a tangible double of a living person or as some say the ghost of a living person. It is the exact same person. Barring one small difference the Doppelganger is usually the "bad twin."

It is common in today’s standards to use the word Doppelganger loosely. It is usually used when referring to someone who really  just resembles someone else. 

Doppelganger is derived from a German word meaning “double-goer.” Many cultures subscribe to the Doppelganger theory but call it by different names. Doppelgangers have been referenced in literature and folk-lore for years and are usually shown to be evil or implying impending death. In folk-lore Doppelgangers have no reflection or shadow much like a Vampire. It is rare, if ever, that Doppelgangers are projected as loving and kind.

Medical studies have shown that when a certain section of the brain is stimulated people will see, in their periphery, their Doppelganger and be able to describe what he or she is doing. One could argue that a Doppelganger can then be explained scientifically. However, one might, as easily argue that when the brain is stimulated our perception changes and we can see with a new set of eyes. Some believe that a person can actually inadvertently or by will project their Doppelganger to a remote location.

So, do you subscribe to the adage everyone has a double? Or do you take it one step further and call them Doppelgangers?

Carla Blaha is a spiritual writer who is an intuitive and Reiki Healer. She has studied and practiced Metaphysics for many years.

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