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The Best Pet For Your Zodiac Sign
Best Pet For Your Zodiac Sign Are you having trouble relating to your dog? Maybe that means you are a feline loving Leo. Does the idea of having a cat litter box in your home make you feel disgusted? You might be a Virgo or a Capricorn.

The theory is that the zodiac signs have their astrological equivalences when it comes to relating to their pets as well. Here is a breakdown of what types of pets serve each zodiac sign the best.


You like to exercise, so a dog is always a good choice. You are better off to keep the dog a smaller breed though, as you are never at home. You also would do well with a bird.


Any type of dog suits you, but ones that are calm and like to lie around and watch television with the family are the best. You also get along very well with cats as they are so gentle. You prefer cleaner animals so you are not fond of rabbits or ferrets.


You love having a constant companion so a lap dog is the best choice for you. You need a pet you can travel with. Many Gemini's have pets in pairs. They often have two dogs or two cats so they can keep each other company. 


You do well with small furry creatures including hamsters, gerbils, kittens, and ferrets. You are also a lover of fish, because you are a water sign.


You are the penultimate sign for the cat so you enjoy the independence and charm of a feline in your home.


You are not that fond of pets in general as they tend to mess up the house, but you would do well with a smaller cat that can take care of itself. Exotic pets are not for you!


You are a friendly, gentle person so you really prefer a dog over a cat. Walking dogs in the park is a great way to meet new people too!


You are one of the few signs that loves a snake, spider, or reptile for a pet. You also have a way with cats as to you they symbolize sensuality and the occult.


You are not a pet lover as a rule because you like to travel and be free of responsibility. You do well with low maintenance pets like fish or tortoises. Some Archers are great equestrians and own not just one but several horses.


You are not that fond of pets as they tend to mess up your lifestyle. You prefer a big dog that stays outdoors. You are very good at running a farm if you are so inclined.


You do not like to keep pets in general, but you are fascinated by creatures of the air. Birds and bugs are your best choices for a pet.


You like calm animals so you prefer a cat over a dog. You are also a major water sign so fish, especially koi fish, are not a bad choice for your sign.

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By Diana SageSpiritWolf, Wednesday, March 25, 2009 02:14:17 PM
Normally I don't comment, however I feel this information compiled is incomplete & worthless. Keep in mind "people" Sylvia does not write all topics and this is not Sylvia's info (if U read her books you can tell even if "they" do not specify). I say this because I am a Virgo and it is completely untrue, what is stated about Virgos. I have taken care of exotic animals (birds of prey, owls, hawks, kites, golden eagles, raccoons, opposum, crows, wolves, coyotes, squirrels, crows, ferrets etc.) I have 6 cats 2 dogs and help to tend to all the feral cats in my neighborhood. So with this in mind take what U read here with a giant rock of salt. Go by your own gut and your own instincts when it comes to picking a pet/Furry friend. Even if it seems U R not compatible, look at it "What do I have to learn from this being?" ANIMALS ARE HERE TO TEACH US, NOT US TO TEACH THEM. take a different perspective and U may find the animal U chose was for the right reasons. True there R those rare occasions, however keep in mind it is all about learning and understanding ourselves and the environment we live in with compassion. Peace, Love & Light ~SSW
By Diana SageSpiritWolf, Wednesday, March 25, 2009 02:11:19 PM
Normally I don't comment, however I feel this information compiled is incomplete & worthless. Keep in mind "people" Sylvia does not write all topics and this is not Sylvia's info (if U read her books you can tell even if "they" do not specify). I say this because I am a Virgo and it is completely untrue, what is stated about Virgos. I have taken care of exotic animals (birds of prey, owls, hawks, kites, golden eagles, raccoons, opposum, crows, wolves, coyotes, squirrels, crows, ferrets etc.) I have 6 cats 2 dogs and help to tend to all the feral cats in m neighborhood. So with this in mind take what U read here with a giant rock of salt. Go by your own gut and your own instincts when it comes to picking a pet/Furry friend. Even if it seems U R not compatible, look at it "What do I have to learn from this being?" ANIMALS ARE HERE TO TEACH US, NOT US TO TEACH THEM. take a different perspective and U may find the animal U chose was for the right reasons. True there R those rare occasions, however keep in mind it is all about learning and understanding ourselves and the environment we live in with compassion. Peace, Love & Light ~SSW
By kathryn, Wednesday, March 25, 2009 10:51:57 AM
daughter- pisces-has 2 dogs son and I - (libra and aries) 5 cats and fish oh's just for fun!
By Arlene, Wednesday, March 25, 2009 10:37:21 AM
I have to say I agree with the general theme here. I am a Virgo and I love animals. All animals. But I am especially attracted to birds. I have 2 cats, a snake, a dog and my 'baby' is an umbrella cockatoo (which I also have 2 of!). So this is WAY off, including "exotic pets are not for you!" Couldn't be more wrong!
By Derrick, Tuesday, March 24, 2009 11:15:21 PM
Pets get tougher to take care of when they get older but its worth it. We had a 17 year old cat I think she came to see me one night I felt little foot prints on the bed. When I use to wake I would find the cat balled up in a ball on my head to stay warm. God bless the ole kitten kabootle.
By carmen, Tuesday, March 24, 2009 10:08:53 PM
I'm A sagittarius and all my life,I've surround myself with cats because that is my preference in animal.I always have three cats. I love all creatures of god. I've had cats,dogs,birds,fish,guine pigs,iguana lizard,amazon parrots.Me personnally i don't care to travel like you stated you're way off base.!!!
By Angela, Wednesday, December 17, 2008 10:13:45 PM
Wow, you all look way to much into this. It doesnt say you would hate dogs it says you would do better with cats. Sagittarious doesnt say you hate animals it says you would do better with something low maintenance because you like to travel and be on the run. READ BETWEEN THE LINES....THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX.
By Joan, Friday, December 12, 2008 08:54:35 PM
Sagittarians are well known animal, saying that we don't like pets is way off the mark. Alot of what this writer says is way off base and I've studied astrology for years.
By carla, Saturday, November 08, 2008 02:27:50 PM
im aquarian. i love birds.i dont like bugs. i love all animals to, except for bugs for a pet.
By Anida, Wednesday, October 15, 2008 02:09:30 PM
I dont think birds or bugs are right for Aquairs. I cant stand them. I actually prefer cats and small dogs.

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