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Welcome Angel Lovers. It's time to say "HALO" to the first episode of Guardian Angel TV, your inside info to those Heavenly helpers we call Angels.
Today we're going to start with the basics. Just what is an Angel?
Well it's a baseball team, a TV show with a guy named Charlie, an investor who fronts the cash for that big idea of yours and of course, everybody loves the Victoria Secret Angels!
But the real "honest to God" Angels are much more than all of that!
The first thing you have to know about angels is that there's a hierarchy or levels of the winged wonders.
At the top of the Angel food chain there are Seraphims, then Cherubims, then Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities and then finally the two types we're most familiar with: Archangels and Angels.
Now don't let think that Archangels and Angels are low on the celestial totem pole.
They're powerful beings who have a hotline to heaven.
The word Angel comes from the Greek word ANGELOS which means Messenger and that's exactly what Angels are...messengers from God. But they can also be our messengers to God.
The good news is, their job is to love us, guide us and help us become the best we can be.
The bad news is that they're not that easy to see, you have to really pay attention to get what they're trying to say.
And they are a lot smarter than we are so you can't pull the etherial wool over their eyes.
Basically an angel is that friend that gives you unconditional love and support but won't put up with you trying to con him.
Angels are all around us, in a breeze, a rainbow, or a smile from a stranger. All it takes is an open mind, a pure heart and to believe.