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Understanding Life Ties And Soul Mates
Past Life Connections to your Soul Mates Soul Mates and Life Ties!  Past life connections with soul mates, how to get in touch with your past life soul mates. There are so many people in the world. Do you have past life connections with some of them? There are the obvious connections in your everyday life. Your family and friends, co-workers - those who are close to you. But is it possible to have connections with people you’ve never met?

It is very possible. If you are aware of the principles of karma and the reincarnation cycle, then you know that your current life as well as your past lives have intersected with a variety of people.

When you die, your astral and causal body goes forth into your next lifetime, making connections with various other causal bodies along the way. It is these connections that can have an influence on your current life as well as your future lives.
There are two types of connections that you can make in your lives.

Life Ties

Life Ties are connections that you make with people throughout your life. They could be friends, family or even a stranger. You can make connections with these people in either a negative or positive way. These connections will have a respectively-characteristic impact on your current life. Life ties are like an imprint, a shoe print if you will, on your continuing life path.

Soul Mates

Soul Mates are those who are not only leaving an imprint on your life path, but are taking that path with you. You are connected with them deeply. Although most assume a soul mate is someone who you have a romantic relationship with, this isn’t necessarily true. A soul mate is simply someone who is open to your soul, whether it be friend, family member, or lover. It is quite possible to have more than one soul mate, so there is no need to fear that since it’s already happened, it will never happen again.

The reincarnation cycle allows for multiple life ties and soul mates to occur. It is important to embrace these connections and learn from them. This is what will help you to advance along on your continuing path.

Why connect with your past lives through past life regression and/or past life readings?

Past life readings allow you to understand fully what has come before. And by understanding this, you can understand how to open your soul and appropriately direct your current life. This will allow you to become more contented with your life.

Examination of your soul as well as the rest of your being serves to make your present and future lives more enriching. It also allows you to be able to connect with life ties and soul mates. Your life ties and soul mates may be different in this life then they were in the past, but you can recognize the aspects of their essences that drew you to them in the first place.

Cherish your past lives and all they have to offer your current and future lives.

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By Geneva, Thursday, December 01, 2011 09:41:22 PM
Iam a 45 year year old woman and still have not found my soulmate , the true love i have been seeking for...I have been in past relationships that were toxic. I have 3 children and one adorable grandson. People tell me that I am special, beautiful and a good person.. I have alot going for me and i know i can love again with the right man.. Do you know who and where he is? and when we meet? what does he look like and possibly a name.. Please reply, I feel so lonely sad and un loved.. my e.mail is xoxo god bless
By Carol, Monday, June 14, 2010 07:13:21 AM
That's very true since I have lots of connections with some people in my life I actually had to cut off. They could be friends, boyfriends or even family members. Does it hurt cutting them off? Yes, it do and it hurts badly but at the end of the day I moved on and I am a better person for it. At the same time I looked at the circumstances those people were in and knew it wasn't for me since they will take me down the path to destruction and I did not wanted that kind of life. I tried to help them but sometimes we have to smell the coffee knowing some people will never change or learn so why let them drag you down and take away your happiness? All I can do is pray for them and just move on, I'm not bitter about it was hurt actually cried but I have a sense of peace of contentment cutting them off. Maybe if they change for themselves in the next life we will be reunited and we meet again but on a more positive level.
By Justine, Sunday, February 14, 2010 12:05:40 PM
I believe i know who my soul mate or twin flame is. I'm sure we knew each other in a past life. We are still working out Karmic issues. Once we have done this we will be able to come together again in this life time as we are meant to be together again. If we can't resolve our issues and differences, we would need to accept each other unconditionally if we still want to be together.
By Carol, Friday, February 12, 2010 10:43:58 PM
Soulmate, that is how I feel towards my friend. We have known each other since we were teenagers, we are now in our 60s. We've made mistakes, have been married to other people and now I am a widow and he is a widower. We met up again after several years, but I couldn't show him how I felt about him. I wasn't ready - just want to convince him, because he doesn't think I care. Please help us to be together. I love him so.
By Anjie, Sunday, September 28, 2008 07:23:34 AM
The love of my life passed away soon to be 5 years ago. I waited my life for him and still feel such a void since he's been gone. He never lets a week go by with out showing me he's still with me. I was having a melt down one evening, crying and telling him he never told me he loved me enough. Low and behold I was out side the next day walking my dog when I heard something. I looked up to see this HUGE red metallic heart shaped helium filled balloon tangled up in some trees in my front yard. It said "I LOVE YOU" I knew then that he had just shouted it from the tree tops. Never doubt their ability to prove their love. They can do it in some of the greatest ways. Very creative too!!!! Angel blessings folks. Watch for the signs, they're all around us. Anjie
By Denise, Saturday, September 27, 2008 11:33:12 AM
I am coneccted to a man to the point that I feel them all the time. I am so in love with him. I believe we are ment for each other. He has deeply touched me. Its like he is the missing half of me. Will he ever see it too? He feels my emotions and knows when I need him. Why does he keep himself so distant from me? I am in great need of guidance.
By lanette, Thursday, September 25, 2008 09:17:03 PM
i would really like to know what my past life's were i have a feeling that i had something really bad happend to me that has to do with the ocean because i am afrid of it and i have very bad dreams of afrid that i tell people i'm alergic to the ocean when i'm really afrid of it i even fear for the lifes of my children i have very bad dreams of waves and i would just like to know if it has something to do with it thank you for your help.....lanette
By Anida, Thursday, September 25, 2008 05:02:05 PM
I have a feeling I've met my soulmate. I think it is my bestfriend. His name is Trell. I would like to know if Iam right.
By stephanie, Wednesday, September 10, 2008 11:18:45 AM
By stephanie, Wednesday, September 10, 2008 11:17:42 AM
I would like to know if the guy I am seeing at this present time is my soul mate? We have been around each other since the 5th grade. We end up going our own ways and we keep in touch with each other and now we currently are seeing each other. We have been with each other for a year now.

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