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The Astrology of Jon & Kate Plus 8
Astrology of Jon & Kate Plus 8 On Monday night, television’s beloved mommy and daddy, Jon and Kate Gosselin, announced that they were divorcing. To some people, this is no surprise as these two lived a so-called fun family life that would be very stressful for most. This was confirmed by divorce papers that were initiated between the two and filed at the Bucks County Courthouse in Doylestown, PA.

With sextuplets and a pair of twins, the Gosselins were hardly your typical American family. Jon and Kate were the ambitious parents of this adorable bunch and they are battling all odds to make sure their family has a normal, happy childhood.

From an astrological perspective, these two are an interesting couple because they are both born under the sign of Aries. Kate was born March 28, 1975 and Jon was born on April 1, 1977 with their Aries Suns only four degrees apart.  This makes the two of them almost absurdly similar in personality.

However, what is interesting about this is that these two were not into child rearing at all in the first place. The Ram is not a very parental sign and is it cherishes freedom and independence.  What does make sense though is that they parlayed their life with all of those kids into a popular reality television show on TLC in the first place.

It is also unusual for two Aries to remain in an enduring partnership. The relationship is ruled by fire and much of what goes on between the two verbally could be inflammatory to say the least. However they probably shared the mutual ambition to be famous.

Both also have Pluto opposing their Sun. This can translate to mean “a life turned upside down.”  This is certainly true for these two who had twins, sextuplets, a hit television show, and who are now about to go through a terrible public divorce.

During the hour long special on television, Kate kept stressing the concept of togetherness and strength for the couple even though they were divorcing. That is because she has Jupiter conjuncting her Aries Sun. This creates a personality that is very practical, generous and optimistic. There is no doubt she will survive the infidelity smelling like roses.

The infidelity can be blamed on the fact that Jon has Venus in Aries.  This creates a short-sighted, impulsive individual. Kate would have never have been unfaithful to him because her Venus is in stable Taurus.

Kate is a very tough woman and that fact that she has Mars in Aquarius might actually have her create a situation where Jon is able to come back to her. People with this placement are very tolerant and progressive in their thinking and tend to think about what is best for all. Jon has Mars in Pisces, which means that of the two, he has the weaker personality. However, he is also very sentimental so it is doubtful that he will be gone from this family for long. They will likely work it out for the sake of their enormous family.

