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Do You Have A Lucky Name?
Is Your Name Lucky? Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures When it comes to numerology and having a lucky name, it might be important to realize that the monikers that will bring good fortune are not necessarily the most popular or contemporary choices.

To be truly lucky, you want the name values in a name for your child to add up to the following numbers:

Number 1 - To produce a leader or achiever. A good number 1 name for a boy is Joseph. Emily and Hannah are good super achiever names for girls. The 1 energy will produce someone who is self sufficient.

Number 2 - To produce someone who is lucky in love. Good contemporary 2 names for boys are Joshua, John, and Jonathan. Names for girls are Sarah and Chloe.

Number 3 - To produce a life that is blessed with fame and recognition of creativity and talent. Names for a boy that add up to 3 are Ethan and James. Madison is a girl’s name that adds up to 3.

Number 8 - To produce a rich and respected life. Natalie is an example of a girl’s name that adds up to an 8. Nathaniel adds up to an 8 for boys.

The other numbers are not as lucky and come with karmic burdens. For instance, a child that is a number 4 may have health problems. A number 5 may never settle down. A number 6 may be tied to family and a 7 may be a genius but too eccentric to be loved. A number 9 name also usually walks a lonely spiritual path that is more in the service of others.

What is interesting is that in 2005, the U.S. Department of Social Security in the United States did a study of what the most popular names were in the country for both boys and girls. It does seem that some of the most popular baby names were quite unlucky.  

For instance, the number one boy’s choice of name in the United States in 2005, happened to be Jacob, which adds up to a 4. In Numerology, the number 4 represents a life full of challenges and yet it is one of the most popular names in the country for males. 

There are also seemed to be a lack of both girl’s and boy’s names that were popular that added put an 8, which would the name that would signify wealth. It seems that parents all over the United States were giving their children names that only destined them to work hard to make their money.

The girls fared much better in the study in terms of having lucky names. The number one most popular name in the country in 2005 was Emily which adds up to a 1. The 1 energy denotes a strong leader.

To give your baby the luckiest name possible, consider combining lucky number combinations in first, second, and third names. For instance, if you wanted to have a girl who becomes rich and famous, you might want to consider calling her Madison (the name is valued at 3 which is for fame) and giving her the second name of Natalie (which has the wealthy number 8 vibration.) This way of choosing lucky names can help you cover all the bases and make sure your child has a good destiny in a couple of areas in life.

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By Jolanda, Thursday, December 11, 2008 10:32:05 AM It takes a little time to figure it out, but between the explanation and the chart, you should be able to.
By Elizabeth, Thursday, December 11, 2008 10:31:44 AM
Numerology is perhaps the easiest of the occult arts to understand and use, but you need the birth date and the complete name of the individual in order to do it correctly.
By Elizabeth, Thursday, December 11, 2008 10:28:25 AM
Numerology is perhaps the easiest of the occult arts to understand and use, but you need the birth date and the complete name of the individual in order to do it correctly.
By Diane, Thursday, December 11, 2008 09:45:40 AM
My birth name is Diane what does it signify and is it lucky. thank you
By Maria, Thursday, December 11, 2008 09:27:30 AM
The name Glenda adds up to the number 7. 7+12+5+14+4+1= 7. G+L+E+N+D+A=7
By Margaret, Thursday, December 11, 2008 09:26:45 AM
how do you find out what number is your name? you never explained how you do this
By Maria, Thursday, December 11, 2008 09:23:27 AM
I forgot to mention in the previous comment. 5+22+1=28 then you add 2+8 and get 10. which would add to the number 1.
By Glenda, Thursday, December 11, 2008 09:20:37 AM
I am curious, too. For instance, how does the name, Glenda come out? Thank you.
By Maria, Thursday, December 11, 2008 09:19:13 AM
I forgot to mention in the previous comment. 5+22+1=28 then you add 2+8 and get 10. which would add to the number 1.
By Maria, Thursday, December 11, 2008 09:16:30 AM
I've done this before. An example is the name Eva. 5+22+1= 10. Then 1+0=1 . So the answer would be 1.

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