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What Are Dark Angels?
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Many people are familiar with angelsbut there are also dark angels in our midst. What are dark angels?


Many cultures discuss and define dark angels. According to Christians, dark angels are angels that have been banished from Heaven. These angels have been banished from Heaven for disobeying God in some way. In the Hindu traditions, these dark angels that do the wrong thing do not know right from wrong. But in the Christian tradition, dark angels know right from wrongand they choose to do something that is a bad.


The most popular dark angel is Lucifer. Lucifer was banished from Heaven during the Battle of Heaven and the Fall of Lucifer. God had created the angels and then he created human beings. He asked the angels to care for humankind. Lucifer refused to care for humankind. Lucifer was the first angel to rebel against God. He was the most beautiful angel and envied God so much that he wanted to receive the praise that God received. This story has been told in different ways in different cultures with some minor variations in the tale. In the Bible, it is referred to in the Book of Luke. 

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When Lucifer left Heaven, he took a third of the angels with himand these angels instantly became dark angels. These angels were different types of angels, from the very highest of the high, the Seraphim and the Cherubim, Thrones and Powers, and other angels. They now called Lucifer the Prince of Hell.


Just as people have free will to do good or evil, God has given this ability to the angels as well. The angels that choose to do evil are banished and they become dark angels.


Dark angels should not be confused with the Angel of Death. The Angel of Death comes from God and brings peace and healing. Some who have fears about death may be concerned that a dark angel would come for them or for a loved one at the end of their life. This is very untrue. A loving, healing Angel of Death comes to take you to Heaven.


The dark angel is not loving or healing. Dark angels have no respect for humankind. They spend their time trying to tempt people to do wrong and to encourage wrong-doing. Dark angels do the work of Lucifer.


Some of the most popular dark angels include:


Abaddon in Hebrew his name means "destruction." Abaddon is also part of the underworld where lost souls in some legends are said to lie in fire and snow. This is one of the places in Hell that Moses visited. Abaddon was a Seraphim angel in Heaven. 


Leviathan  in Hebrew this name is a sea monster that translates roughly to mean "whale." Leviathan is thought to be a natural monster that represents chaos. It is extremely large and in stories it eats at least one whale a day. In the story of Jonah and the whale, the whale narrowly escapes being eaten by Leviathan. Leviathan was a Seraphim angel in Heaven.


Beezlebub one translation of his name is "Lord of the Flies" and many pictures of Beezlebub show him as a fly. Beezlebub is considered to be a chief lieutenant of Lucifer and is very high ranking in Hell's hierarchy. Beezlebub has been associated with a number of the seven deadly sins, especially pride and gluttony. Beezlebub was a Cherubim in Heaven.


Gressil  he is also known as Cresil and is the dark angel of impurity and uncleanliness. Gressil was a Throne in Heaven.


Forneus  is also a sea-monster and his name originates from the Latin to translate into "oven." He is a Great Marquis of Hell and has twenty-nine legions of dark angels under his command. He was a Throne in Heaven.

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By Sheree, Friday, June 06, 2008 09:23:43 PM
Do you ever actually answer these individual questions? Suppose it cost MONEY. I have many questions as everyone above. But, clearly, no answers. Being desperate, I would tend to believe most anything. However, Sylvia Brown is my real mentor.
By Clara, Friday, June 06, 2008 08:11:48 PM
By Gail, Friday, June 06, 2008 07:04:27 PM
I was very surprised to see this article on a site connected with Sylvia Browne. As a few people have previously said, Sylvia says there are no demons or Satan or dark angels etc. She isn't the only one who says that. Satan and dark angels are no more real than the boogie man. They're just something created to scare people for one reason or another. God is perfect and all-loving, and would never create anything dark or evil, that only happens on earth. The above story about dark angels is fine but it should indicate that it is just folk lore, not actual reality. gail r.
By Rodney, Friday, June 06, 2008 05:19:02 PM
Sylvia....Sylvia....Please tell me how we can protect ourselves from these dark angelic powers. Rodney B
By Andrea, Friday, June 06, 2008 04:15:36 PM
Scary stuff!
By Kimberly, Friday, June 06, 2008 10:26:43 AM
Doesn't Sylvia Browne have something to do with this site now? I am a big fan and follower of Sylvia, and according to her, there is no devil or anything of that sort. Just dark souls. (Bad People) Why would something like this be on a site that has anything to do with Sylvia? Well, I think it's a bunch of bull and I feel bad for anyone who believes in these things.
By Janice, Thursday, June 05, 2008 05:01:34 AM
I think that preventing dark angels to come to our lives is just really simple. we have to be more attached to the good angels and of course to God. That is the best way for us to be saved from those dark angels.
By Leslee, Wednesday, June 04, 2008 09:24:45 AM
Drizzle, I may have met some of those negative, dark people!! LOL, I think we all have. Poor souls!!!! Negativity breeds negativity, so I just keep away!!!! God Bless you all!!!!
By Leslee, Wednesday, June 04, 2008 09:18:08 AM
Thank you Janice for your insight and you are right, we do all have differing opinions and that is what makes the world keep going...and thanks Drizzle for your appreciation...isn't this a great place to share ideas and philosophies??? Thanks Sylvia!!
By Janice, Wednesday, June 04, 2008 06:58:42 AM
we all have our different point of views. some people believe in Angels and some does not. some also believe in hell and heaven but there are some who does not. for me i believe in everything because i know that we really have a Creator and i am a very religious person.

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