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Are You With Soul Mate? Take This Quiz!
Take This Quiz to Find Your True Love Soul Mate Soul Mates and Life Ties!  Past life connections with soul mates, how to get in touch with your past life soul mates. Are you with your true soul mate or is it just a decoy for the real thing for now? Taking this quick quiz can tell you whether or not you are with your one and only soul mate.

1. Our relationship can best be described in one word as...

a. Distant
b. Platonic
c. Fraught with challenges
d. Highly sexual

2. When we met, he or she seemed...

a. Wonderful
b. Absolutely irresistible sexually
c. Like I knew him or her from another life
d. Very fresh and like nobody I have ever met before

3. Others describe us as...

a. A nice couple
b. Meant for each other
c. Two people who complete each other’s sentence
d. Telepathic twins

4. Our sex life is...

a. Non-existent
b. Okay most of the time
c. There is a lot of cuddling
d. Thrilling and daring

5. My biggest fear about my relationship is that...

a. We will run out of money
b. Our children will hate us
c. Our sex life will die out as we age
d. I will wake up one day and he or she will not be beside me

6. My favorite way to spend time with my beloved is...

a. Watching television in bed
b. Doing a hobby we love together
c. Making love
d. Holding hands and gazing into each other’s eyes

7. If you accidentally murdered some, would your lover...

a. Call the police and refuse to ever see you again
b. Call the police but visit you in jail
c. Smuggle a nail file in a cake to you so you can escape from jail
d. Help you bury the body and never tell a soul

8. My soul mate thinks...

a. I don’t understand him or her as well as I should
b. I am part of him or her and that everything should be shared
c. That I am perfect as I am and that not a thing should be changed
d. That he or she loves me even if I am not perfect

9. Which of the following situations do the two of you believe could separate the two of you...

a. Infidelity
b. Money problems
c. Death
d. Not even death can separate our souls

10. If we ever broke up I would...

a. Move on as that is always the best course of action
b. Get revenge
c. Do whatever it takes to get him or her back
d. Let her go because I love him or her enough to let them lead their own life

How To Score:

For every "a" that you answer give yourself 1 point.
For every "b" that you answer give yourself 2 points.
For every "c" that you answer give yourself 3 points.
For every "d" that you answer give yourself 4 points.

If you scored 1-10...
You are probably not with your soul mate because your answers were mostly a’s. This indicates that your relationship exists on a more pedestrian, sexual plane that is probably more based on looks or owning another person. This is not indicative of a soul mate.

If you scored 11-20...

You have probably met someone who will “do for now” but who is not your soul mate. If you answered a lot of a’s, b’s and c’s to get this score, it can mean that you treat this individual like a possession and not like a soul mate.

If you scored 21-30...

You are with someone you are very compatible with but he or she is not likely your soul mate. They are probably part of your personal evolution in terms of karma that will lead you to the one who is absolutely perfect for you in the long run.

If you scored 31 to 40...

It is very possible that you actually have met your soul mate. You love this person enough to let them go. You do not see familiarity with someone as being basis for a soul mate and you understand that the challenges involved with fighting for or accepting your soul mate’s flaws are part of the karmic purpose of these relationships.

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By brenda, Friday, November 07, 2008 09:54:27 PM
i tried the test i recieved 27.he is gemini and i am capricorn we have been together for 3 years.he is not into having sex at all.he is very good to me. good with the kids and grandkids.couldn't ask for anyone better.but i am not happy
By Sue, Friday, November 07, 2008 07:47:19 AM
I am 44 years old and my soulmate is 31 years old and I am a Taurus and he is a Pisces and when we are together it is like magic fills the room we are inseparable but we were separated for 8 months and he just came back to me the end f September and the love was still there just like the first day I met him! Time and distance doesn't change oru love for each other! I tis so deep and I cannot explain it escept say that he is my true destiny and soulmate! Once again his work takes him away and he has been gone again fro about a month but I know he will return and we will pick up from where he started! It is like love at first sight everytime I See him! All of my friends always tell me he is the one for me and that we are meant to be!
By Dru, Thursday, November 06, 2008 12:40:00 PM
My score was a 30, JUST below soulmate status. After many years(31)of being married to my soulmate, I was widowed almost 4 years ago.. After a couple years of dating, I met a man last January (he is divorced 3 yrs after 20 yrs of marriage), whom I have been seeing ever since. It is now November... Relationships are a painting in progress and I think this one will turnout to be a masterpiece, he is a Scorpio and I a Pisces. It is amazing how much we have in common and it's like when we are together..whether watching TV, Reading the paper on sunday morning with breakfast or laying in front of the fire talking..the feeling is..this is the way it SHOULD be.. we confess our affection for each other.. and I guess in essence we are taking it slow.. I suppose after all that, I want to say...I believe you can have more than one soulmate in your life, I think I have found another...I am blessed
By Andrea, Thursday, October 30, 2008 01:44:01 AM
Our anniversary was Oct.27, which made 4 years of being together and I hope we'll make it to 4 more years
By Andrea, Thursday, October 30, 2008 01:41:34 AM
I scored a 31. I'm a virgo and he's a scorpio. We have a child together and he's a great man. When I met him I know he was the one for me, because that's what I prayed for. We have problems just like any other relationship, but We love each other so much and that's all that counts
By Diana, Monday, October 27, 2008 04:51:22 PM
I scored a 36. Hes a leo and I'm a Libra and were both the same age.We have a strong history with each other,and now history is repeating it self after 4 years.I wonder whats going to happen.We have such a strong conection,we are so much alike, its kinda weird.But I love every second we are together.I really do think we have met in a past life.
By Cindy, Monday, October 27, 2008 03:47:11 PM
I scored 31. I'm a taurus and he is an aquarius, and even though astrologically those two signs are incompatable in a relationship, we are like two peas in a pod. We get along really really good. It also depends on the set up of the rest of both of your astrological charts on how well you two will get along.
By Akeila, Monday, October 27, 2008 02:15:19 AM
i met this police officer and he is a gemini, he is 39 and i am 27 and a capricorn and we have been dating for 15 months and i only see him about once a month. when we met it was like we had this strong chemistry. he says that we dont get to spend much time due to the fact that he is a workaholic. but he says that he loves me and wants to take me home to his mother. i just wanted to know if he is really truly the man i am going to spend the rest of my life with. or is he being truthful.
By mary, Saturday, October 25, 2008 08:41:00 PM
i tried the test i recieved 31 points. he is a leo and i am a taurus. we have a strong sex drive and he is a great man. we have alot in common and we are getting back together next month after being seperated for a long year. when we first met it felt like we knew each other from a past life. i am a reader and it was the strangest feeling of love at first sight.

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