Temples on the Other Side and Their Meaning: A Special Guided Tour

by Sylvia Browne

Dear Friend,

Learning about the Temples and Halls on the Other Side can help to improve your life now, here on Earth. Today I share with you a special guided tour of three of the most important Temples and Halls, and a meditation you can do to enter the Temple of Orientation. As you will learn, each Temple and Hall serves a specific purpose that is important to us.

I thought there were only four or five significant halls on the Other Side, but Francine said, "Oh no, there are at least 20, each with a different purpose." And when I wondered why she hadn't told me about them before, Miss Smarty said, "You never asked." (I think that in the future, I'll just automatically tack on to my questions, "Is that all, or is there more information that you aren't telling me?")

The Temple of Orientation

Going back through these first few halls helps us get accustomed to being back Home. My spirit guide says that the only ones who don't seem to need this process are the entities who die very young (before the age of six) because they were on the Other Side so recently that they have total recall. The longer we're incarnated on Earth, however, the more we need a full orientation. Even more important, we find that although we want to get, "back in the groove," as quickly as possible, we're not really able to do so on our own.

The Temple of Orientation glows with a soft and beautiful white light (much like the tunnel we pass through to get to and from the Other Side) and is Romanesque in design, yet it's not as ornate as you'll find some of the other halls to be. It also isn't very elaborate inside; in fact, you might even say that it's somewhat spartanly furnished compared to the other buildings we'll be exploring in this book. Its furnishings reflect its purpose - everything is all business, for this temple's very important purpose is to lessen the trauma suffered by all souls going in and out of life.

If you are an incoming soul, you sit down with a counselor (orientator) in one of the cubicles. While the Temple of Orientation is always full, amazingly there's plenty of room for everyone, along with enough orientators to meet everyone's needs rapidly and efficiently. Your orientator talks softly to you in a private place to answer any questions that you might have, reminding you that you are safe and back Home. You may still be somewhat disoriented, but memories are flooding back to you of the life you just lived and how you died (Only a few of those who pass don't remember such details at this point). You'll find that you're much more relaxed, and the first wonderful rays of realization that you're truly Home begin to form.

The Hall of Wisdom

The next site on our "tour" is the Hall of Wisdom. The very name implies that its function is to help us understand what life is on this planet is about and what is to be learned from it.

Like the Temple of Orientation, the Hall of Wisdom is a huge Romaneque structure. You may wonder why so many buildings on the Other Side reflect this type of architecture. Well, it has existed for an eternity over there - so in actuality the ancient Romans (along with the Greeks, Egyptians, and members of every other civilization throughout history) duplicated what was infused to them from beyond the veil. In fact, Francine states that everything that is beautiful and useful on Earth first existed on the Other Side and was then infused into the minds of the appropriate architects, inventors, doctors, researchers and scientists so that it would become a reality to benefit our world.

The Hall of Wisdom boasts grand columns and seven white marble steps leading up to golden doors. Almost all of the temples that have that number of steps before their entrances because Francine says that the numbers 7, 9, and 11 tend to repeat often on the Other Side. When you go inside, you notice that it's like a cathedral, with towering colonnades and a beautiful stained-glass skylight that is absolutely massive in scope. There is also a multitude of lovely white cushioned benches scattered about the enormous marble floor.

You go to sit on one of these benches when a large convex glass appears out on the floor. This apparatus is called a "scanning machine" because it shows you every aspect of your life as if on a television or a movie screen. You can view each event, action, episode, and emotion or your just-lived existence in vivid color and in stereo. While you might be concerned that this process takes you almost as long to watch is as it did to live, remember that there is no such thing as time on the Other Side, although it does seem to go at a faster face, almost as if it's compressed. It's very much like how so many people say that their life "flashed" in front of them during a brush with death.

You can start and stop the scanner, take mental notes, and see how well you deal with a particular situation or what the best possible way to handle it would have been (almost like a perfect solution scenario). Because, although your life was charted, everything depends on your outlook and what you learned. You can then decide if you want to come back into life and experience something that you left undone.

After you're done scanning your just-lived life, then you'll take some time to meditate and contemplate what you've been through so far. It's like one long book of existence, with each life or chapter adding to the next - all of your trials and tribulations, as well as your joys, have brought you to this point of spirituality.

The Hall of Justice

The Hall of Justice is a sanctuary where the revered Council of Elders meets to advise all those in need. It's the smallest of the three main temples (the Hall of Wisdom, Justice and Records) that are grouped together and built in a Romanesque theme, with large entrance pillars and grand golden domes. However, the Hall of Justice has two distinguishing features: (1) a very impressive and treasured statue of the Mother God, Azna, at its entrance and (2) illustrious gardens.

It's interesting to note that the Council does have a hierarchy which is revealed in how they sit at their table when they convene. Their table is square shaped and open on one end, and the head of the Council sits opposite of the middle of the open portion, with other members gathering in descending rank on both his right and left sides. Where a member sits has more to do with honor than anything relating to his or her power, although Francine says that the head of the Council does exert great influence on its guidance and decisions. (By the way, she tells me his name is Malachi and he's a wonderfully kind and wise man.) She notes that there are 22 Elders at the present time, and the number for all practical purposes doesn't change.

If you feel that something is unfinished or unjust, the Council can be of great assistant to you. You'd go over your issue with the members and even invite them to scan your life with you. If you so choose, but they always respect the privacy between you and God. Your guide is also in attendance and helps to explain the reason why you did what you did (without offering excuses). You then have the opportunity to look back over what happened to see if you could have handled it with more grace, less guilt, more courage, fewer cross words, or what have you; and this doesn't disturb the major highway of your chart. Perhaps you stayed too long at one stop or should have speeded up at another..you got where you had to go, but being human, you probably did make things far more difficult than they should have been.

The Elders will also quell your fears about some occurrences that was nightmarish and explain why your chart took your there and why you did such and such. In other words, they help you justify your existence and actions. Members of the Council answer your queries and truly council you. They make no judgments and don't make you feel guilty in any way, but rather pointedly ask questions in order to assist you. For example, they're almost sure to ask if you would have handled a particular situation differently; and, if so, what you would have done instead. Then the Elders will show you the outcome if you would have chosen a so-called differ4ent road. While almost any path you choose keeps you on track, some are filled with more hardships than others.

The Council will try to create justice in all aspects of our lives - and what's even more important, keep us from creating excessive karma for ourselves. How many times do you know that a situation is hopeless but we keep on beating ourselves up to make it right? WE stay in the same place or circumstance longer than we need to and suffer needlessly. We've learned and overlearned our lesson, so we don't have to victimize ourselves by hanging on and creating havoc, illness, and depression in our lives.

Even if we did happen to go off track, this wonderful Council helps us see why we did so and then asks the all-important questions: "Do you want to take on another life under similar circumstances and try to do better? Or would you rather work it out here [on the Other Side]?" Now this is by no means the only reason why we live other lives, but it does happen. Most of the time, of course, we take on further incarnations because we want to learn for God.

Love always,

Sylvia Browne

P.S. To learn more about the Temples and Halls on The Other Side, read my book Temples and Halls from The Other Side.