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April 15th, 2008 WEB CLASS

Here are the questions we have for Sylvia this month. Our computer system randomly posts questions each month. Not all questions are shown on the website. However, all questions are submitted to Sylvia in advance of the Web Class. Please scroll through the list to see if the computer posted your question

Want to ask your own? Click here to register for her webcast and send in your question!

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251.  God bless you Sylvia and your beautiful family for being so giving. We are all truly blessed to have you. I pray that you will choose my question or win the reading someday.I want to know if my 3 children 16,14,&4 and I will be alright. And what else can I do that I am not doing. I truly am doing the best I can. If there is someone who can help me I would desperately like to know.We love you.This is my last life isnt it? It is so hard.Thank you so much.I aske for all the angels I can get everyday. I believe they are there its just that sometimes it really doesnt seem that way. I apologize for sounding so ungrateful, I just want my kids to be happy. And i know people love me but will anyone truly love us all. That would make me very happy. I am sorry this is so long, god bless you and your family and thank you for all that you do. Linda in Wa. State.

252.  should I have the surgery on my leg, if I do, Will I come thru it alright?

253.  Hi Sylvia this Margarita and i will like to know if i should start my own web business and if i do would it be successful. One last thing, is it possible for you to tell me whats my theme in life.

254.  Dear Sylvia, You have kept me sane all these years through troubled times. Thank you for your honesty and generosity of spirit. Can you please tell me my spirit guide's name? Thank you. Love, Sandi Nielsen

255.  Please help me!!! How will my son's court case come out? We really would like to see my grandson on a regular bases. thanks, deb

256.  I love seeing you and Chris together. You remind me so much of my mom the way you talk about your son ;) Will I ever have my own little dancer?

257.  Hi Sylvia. I am hoping to be able to join you on your cruise coming up in November; it would be an honor to meet you one day. My question to you is do you see my husband and I working through our problems and staying together or is there going to be a divorce in my future?

258.  Sylvia, I really enjoy your monthly webcasts and look forward to the new books you publish. Sylvia, my question is what career should I go into? I feel like I should be doing something more with my life but I have no idea what that is. I would greatly appreciate any information you could give me. Brooke in California

259.  Dear Sylvia, Thanks for all your inspiration. Having been in a desert period for some time now I would like to break free and get on with life, but am unsure what to do or avenue to take. What path do you see me taking now? Also, will my daughter find her lifemate any time soon? Thanks so much. Cindy in New Mexico P.S. Would love to see your son Chris have his own webcast!

260.  am i on the right path to fulfilling my preordained chart?

261.  Hi Sylvia, I just wanted to say you are the best. I would like to know if my husband will get a better paying job or will I find a job that I might like that could help?

262.  Hello Sylvia and Christopher, Thank you so much for all that you do! My question is... When will I find someone that will be a perfect(nothing is always perfect, but close) match for me and who will be good for my son? Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Julia Litwin & son Ryan Brown

263.  Hi Sylvia, I am 40 years old and still feel confused about a career choice for myself. I am slowly sinking financially and was wondering if you could tell me what is the best way for me to be financially secure and what time frame for this to happen. Thank you for your time. Lori benham

264.  Will have find a home this year? Will I have kids in the future?

265.  Sylvia-will my financial situation ever get better and when?

266.  Dearest Sylvia and Chris! I love you both so much! I am so greatful to both of you for those great things what you have done to other people! Wishing you both long years to live and the best health! I would like to find out: would I ever be able to get a full custody of my son and bring him here to USA all by myself, or with a help of someone new and significant one in my life? thank you very much, love, Nataliya

267.  Sylvia, Thank you very much for sharing your gifts and wisdom. My question is "What kind of work should I go into and where should I live." Thank you. Omar

268.  Hi Sylvia, My name is Jenn and I would like to know if the man that I'm with right now is who I'm supposed to be with. Also, I'd like to know what it is that I'm supposed to do with my artistic abilities and how to get started on that path. Thank you for your time.

269.  Will I have a relationship with Joel that will lead to marriage and if so, when?

270.  hi sylvia my name is Beatriz my question is regarding my brother jorge and my sisters marge and nancy will they be okay? thank you, with much love and respect.

271.  Would you please tell me the name of my next husband? Thank you, Margie

272.  Will my husband obtain a permanent job where he is currently working as a temporary employee?

273.  Hi Sylvia, I was wondering if I'm going to lose my job? Kim

274.  sylvia, my name is nikki, thankyou for taking my question i am wondering if i should go into nursing. will my family be ok financially. i dont want to get stuck not knowing what to do if something ever happened to my husband. thankyou and godbless you

275.  I lost my husband right about 22 years ago to the day, and my daughter has always longed for her father. I know there are several spirits around us and the one in her home likes to mess around with her. Until recently the baby could not sleep through the night so I really don't think it is him. How do we find out who is here with us?