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By Tomika, Friday, June 26, 2009 11:11:51 PM
It's quite simple......they really did forget who they were....I feel bad for the kids.
By A, Friday, June 26, 2009 07:12:59 PM
There is nothing wrong with money or fame it's just a balance I have been watching reruns of the show where it started out as we are about the family..then little by little it became about them and the kids were the props. Hey Kate knows John and was willing to put up with a lot to have her family together I also wouldn't be surprised once he has had his fun and misses the family that they reunite.
By becky, Wednesday, June 24, 2009 09:41:03 PM
well they need to do what they need to do, its truly sad but was in the cards. things happen to all of us..........
By Melissa, Wednesday, June 24, 2009 05:36:47 PM
(Last Comment I Promise :) Someone mentioned on here that the parents will need to 'get a job' since the show is over. UM... What rock did this person crawl from?? They have (from my knowledge) atleast 10 Million Dollars. They don't have to do Jack $#!T. I mean, do the math. Yes, I know 10 Mill. doesn't last "forever" but they certainly aren't desperate for a $20 an hour job in some cubical somewhere. :P
By Melissa, Wednesday, June 24, 2009 05:31:48 PM
To "Gina" - What is wrong with money and fame?? Seems fun to me (except) for all the azz#oles oline who whine about ya. That seems to be the most irritating part of it from an outsider's perspective. To "Christine" - You think this person is "biased" for Kate simply because what she sees on her chart isn't as bad as you assumed it would be? That's very ignorant of you. Charts are not ment to please people, they simply "tell it like it is." So get over it. :P To "Debbie" - I (ofcourse) don't know these people but I doubt the kids suffer as much as you think (or are secretly hoping they would.) They might during their adolescent years but I've also suffered during my adolescent years and ya learn to get over it. Life is not always about everyone kissing your arse. Sometimes people are mean. That's how the cookie crumbles. My parents are both Aries so I understand why they have such strong personalities. My 'rents always yell at each other. I'm Aquarian so I've always enjoyed being on the stage etc. I like attention from time to time. I dont see why thats always considered practically imoral to most people. I think putting children on a show for money (can) be a good thing if they enjoy/don't mind it and if the money (or some money) goes to what they need/college etc. The money/attention can be helpful if you use common sense.
By marcia, Wednesday, June 24, 2009 05:04:00 PM
if jon had a problem with how he was being treated by kate, then he should have been man enough to let kate know that he did not like the way she was treating him. it breaks my heart to see two wonderful people split up and right now that does not make good tv. they need a break from tv to get comfortable in their new lives and perhaps what would make for good tv is showing the world that they can become good parents apart and show the world that divorce can work. that would be showing what real life is for all who have divorced and have kids together, perhaps a good lesson for all.
By Linda, Wednesday, June 24, 2009 11:57:12 AM
Come on, people!! Do you really believe what you 'hear'? Especially when it comes from one of the tabloids? Give me a break. Yes, she does seem to be somewhat domineering, from watching them on tv. However, Jon let it go, didn't he? As for wanting to be famous--did it ever occur to you that Kate (and Jon) figured it would help them pay for raising such a huge family? If you watched the show on Monday, you would have heard her say the house is the kids', not theirs. I also don't think the kids are going to suffer any more than 'normal' kids would suffer. And, then, there's the fact that Jon was the one who was not faithful. Don't forget, though, that they are human just like the rest of us. Linda
By Cheryl, Wednesday, June 24, 2009 11:51:56 AM
When I watch the show Kate has always been the stronger of the two. Jon never took the lead role as parent and caregiver. As he stated on the last show he finally got some backbone and look where it got him. Excuse me? A backbone, by having an affair? That's not a backbone, that's a lame excuse for what he has done to himself, Kate and their children. Kate has always had to be the strong one. Even during the show's you could see that he never took the time to help out. Yeah maybe Kate isn't a saint, but he isn't either. It's fairly clear to see that Jon screwed this one up. I say Kate is the smart one here by getting rid of him. All he wants to do is spend the money on his "toys" and be a little boy again. I agree that all the money and the show helped to bring this about. Now that the show has been canceled what will they do next. Someone is going to have to get a job.
By Cheryl, Wednesday, June 24, 2009 11:44:06 AM
When I watch the show Kate has always been the stronger of the two. Jon never took the lead role as parent and caregiver. As he stated on the last show he finally got some backbone and look where it got him. Excuse me? A backbone, by having an affair? That's not a backbone, that's a lame excuse for what he has done to himself, Kate and their children. Kate has always had to be the strong one. Even during the show's you could see that he never took the time to help out. Yeah maybe Kate isn't a saint, but he isn't either. It's fairly clear to see that Jon screwed this one up. I say Kate is the smart one here by getting rid of him. All he wants to do is spend the money on his "toys" and be a little boy again. I agree that all the money and the show helped to bring this about. Now that the show has been canceled what will they do next. Someone is going to have to get a job.
By CYNTHIA, Wednesday, June 24, 2009 11:43:34 AM
Personally as an Aries myself I can understand the desire to be important not so much as to be in the public eye just to know there is appreciation for what we all stand for. I do not want to see this family split, there is an obligation to these children that God Blessed them with that is above all more important than our opinions of what they should or should not do for the sake of them all. It is easy to walk away from responsibility and a hard relationship and the issues that brought on the chaos in the first place...It takes strength, endurance and courage to stay and make right what has caused it to go wrong. Sometimes we need to sit and analyze what brought us together in the first place. Yes Kate seems aggressive and bossy, she has to be strong in that sense if she is going to raise those children to be respectful in all aspects of life. That does not make her a B______ it just shows that she can withstand all odds and come out of most situations standing. Jon is quite and sensitive in the sense he shows them its okay to be down to earth, loving and giving. That does not make him weak as a man, it just shows he has a feminine side to him that nourishes those that he loves and what is around him. I happened to love them all, especially for coming this far with the constant harassment of cameras and public views. I hope to see them surprise the world and show they are the better people in spite of what some would love to happen. Sadly many like the chaos due to some form of failure in their own lives while some of us who have had similar situations to overcome in life pray for others to come out shining above all. As for the kids whether they endure the turmoil between Jon & Kate or the pressures of the public, cameras and paparazzi it will show them Mom and Dad fought and overcame these obstacles to fight against all odds knowing you did your best to be yourself without the influence of others or how they perceive you or expect you to be. They are the reality of the series 8 Is Enough and 7th Heaven in the flesh. If you watched these series then you will know life is not all about Ease and Comfort....There are trials and tribulations we all must go through....We are all Human....Lessons Learned for some of us and still to learn for others. The only thing additional is speculation does not make fact. Did Jon do something wrong????? Maybe or just maybe he felt deprived from what he truly felt for his wife and children and just needed some space to think, a drink that obviously led him to make the wrong decision or bring out in the open feelings to be recognized and dealt with. Sometimes we can have the world around us and still feel alone as if no one is truly there at the moment in time that we really need the support or comfort of a companion whether spouse or friend. Only Jon and God again Paparazzi, Cameras and The Public Know It All's can cause more harm than good for any couple, family or relationship.....

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