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What Men Want In Women
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Men are picky. When it comes to women, men are attracted by different qualities. Women always want to know how to find a man, but unfortunately there is no universal answer. As a starting guide, here are 9 things men want in a woman. Some of these qualities can help you find your dream guy.


Men want a woman who’s attractive.  Men often say that the moment a woman is comfortable with the relationship, he suddenly finds himself in bed with a woman wearing an oversized t-shirt with a beer slogan written across the chest. Just because women are in a relationship or married doesn’t mean that they should not keep them-selves looking fabulous.


Men want a woman who genuinely wants them.  It is a huge turn-off to a man when he feels that a woman only values him for what he is willing or able to provide for her monetarily.


Men want a woman who sexually satisfies them.  Very simply put, when in a relationship, if the man is not satisfied sexually, he will look elsewhere. Sometimes women will mistakenly think that her boyfriend or husband doesn’t care that much about sex just because he doesn’t make a big fuss over the fact that she is not making an effort. Sex is extremely important to all men and a vital part of an intimate relationship.

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Men want a woman who shares common interest.  There is a popular saying that “opposites attract,” but men say this is NOT true personality-wise. It is very important to share some interests, especially things like working out and social activities.


Men want a woman who likes his friends.  A man loves to show his friends that he has a great relationship, someone who is “in his camp” and “on his side.” He hopes that his friends will think she is just as special as he does, and that she will like them too. Gals, even if you think your honey’s friends are major “buffoons,” you’ll be sorry if you force him to choose between them and you.


Men want a woman who has a domestic side. A lot of women today are working long hours in high-powered careers, and just don’t have much time for domestic duties. But a man likes to see that “feminine” side of a woman. When he smells food cooking, or sees feminine touches such as flowers or pictures of family around the house, it makes him feel like women can provide domestic needs and are a “necessary half” of life. He can count on her to truly make the house feel like a “home,” a “sanctuary.”


Men want a woman who is intelligent. Contrary to “popular” opinion, most men are not looking for the “dumb blonde.” Yes, a man likes to look at those women who readily display their “sexual side,” but nothing is sexier than an intelligent, well-spoken woman.


Men want a woman who has an easygoing attitude. Men really dislike women who they consider “a nag,” and who is not flexible. Men like women who are “easygoing” and easy to be with. Men define a nag as someone who is constantly complaining no matter what.


Men don’t need a woman who will cater to his every need. Men enjoy a woman who is independent. They really like a woman who has her own interests and something that she cares about. When I ask my male clients if they care what kind of job the woman has 95% of the time they will answer, “I don’t care what she does as long as she has a job and it is something that she enjoys or is passionate about.”



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By Julia, Saturday, June 18, 2011 12:04:15 PM
I am so tired of reading about what men desire and expect in women. As women, we are already pressured to conform and contort ourselves to an exhausting and often agonizing degree. I think this is a unnatural and a reflection of the warped society we live in rather than any individual failing on the part of ourselves. Men have come to expect instant gratification and women have become disposable. Cheap coffee dates that are like job interviews, online dating sites where endless games are played and easily accessed porn and sex video chats contribute to this in a big way. Men no longer have to really work at wooing and developing a lasting connection with a woman. They can too easily move onto the next one willing to put up with all this. I think it is time that women stop accommodating and start having expectations of being valued for who they are not how they can fit into this ridiculous scheme.
By Julia, Saturday, June 18, 2011 11:57:14 AM
I am so tired of reading about what men desire and expect in women. As women, we are already pressured to conform and contort ourselves to an exhausting and often agonizing degree. I think this is a unnatural and a reflection of the warped society we live in rather than any individual failing on the part of ourselves. Men have come to expect instant gratification and women have become disposable. Cheap coffee dates that are like job interviews, online dating sites where endless games are played and easily accessed porn and sex video chats contribute to this in a big way. Men no longer have to really work at wooing and developing a lasting connection with a woman. They can too easily move onto the next one willing to put up with all this. I think it is time that women stop accommodating and start having expectations of being valued for who they are not how they can fit into this ridiculous scheme.
By mary, Tuesday, March 22, 2011 11:40:39 AM
Hi my dear My name is Mary never married. l saw your profile today and after going through it many times then l made up my mind to contact you as my friend. so l want you to write back to me through my email address so that l will give you my picture and for you to know who l am. ( l hope to see your mail ok. lt is from me, miss Mary.
By Laurie, Sunday, August 24, 2008 03:48:50 AM
It is sad that there are several women who have posted "male-bashing" words. However, I too was there at one time. There are a lot of abusive males out there, but there are a lot of abusive females too. I have heard men saying the same thing about women as the posts here are towards men. It is a shame that abuse happens at all, but also a shame that it taints our views towards others. I have met good men since I stopped thinking negatively about men. I am not in a relationship, but that is okay. When I was thinking that men were all @#%$#, that was the only kind of men that were coming into my life. Thought and feelings are not just in us, they exude out and people sense it, and no person who is a well adjusted, healthy in spirit, mind and soul, will want to be around one who is negative and full of anger and hate. What you think, feel, say, is what you attract to yourself. If all men are selfish pigs... how do you explain men like Ghani, the Dali Llama, Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr? Special people yes, but they are males.
By Prasanna, Wednesday, July 30, 2008 11:48:01 AM
Its true that men prefer beauty over intelligence at first sight. But once when they enter into relationship, there comes the problem. Men will not be ready to accept the faults they find after committing in the relationship. I say that intelligence is also required with beauty as they both go hand in hand.
By Melvin, Wednesday, July 16, 2008 08:18:25 AM
Well Uracca this is just the true nature of us, man. We tend to do and say things that many woman perceive differently. Men want a woman who has an easygoing attitude. This is another key point here. I agree on it because I have experienced it.
By Bb, Saturday, July 12, 2008 08:19:54 PM
ok..... How about a gorgeous female that is intelligent and as versitile to be domestic and extremely passionate about work.. what about me ???? All men tell me I'm too good to be true.. and when they start treating me bad and I walk away they realize hey... she wasn't going to change she really is real and at that point it's always too late!!!!! I don't understand MEN!!
By Melvin, Saturday, July 12, 2008 07:27:51 PM
I can very much see what I want in woman here in your compilation. I am so obsessed with woman who are intelligent. For me it's a thing of a class. While many people prefer beauty over brain, I can so much say that beauty is useless if the brain is empty right? That's why intelligent are attractive.
By Prasanna, Friday, July 11, 2008 11:22:11 AM
Its true that someone here as said that men are selfish pigs. Its a universal truth. But at the same time not all men are so selfish. Everyone has got their own dream. Even girls expect a lot from men. But they cannot be punished for that. In general men like girls who can satisfy them in sex. I need my partner to be intelligent and beautiful in looking.
By Janet, Wednesday, July 09, 2008 09:14:51 AM
I Love men and They Love me back! I never have a problem with men just myself! How do you know if your man is satisfied in the Bedroom? Do you ask him?

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