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Ask Your Spirit Guide Questions
Ask Your Spirit Guide Questions Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures

by Sylvia Browne

Over the years, I have been asked many questions about Spirit Guides. People have heard me talk about my Spirit Guide Francine, and they wonder if they too have a Spirit Guide that is just as wonderful. I assure you...that you do! Your Spirit Guide is there guiding you and supporting you throughout your life. Get to know your Spirit Guide.


Here are some of the most popular questions I’ve been asked about Spirit Guidesand my answers to those questions. Most likely, you’ll find some of your very own questions about Spirit Guides on this list.



How many Spirit Guides do we have?


People typically have one or two Spirit Guides. This is what I have discovered in my years of research. We do not have more than two Spirit Guides. We have a primary guide that assists us with our chart throughout our lifetime.



Do people ever become Spirit Guides?


Yes, everyone has the opportunity to become a Spirit Guide. When you become a Spirit Guide, you will learn how to do important things, including how to study the person’s life chart.



Why are some Spirit Guides male or female?


My Spirit Guide Francine says this is related to our left and right brain. So I have a female Spirit Guide (Francine) because I need to work on my emotional side. Someone that has a male Spirit Guide will have them because they must balance their intellect. Having a male or female Spirit Guide does not mean that you are lacking in either of these areas. It simply gives you a bit of a boost.



Are Spirit Guides allowed to change our life charts?


A Spirit Guide can modify our life chart, but they cannot change it. Spirit Guides are able to give comfort when we are in a painful situation. They will frequently talk to The Council on our behalf to ask for help with our life charts.



Do we share Spirit Guides with other people?


Spirit Guides can visit each other and get information from each other. I know that people attending my lectures have been able to “tune into” Francine. But we do not share Spirit Guides with other people.



Can a Spirit Guide ever leave you?


Your Spirit Guide is with you every momentthey never leave you! Keep in mind that Spirit Guides have the ability to bi-locate, so they can be in two places at the very same time. So your Spirit Guide can be fully with you and also be in front of The Council asking for help on your behalf.



Spirit Guides fascinate many people. We all have Spirit Guides. Get to know yoursyou’ll be glad you did!



Love always,


Sylvia Browne



P.S. A Spirit Guide can help enlighten and inspire you. Knowing about your Spirit Guides can be helpful in every aspect of your life. My book, Contacting Your Spirit Guide, teaches you how to develop this special relationship. There is even a meditation CD to deepen your studies!

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.



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By Jeanne, Thursday, January 29, 2009 02:03:12 PM
Dear Sylvia It must be very reqrding that you are loved by many people including me. Can you tell me who my spirit guide is and how to get in touch with he or she. Thank you Jeanne Dawson
By darcy, Thursday, January 29, 2009 01:25:09 PM
Dear Sylvia, I have been going through the worst part of my life ever. I divorced my husband 4-5yrs a go I fell apart and turned to hard drugs, I became a heroin/addict,crack, anything addictive I went down hill fast. My x was very rich and used the situation that I was not of sound mind liquidated ALL our assest into his country of IRAN. I also lost my 3 children, my 3 boys that ARE my whole life. I fell apart I went down hill and ended up homeless and strung out on the street. ALL the time the pain of my boys drove me down deeper into depression. I tried to kill myself many timesI lost EVERYTHING! MY home, my boys, my trust. The divorse was a disaster. I had three lawyers, one took advantage of me sexually and out of a easy 1.5 million worth of assests I got $4,288. I have NO education after 17 years of a abusive relationship, I'm so lost, I just cry and cry, I pray for death because I am so lost my X has custody I get a very small amount of support. I barely see my boys even though I am clean now my X refuses to let me see them .I have no $ for the courts. Every day I think about how I can die... I hate this life .I can NOT believe I charted this much pain in my life. I live below the poverty level and have no education or $$ to get a loan even. I am so scared my X sits up in his castle that we had (He) got ALL three homes I got nothing, no cars. I'm just so lost I pray to God and my angels........nobody is out there I am very desperate pls God here my prayers.WHEN WILL MY LIFE GET BETTER OR IS THIS THE END OF THE HAPPY DAYS? barely hanging on.....thanks Darcy
By darcy, Thursday, January 29, 2009 12:59:30 PM
By racheal, Wednesday, January 28, 2009 08:54:27 PM
Hi Sylvia I just wanted to know my spirit guides name and also my mum's spirit guides name?
By Ena, Monday, January 05, 2009 09:28:40 PM
Hi Sylvia. I am a big fan when I first seen you on Montel I could not beleive my eyes I thought you were a freind of mine who is a psychic as well and her name is Phea Sutten I have not heard from her a long time and miss her dearly. I read allmost all your books and the one on spirit guides and still have troubles with consitration and would really like to no my guides names or name. right now i call her nookamis which means grandmother in ojibway. I really would like to no his or her real name and maybe I can truly feel thier presents around greatly apreciate a response thankyou for all your wisdom and teachings you and your guides brought to us from the other side. It did answer alot of questions I had wondered about Love you all Ena
By Elizabeth, Thursday, December 11, 2008 06:31:28 PM
Hello Sylvia! I just started reading your book "Insights", im so pleased to hear about the otherside. Im also interested to know the name of my spirit guide? Thank you, Lizzy.
By naomi, Sunday, November 30, 2008 12:24:26 PM
For more information about your Spirit Guide, Read this Wonderful Book, "Contacting Your Spirit Guide" by Sylvia Browne. You will be pleasantly amazed, and enlightened with this good read!
By Heather, Monday, November 24, 2008 08:18:18 AM
hay sylvia alot of people want to know how they get there guides names , and i would like to know also,this is the frist time iv looked at your sight.thanks and i hope u have a wonderful day ,heather
By vorgie, Saturday, November 22, 2008 09:39:46 AM
By Patricia, Saturday, November 01, 2008 12:45:57 AM
Dear Sylvia....Happy Birthday...Thank-you for you're great books and you're Spirituality...Since I meet and read my life is happier and closer to & hugs..Patricia from Canada.

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