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Feng Shui Family Household Living
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Every family wants harmony and balance in the household. That is the key to Feng Shui living.

The Feng Shui secret to achieving this harmony is to evaluate the essence of the home. We must know how to implement Feng Shui secrets into the home to create a balanced environment.


First, we look to see if the home itself creates a healthy environment. Checking the door and windows are important. The windows in a house represent children and the doors represent the parents. So, if there are too many windows in a house, then the children may overrun the house. Whereas, a lack of doors might mean lack of parental authority. The key is balance. We must investigate each home to match it to each family.

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Feng Shui teaches that family harmony starts by having a good kitchen and dining area. It is important to nourish the family. Family rooms or living rooms should be a place for the family to be together. The idea is for everyone to be able to live and hang out together and not be sent off to their rooms. Having the computers out in the open allows group participation. There is also less likelihood of other things happening that do not promote family activity. We must think of participating in one another’s lives – we are really here to help each other.


Placement of bedrooms is important for Feng Shui living. Younger children should be closer to mom and dad to promote feelings of safety and comfort. As the bonds grow between parents and children, they can be further apart, but not so far apart the child feels as though they have been banished.


One of the biggest problems in creating a strong family unit is technology being the additional member of the household. Every time a child is on the phone, playing a video game, or alone watching TV, they are directing their energies elsewhere. Go out and buy a big plasma TV and watch it together. Discuss the programs with each other to increase interaction with your children.


Create family time. I-Pods and other earphone devices are for alone time. Share your lives! Make time to talk at the end of the day. It creates a sense of warmth that only people that care can give. Set the intention for a happy, loving family and reinforce it in your home through Feng Shui. You will see how the energy in your home can change. Let Mother Nature help, and the connectedness that we all long for in our hearts can be achieved.

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By Wendy, Tuesday, March 24, 2009 10:46:54 PM
This article, although simplistic makes a very strong point - family first! I work in a school and have many times heard children say that it would be "weird" to sit down for dinner together any night, but maybe on a Sunday or a holiday! That is a crime in itself! So much can be emraced at the dinner is the plasce to joke, to talk (I personally have found that discipline or talking about heavy topics DURING dinner is NOT good Feng Shui). I wish every family would embrace the "family-timr" schedule and not the soccer or baseball or scout or whatever else schedule and find the time to connect all together!! I know it works for me in my house! Peace to you all!
By Prasanna, Sunday, August 17, 2008 05:37:37 AM
I agree that every individual must be aware of his/her culture. But in today's busy life, they forget to embrace their own culture. They are easily attracted by the other's culture. Feng shui can be implemented in many houses, because as a result of mechanical life many have lost the formula of being happy at home.
By Green, Saturday, August 16, 2008 08:47:54 AM
Prasanna, I do agree with you that one should embrace their culture first but I don't believe it is the job of the government to bring out the goodness in one's culture. I believe that should be the job of each individual. And sometimes we can learn a lot from other people's cultures and incorporate some of the good things their culture has to offer
By Prasanna, Thursday, July 31, 2008 09:28:31 AM
I hope that such philosophilies exist elsewhere in the world. May be in our own country. But we are not aware of it. It is the duty of the government to bring out the goodness of their culture. Cherish your own property first and then go to other's culture. this is my opinion.
By Aries, Monday, July 28, 2008 03:26:43 PM
There is a lot of Chinese philosophy in Feng Shui now that I take a better look at it. I'm not surprised though, China has had a lot of famous philosophers in it's history, like Kǒng Fūzǐ and Sūn Wǔ, both of which have influenced people longer than Jesus has.
By Dartz, Sunday, July 27, 2008 05:54:38 PM
There are a lot of philosophies about Feng Shui, should've looked into it a while ago, maybe I'll try it out sometime, cause my house sucks in terms of furnishing. Any Feng Shui specialist would have a stroke if they saw my living room.
By Lavern, Tuesday, July 15, 2008 09:11:10 AM
I really find feng shui great for it focus on the values of both the parents and the child as well. Thus, the article really is centered on the well being of those people who will compose a house. This article does contribute to what a family could do to an individual so that one could be contributory factor of having a positive ambience in one’s home.
By Green, Monday, July 14, 2008 08:32:11 AM
C, I didn't know about the 8 mirrors facing the window. I would definately like to try that. Anything that drives away negative energy is definately worth a try. I haven't heard about the lions too but I am not sure I would try that. thanks for sharing
By Kara, Thursday, July 10, 2008 12:35:57 PM
I do like this article because it does focus on family and family time. Right now it's just my boyfriend and I so we don't have our own family together yet...but we do make sure that we both have alone time together to talk about whatever is going on in our lives and everything like that. But we both have our alone time which be both like because we both like that time as well.
By Lucretia, Monday, June 30, 2008 12:13:26 AM
I really liked this article about family time. I have always stressed that we need to eat at the kitchen table and talk with each other. My kids tell me all about what is going on in their little lives, even if we are not at the kitchen table, it gets on my nerves sometimes, but I would much rather them talk too much than not at all, haha.

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