276.  Hi Sylvia, My question for you is do you see me doing anything with my life and whats my Life's theme? Thank you, Teresa Valverde

277.  Dear Sylvia can you tell me my mothers parent first names ~ Were they Ann & Phillip? If not Why would Ann file a restraining order against Phillip? Thank You, Joanne From CA

278.  Dear,Sylvia, Thank you for being Wonderful you! My question is: I had a dream that I won $5 million dollars over 10 years ago. Since I don't have a job, a home of my own or a car this money would really help me! Do you think this dream will finally come true for me and I could get home to be with my family? Loved seeing your son work with you on the March webcast! Thanking you - Christine

279.  Dear Sylvia, my daugter is almost 11 months old and still wakes frequently during the night. I feel like I hardly ever sleep! I don't have the heart to let her cry herself to sleep. I have tried release prayers when we first go to sleep, but they didn't seem to help her sleep any more that normal. My husband & I are greatful for a beautiful, healthy, & happy child, we would all do much better if we could get some sleep at night! Thank you for your help! Love, Rebecca

280.  sylvia, please tell me where connies money is it is so important to so many i have watched all you tv appearences and all your webcasts and really hope you finally pick my question i really need hope right now brenda

281.  Hi Sylvia: I would like to know my life themes? Thank you for taking the time to help us with our questions. Chris is great, it was nice to see him. Cynthia

282.  HI...This is Jan from your show...would like to know if I should retire in 2 years when I'm 60 years or should I continue to work at the same job. Thank you!

283.  Hey Sylvia I just love watching you and your son. I hope this time my question can be answered, I know you have so many asking you questions and it's hard getting to everyone. I just would like to know if I will ever truly fall in love with someone again and will that someone fall in love with me just as much as I love them and will it last?

284.  Sylvia, Thank you for all your teachings thru your books and lectures. Will we sell our house at the asking price ?soon ? and will we be happy in the home we are looking at? Linda

285.  Sylvia, I want to thank you for everything you have taught me through your lectures and your books. My dream is to meet you personally one day and be able to talk to you. My question is what is my spirit guides name and does my father have a message for me? Thank you, Annette From Ft Pierce, Florida

286.  What will my new job be? When?

287.  Hi Sylvia, Thanks for all you and your son do for so many people. Question is: since my husband passed, I am not sure about direction for me. Do you see me staying where I am presently, or moving to another area and will the business I am involved in take care of my financial needs. Thanks for answering my question, Beverly

288.  Dear Sylvia, I have been following you since I saw you on channel 5 in San Fracisco, Will I ever be sucessful fiber artist, I make dolls? Thank you for your advice. Denise R.

289.  Sylvia, I'm Candice and my dad just recently died in December 2009. He had bone cancer and infection throughout his body. He had trouble speaking and was talking to me (I could not understand him) and he was so frustrated that I couldn't understand what he was saying. Can you tell me what he was trying to say to me? Thank you for all you do. I love you!

290.  I would like to know if this is my last life and how soon will it end.

291.  Hi Sylvia, Thank you for all you do for us. My question is this,, Will my son come back from Iraq safely? Thank you very much. Huggs Eileen H

292.  Hi Sylvia,my name is Faye & I wanted to know what my spirit guides name is? Also if I will be able to get moved back to the Salt Lake City area of Utah & when that will happen? Will I be in a job that will allow me to help animals & people? Thank you so much for being you & all the help that you do. Also thanks for having your church the study group people are great helps for me.

293.  PLEASE HELP! When will my fam. & I find our new house? Single family or townhouse? It is getting very 'hairy' here where we live. Thanks & God Bless, Renee (plainville,ma)

294.  First of all, thank you for having answers to my many questions about religion, things make more sense now. My question...just my Spirit Guide's name. Blessings to you & yours. -Cheryl

295.  Hello Sylvia, I cannot thank you enough for everything you and Chris do for the world. You both truly are blessings, you have had such an impact on my life. Can you please tell me who I will marry and when? Thank you and God bless you!

296.  Sylvia I have lost so many loved ones in my life and my question is "Will I pass away before my husband and children." Also one more question please, my Mom committed suicide when I was 15 years old and I want to know if there is anything that she wants to tell me. Thanks so much, Victoria

297.  Please, I am so worried about my kids, especially my daughter. Please tell me if she is going to get thru her rough times, when and will she get into her nursing class soon? I love you and Chris, God Bless and Thank you. Theresa Schubert

298.  Thank you from my heart for introducing me to Mother God. What does God wish me to do with the rest of my life. Lots of love xxx Sue

299.  dear sylvia, i was wondering if my husband and i will stay together, and will we ever make it threw this crisies on money problems. thank you and love you tracey kelso, lake city, iowa

300.  I like to know who my spirit guide is or my animal totem or my lifes theme but I am really sorry about the misunderstanding with my reading apppointment with Chris . After he did not call I just was not sure if I had the right people or some one that was pretending to be you so thats why I canceln my credit card payment . I was just nervous that it was someone else . Anyway I am already thankful to you (Sylvia) for what you said to me 20 years ago in NY and also when my cat linus was passing over I believe you helped ,so I just want to thank you for that , that ment a lot to me and I will never forget that . Thank you for all you do and I think you are wonderful even if you dont like me . And thanks again for my daily affirmations and my horoscopes , like I said befor they help alot .

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