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Will The Recession Hit Your Zodiac Sign Hardest?
Will Your Zodiac Sign Be Hit Hardest By Recession? This year has financial surprises in store for all of the signs, but some members of the zodiac will be hit harder than others thanks to the fact that certain eclipses and retrogrades occur in those signs. The cosmic configurations match what has been going on in the stock markets and the housing markets. We will see layoffs and the collapse of familiar brand name companies.

One of the hardest hit of the signs will be Sagittarius. That is because Jupiter, the planet of wealth, is moving backwards in the sky in that sign. When this happens, it could feel like money is being pulled away or drained away from the individual. Financial challenges of every kind are likely, as is job loss or a sudden change in career. Another side effect of this backwards movement could be medical bills or health problems that could be expensive as the metaphorical meaning is "shrinking" or "wasting away."

The sign of Aquarius will also be hit hard by some setbacks this year. For one thing, they begin January with a solar eclipse in their sign that could wipe away every situation that brought them financial security. Any economic challenges brought up by this are reinforced by another eclipse of the moon in Aquarius that takes place in August. It seems that Aquarians will be one of the signs severely struggling with huge changes during the first six months of the year with things vastly improving in November and December. They will have cash to play with but it will be difficult to get ahead or progress in life.

The sign of Cancer will also be hit quite hard by the two eclipses that are taking place this year. There is a total eclipse of the Sun in Cancer on July 21st. Cancer is the sign of "treasure" – investment, homes, inheritances, and other material things. All signs will experience negative news about housing and mortgages, but it is the Cancer native that will have the most problems.

The very last eclipse of the year takes place right on New Year’s Eve and it is in the sign of Cancer as well. This means that this sign does not thrive at the end of the year, but may instead be experiencing the kind of losses in all areas of life that lead to a completely new start for 2010. This type of cleaning of one’s slate is not necessarily negative, but more part of a long term plan on the cosmos to help the Cancer native achieve all that they need in life. The two eclipses in Cancer do not just affect those born under that sign, but they also affect the other water signs of the zodiac the most severely.
In September, the Virgo natives may have harder time as they suffer through a long Mercury retrograde period that lasts the entire month. Communications may suffer and payments and important negotiations could also be delayed or put off without warning. Still, the annoyances suffered by Virgos will not be as severe as the year long trials suffered economically by both Aquarians and Cancers in 2009.

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By Mandi, Thursday, January 15, 2009 01:25:37 PM
I am a sagistarius, so far I have found out I am diabetic, taking shots twice a day in stomach. Medications costs have tripled per month. Today I had a cap put on my tooth and another one filled. I have to see my medical Dr. once per month. My car is making funny noises. My refridgerator needed replaced. I lost my father in October. I really am afraid of what is also in store for me. Please let it stop now. Help.
By Barbara, Tuesday, January 13, 2009 07:55:13 AM
Well here we go again for the Virgo native. Another year of problems. Feign, Surprise!!! I really don't know who writes these things but I have to agree with a previous writer on this site. These "future forecasts" just don't match. Regardless I believe these are NOT written by Sylvia herself but other sponsors. I would take them with a grain of salt. Also my life path has always been full of problems, pain and financial loss. So I figure get use to it and plug on as there is nothing I can do about it but live thru each day. With having had cancer, treatments during my pregnancy and watching my mother die I can live thru anything. I am as the one writer puts it leaving my life in Gods' hands. I pray all of the time and have had many blessings along with the bad. We all have to learn lessons, regardless. As Bette Midler put it, "Hold on we are in for a bumpy ride!!". We will get thru this 6 month recession as Sylvia said on her future predictions video and stop listening to the naysayers. God Bless you all. Barb
By TOM, Monday, January 12, 2009 11:05:33 PM
By Jeni, Monday, January 12, 2009 08:31:37 PM
I know that there are going to be good times and not so good times throughout my life. But rather then dwell of the not so good, I would rather focus on the good. I would much rather watch positive T.V. shows that make me laugh. I would rather avoid the news that keeps saying things are getting worse. I would rather think ya know what everything is okay, God is taking care of me. And I just have to say according to my Horoscope, I just should not even bother getting out of bed every morning. People right now need optimistic guidance that can help them pull through these difficult times. Why can't these Horoscopes reflect on the good that is coming our way??? God Bless, Jeni O'Neill
By ruth, Monday, January 12, 2009 08:00:33 PM
I got laid off this October. Thus experiencing some financial problems. But so far god has been good. Even though sagittarius can expect some financial problems. God will lead the way!!!!!!!!!!
By Michael, Monday, January 12, 2009 04:35:29 PM
Curious if this is just for if the sign is your sun sign or does it also affect the other signs of your birth? I was born on the first day of Taurus, making me a Aries/Taurus cusp and my birth Hour indicates Sagittarius...i've been laid off from work since late November of 07 and haven't had any luck in finding work in the areas I have experience in so far:(
By Dianne, Monday, January 12, 2009 12:29:57 PM
This Aquarius bad news is certainly not written with the same tone as the "Yearly" forecast given recently for Aquarius...please make up your mind!
By Priscilla, Monday, January 12, 2009 11:56:54 AM
Hi -- I am an Aquarian. My husband is Gemini. I have a non-profit with no salary. I hope that means that I will not have a salary for another 6 plus months instead of loosing my husband.I can handle the no salary job but not the other. This is really scary. "P"
By Debra, Monday, January 12, 2009 11:05:01 AM
Hi all i am a aries and my company closed there doors in febuary i was there for 12 yrs. I have not been able to find a job in my area. I am a human resource director. I am on my last extendsion, cant move with no money. I was hoping to here something good.
By Jenny, Monday, January 12, 2009 10:13:41 AM
I agree are they sure they're not talking about this last year? I'm a Cancer and have gone through this last year what they are saying I would go through this coming year! Lost my home, my job,my possessions and almost lost my mother etc.

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