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What Would You Ask An Angel?
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by Sylvia Browne

Everywhere I go, people have questions about angels. "Sylvia, are angels real?" "How do I contact my angel?" "Who is my guardian angel?" These questions about angels are perfectly natural, as many of us are curious about angels and would like to know more about them!


Here are the answers to some of my most popular questions about angels. Perhaps these are some of the very questions that you have wondered about. The most important thing to know is that the angels are always with us and are ready to help us at a millisecond’s notice. So please do not feel like you are bothering the angels if you ask them for assistance with something! The angels look forward to helping you with the very big and the very small things in your life.



“Does everyone have a guardian angel?”


Yes, everyone does have a guardian angelexcept for the dark, evil entities. These negative entities seem to prefer being on their own without angelic help and appear to take their guidance from evil. But everyone else has a guardian angel that is always looking over them, guiding and protecting them throughout their lives.



“Why do angels have wings?”


I have really done some serious thinking about this one. I think that angels have wings so that it differentiates them from other entities in the spirit realms. Your loved ones do not have wings for example. Neither do your spirit guides. An angel’s wings also symbolize just how fast they can travelwe all know just how quickly an angel can be by your side. The angel’s wings also remind you that they can wrap you up lovingly in their wings in a very protective way.  



“Do angels come in different sizes or physical shapes?”


Yes, some angels are indeed very large. The Thrones and Principalities are angels that will appear as very large. But other angels can be mere inches tall. Another thing I have noticed is that there are no baby or children angelswe have seen many cherubs in artwork, but these baby-faced angels truly do not exist.



“Do angels have personalities?”


Angels have a deep serenity and a wonderful sense of intelligence. But I have never heard of them casually joking around or expressing themselves in a way that we might describe as a personality. So their idea of a personality may be much different from ours. Their personality may also be affected by the type of angel they are and what specific job or function they have.  


The angels appreciate your curiosity about them, because they want to have a close relationship with you. Angels truly want to be a part of your daily life. Keep asking questions about the angelsthey enjoy it!



Love always,


Sylvia Browne



P.S. If you have more questions about the angels, you would appreciate my Book of Angels. In this book, I discuss the ten different types of angels and how they help you in your daily life. Angelic meditations are included to help you connect and heal with the angels.


Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.



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By Taylor, Friday, August 15, 2008 08:25:05 PM
I haves some times wondered if one day I would become an angel..
By Julie, Friday, August 15, 2008 06:08:25 PM
I love this article about Angels. Of course I love all that you share with us. I have always been curious about angels and I always call on them for their guidance and help. I know they are there and I always try to remember to thank them in my prayers. To all of you reading this, if you havn't already, you have to read Sylvia's "Book of Angels". It was one of my first books of hers and it answers any question that you may have about angels. It's wonderful. Thank you Sylvia for being such an inspiration to all of us. Love & Big Hugs from Julie in Georgia :)
By patricia, Friday, August 15, 2008 12:07:28 PM
dear angel i have a very dear friend, Toni, who is having a hard time now with cancer, breast cancer. she has had surgery already and had the breast removed, now she is facing chemo therapy and financial trouble, please find a way to her.
By sharon, Friday, August 15, 2008 08:47:26 AM
Does any of my relatives come and see me and will our fiancial problems ever come to a end???
By pauline, Friday, August 15, 2008 03:51:50 AM
i remember two angles saving my life back in 1995 of july in a truck accident, im sure i did see two them. im wondering if they could help me with my problems i have like money and depression and i always wanted to be happy. how can i communicate with them, where and how? please help, thanks.
By mary, Friday, August 15, 2008 12:54:24 AM
i would like to know will i ever be happy and with who can you give a name where i will meet them? mary jo
By Deborah, Thursday, August 14, 2008 09:59:38 AM
Will my sister and I ever find our triplett.She would of been born Dec.1955 or they would have her born Feb.1956 In Chicago, Illinois. Thats when we left the hospital.
By Gloria, Thursday, August 14, 2008 08:58:36 AM
My Dad Died in 1998 and My Brother in 2004 are They together? and do they still watch over us? I lost My dog on My Dads 5th aniverity of His death. Did He come to take My Dog to Heaven?
By kendra, Wednesday, August 13, 2008 11:58:13 PM
I lost my grandmother in september of 2004,my aunt in december 2004, my grandfather in july of 2005, and my father who's death at 47 was and is still is a mystery in january of 2006. I would like to know if they ever try to contact me and I want to know if they are ok. I would also like to know if my father was murdered or if he commited suicide, or if something else happened. He was found dead in his shed in the early morning. Thank You. Kendra Keeler
By Colleen, Wednesday, August 13, 2008 12:55:29 AM
Hi Sylvia. I have seen some of the past episodes with you on Montel and it hooked me into a profound spiritual interest that I have grown back into since childhood. I am amazed at your prophetic knowlege and most admire your look at life. Some of your books have isnpired me and given a core intuition for spirituality. I would love to have the privilege of attending a show. If you ever decide to travel to Canada, my grandmother and I would love the opportunity; it would be a chance of a lifetime to have some questions answered provided they are meant to be. Thank you kindly for your time, sincerely Colleen Garrett

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