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Home >> Feng Shui >> Feng Shui Articles

More Feng Shui Healing Secrets
Feng Shui Secrets for Healing Love Feng Shui, feng shui for love, romance and marriage!  How to use Feng Shui in marriage. Feng Shui is a set of intricate techniques that organize a given space into a harmonious, healing setting. You can use the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui to design or redesign your living space, office space, landscapes, and more to provide a generous and continual flow of healing energies. There are Feng Shui workshops all around the country (whatever country you are in) and they can enlighten you to the many benefits of timeless Feng Shui secrets.

When you want to learn about Feng Shui healing, you need to first understand that this is not an afternoon project. Feng Shui healing arts date back thousands of years and will require your direct attention - even for the casual learner. However, do not be discouraged. We can learn some excellent, yet basic techniques right here to set you in motion. The power of the energy that you receive here will catalyze your further studies.

When you intentionally place the components of your living space in accordance with Feng Shui secrets, you will tap into the natural forces that surround you at all times. There is a certain way that best accommodates all of these components. Likewise, there are many ways that through their lack of proper organization can block the flow of harmony in your environment. Feng Shui is an art that teaches us how to organize our various environments so that they create tranquility and peace for us.

Like all Chinese esoteric arts, Feng Shui is based upon the 5-Element Theory. Those 5 elements are: Wood, Water, Fire, Water and Metals. Each of these elements has been closely examined over millennia and have very specific placement procedures to maximize the Feng Shui healing properties of your surroundings. Everything in the universe is interrelated and everything is energy in essence. The energies given off by the mixing of the five basic elements act in conjunction to either increase, stagnate or decrease wellness. When the energies that envelop you are out of balance, so are you.

Knowing exactly the placement of each of the five elemental types, and each individual component of each elemental type, requires study and practice. The beauty of Feng Shui is that when you practice by designing and redesigning your placement schemes, you become expertly efficient. You will know what is proper and what is not. You will be able to immediately feel the healing power of a given arrangement. Pictures, shapes, symbols, colors and objects placed in accordance with the Ba Gua (the Feng Shui placement code), are all instrumental in the overall Feng Shui healing effect.

Feng Shui concerns an individual with her or his environment. It is the ancient art of creating holistic wellness in your personal space. By educating yourself to the never-ending wisdom of this proven art, you will become the master of your own fate. You will enhance and elongate your lifespan as well as those that may ever come in contact with. It is the energy of the universe that determines our health and happiness and it is Feng Shui that dictates those energies.

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By Lavern, Tuesday, August 05, 2008 12:53:06 AM
Thanks Aries for the advice, now I am thinking twice if I have or I want to place plants inside the house. Maybe I have to look for those small plants that would not grow so robust so it won’t attract bugs. What about plastic made plants, does feng shui allow that?
By Aries, Friday, August 01, 2008 04:48:31 PM
@Dartz: That I'd like to see, mind sending me the file? You know my e-mail from when I helped you fix your web page.
By Prasanna, Thursday, July 31, 2008 08:35:31 AM
I hope so that placing these materials will give an aesthetic look and a pleasure way of living atmosphere. This automatically brings in peace of mind for the people living there. If mental peacefulness is there, they will remain happy even if problems persist. So the best cure is to have your mind relaxed and enjoy the nature.
By Green, Wednesday, July 30, 2008 07:54:11 AM
skittyblu, that is right, I have also noticed that when my house is cluttered, I find it so hard to concentrate and work efficiently on anything. Decluttering and cleaning up the house can have a great impact on lifting up my spirits and help me think more clearly
By Dartz, Monday, July 28, 2008 04:17:05 PM
I wonder how much trial and error it took to refine Feng Shui to where it is today. There are a lot of rules, and I doubt that they just sat down, and made them up as they went along. Speaking of Feng Shui, I actually redesigned one of my houses in The Sims to work with Feng Shui. They hated it. ;_;
By Aries, Monday, July 28, 2008 03:57:54 PM
@Lavern: Pick the plants carefully, quite a few plants attract bugs, and to be honest, I'd rather have stale air than fresh air and bugs. I read up on the elements a while ago, but I still need to look into how to apply it to Feng Shui.
By skittyblu, Sunday, July 27, 2008 09:04:09 PM
It never fails to amaze me how our enviroment can affect our psyche. When I de-cluttered my house and brought postive colors to the walls. my mental attitude inmprove noticably. According to feng shui, clutter intrupts the engry flows and I know that since I got rid of the clutter my energy has improved by leaps and bounds.
By Lavern, Tuesday, July 22, 2008 03:07:46 AM
I really love designing our house but I have my little two year old daughter who goes around the house and litter a lot of her toys. I’m planning to put plants around the house so it can give fresh air all the more.
By Lavern, Tuesday, July 22, 2008 03:07:35 AM
I really love designing our house but I have my little two year old daughter who goes around the house and litter a lot of her toys. I’m planning to put plants around the house so it can give fresh air all the more.
By Lavern, Tuesday, July 22, 2008 03:05:58 AM
I really love designing our house but I have my little two year old daughter who goes around the house and litter a lot of her toys. I’m planning to put plants around the house so it can give fresh air all the more.

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