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What The Other Side Looks Like
by Sylvia Browne

Don't you get tired of hearing that the Other Side is "more beautiful than you can imagine," as if that will somehow help us picture it? First of all, if it's more beautiful that we can imagine, why bother trying to imagine it? Second of all, with a vague description like that, no wonder it's tempting to think that maybe the Other Side is really nothing but a pretty fairy tale after all.

The truth is, The Other Side is exquisitely beautiful. But we don't have to imagine it, any more than we have to imagine our own hometowns. Its stunning images are indelibly etched in our spirit memories. We all came from The Other Side, we've returned there many times between lives, and we'll joyfully live there again when this life ends. And, believe it or not, we're all so homesick for The Other Side that every one of us travels there astrally, during sleep, at least two or three times a week, we just don't consciously remember it.

The Other Side is a perfect mirror image of earth's natural topography. Our seven continents; our mountain ranges, plains, and deserts; our oceans, seas, and rivers; our forests, jungles, islands, foothills, and every other work of nature on earth all exists in their original perfection on The Other Side. Because there is no erosion, pollution or destruction there, the mountain ranges are as sharp and soaring, the bodies of water are as pure and azure blue, and the coastline are as ruggedly intact as they were here thousands and thousands of years ago. On The Other Side, where time does not exist, where every living thing always was and always will be, nothing ages, nothing rots, nothing corrodes. Every square inch of land and water is magnificently, eternally new.

That includes earth's two lost continents. Atlantis thrives in the ocean on The Other Side that corresponds to our Atlantic, and in their Pacific lies the huge, flourishing continent of LeMuria.

This is just the beginning of what The Other Side looks like. I will share more about The Other Side with you in other blog posts here at! 

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By patrick, Tuesday, May 12, 2009 08:55:25 AM
well syvia I just like to know. hows my dad . and has he any messeges for me! O! hows Max!
By Connie, Friday, May 08, 2009 06:43:47 AM
Hi Sylvia, I love you. I had a waking dream one time and I saw the other side it was absolutely the most beautiful places I've ever seen in this life time. There was every color imaginable, of flowers and greenery. The sun was shining, it was amazing, it was truely like a dream, but I was awake. Thanks. Connie
By Cheryl, Thursday, November 20, 2008 05:51:51 PM
Sylvia I hope you found your soul mate.It proves that you are never too old to find true love.I hope you will let us see your ring next time.I am 53 and have watched you for years and read some of your books.yOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL PERSON INSIDE AND OUTSIDE.God bless you and your new love.I have been with my husband 32 years. Cheryl Cherry Hamilton
By Beverley, Wednesday, November 12, 2008 01:34:39 AM
Sylvia, I am awed by many of your revelations about the other side. I lived in Hell for 2 days. That was 31 years ago. I had no heart beat or pulse and my skin was cold and clammy. I heard men in chains moaning through the night and in the morning my boots were warm. There was a fresh spot of blood on the floor each day. I lost a Thursday in time. My faith is God is unwavering but I know what I experienced. It does exist. Beverley
By Beverley, Wednesday, November 12, 2008 01:22:06 AM
By Laura, Friday, October 31, 2008 03:51:18 AM
Dear Sylvia, When I was about 7 months pregnant with my first daughter, my favorite Aunt died. When I was waiting for my husband to bring the car to the door of the hospital, I felt someone hug me from behind--but there was nobody in the room with me. I believe it was my Aunt. Thank you, Laura
By Sharon, Sunday, October 26, 2008 01:31:47 PM
Hi Sylvia...I am a member of Novus Spiritus, our group is in Williamstown New Jersey, We have volunteered many, many times to help work at your lectures in Philadelphia and New York. It is our only opportunity to see you here on the other coast :) I never get tired of listening to you and learning all I can from your knowledge. It helps me stayed focused on my mission in this lifetime of caregiving to the brain damaged and developmentally disabled. It can be very difficult sometimes because their need is great. Right now I am taking care of my brain damaged son and another little guy whom I brought into my home 11 years ago to care for. He was brain damaged from his mother's drug use and is also blind. Neither of my boys can speak but can use sign language to convey their needs. I also work full time in a day program for developmentally challenged adults. I thank Mother and Father God every day for their love and presence in my life. Thank you for answering my question of when my lifemate would come into my life. Although it won't be until 2013 I look forward to that time coming. Love to all, Sharon Vernon
By Barbara, Sunday, October 26, 2008 01:51:17 AM
My husband strangled me once. Had no heartbeat or pulse,I am sure I was dead. I saw woods on one side of the path I was walking up,green grass on the other side. I had no thoughts of what am I doing or where am I. It semed like I was just taking a nice walk thinking of nothing. My body was there but I had no thoughts of heat or cold , I was just having a wonderful walk, nice and soothing.I came out of this peaceful walk with husband shaking and crying and pushing on my chest, saying I had no heartbeat or pulse and he said I was dead. Was this heaven??
By Sheila, Thursday, October 23, 2008 09:40:53 PM
Dear Sylvia Thank you so much. I read your book "Temples on the Other Side" and while I was reading the book, I saw you on Montel show. Your book has given me so much peace in my life. I know there is a better place. I was also going to ask you a question about my mother, but there are more people in need of your service and you have already done enough for me. Thank you
By Irene, Thursday, October 23, 2008 08:25:17 PM
Hi Sylvia, it's Irene from WA. I have one dream that has stayed with me for a very long time. I was dreaming of an acting group and all of us were going to an old theater to practice. On the way I went past the most beautiful Gold columned building I had ever seen. I just stood there and stared at it then went on to our play practce. This is one building that could only be "on the other side". Love and prayers, Irene from WA.

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