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Spirit Guides In Your Dreams
Spirit Guides in Your Dreams Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures by Sylvia Browne

I have had people ask me about the “stranger” that appears to them with a message in their dreams. It doesn’t look like an angel. It doesn’t look like any loved one that has gone to The Other Side that they recognize. If you have a similar “stranger,” this is most likely a Spirit Guide coming to you in your dreams.

How do we know when we have a visit from a Spirit Guide in our dreams? One of my clients knows that when he feels concerned about something, he will certainly be having a visit from his Spirit Guide in a dream. His dream is always the same: he dreams of sitting on a park bench and a tall man comes to sit with him and give him advice.

But while this client receives direct advice in his dreams, many may find that a Spirit Guide message is thought-provoking, but does not tell you exactly what to do.

Just before my first marriage, I got a message from my Spirit Guide Francine. She asked me if I thought I was doing the right thing by getting married. Your Spirit Guide may ask you a question or say something that makes you start thinking about the issue or circumstance differently. They do not want to make decisions for us.

The Spirit Guide in your dream most likely will comment on the issue of concern in a way that you remember. I have found Spirit Guide communication to be quite thought-provoking. They say things that really make you think. So even if what they say sounds quite simple – it is something that stays with you and makes you consider the issue in different ways.

Some clients have found that their Spirit Guide looks exactly like he belongs in the dream – just like the man sitting on the park bench who meets the wise gentlemanly Spirit Guide. Other clients have commented that the Spirit Guide appears very out of place in their dream.

One client had a dream about a party where a man in a simple muslin robe approached her with a message. It was so memorable she simply could not get it out of her head. But it does not matter what your Spirit Guide is wearing or what they look like – what matters is how you feel when you get the message. The message should make you think about the issue at hand, to help you make a better decision.

Your Spirit Guide is always with you and will most likely reach out to contact you in your dreams. You may have already had contact with them in your dreams and simply have not recognized it. Think back: what dreams with wise strangers have you recently had?

Love always,

Sylvia Browne

P.S. Spirit Guides are always ready to provide you with useful information and want to be a part of your life. Your Spirit Guide wants to help you. My book, Contacting Your Spirit Guide, teaches you more about this special relationship, and includes a meditation CD.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Nicole, Monday, July 14, 2008 02:40:13 PM
I haven't been in contact with my spirit guide through dreams, or I have but I just don't remember. I know that she is there though (assuming it's a woman) because when something is about to happen I always have this little voice watching out for me, she has saved my life a couple times before. I only wish that I could directly speak to her, I know that she can hear me but I want to be able to hear her just as well.
By Jenn, Monday, July 14, 2008 02:39:08 PM
Thanks for being who you are & I know without God's everlasting love .. we would never know the truth. Thanks for that !! I wanted to tell you.. this past weekend, my husband told me who my kidney came from.(My Donor) It was a 6 yr. little boy. (I don't know his name?)And that he was in a car accident.(state Unknown)I kept having dreams even before (I found all this out)that I saw a car accident for weeks.I think to me this is regression on my dornors part,Showing me the last thing he saw before passing.Is this right? I believe with all my heart it is. Your books have helped me in past as I know with this subject they will now & future.Thanks J.Jordan
By Melinda, Monday, July 14, 2008 12:49:59 PM
Dear Sylvia, I have had a few dreams with a strange figure within them; however he did not appear to belong. The dream seemed real enough at the time until I saw him - he seemed outside of the dream, not interacting with the rest... he was just staring at me. I cannot explain other than what appeared to be a figure superimposed onto the dream but not belonging. It was weird. There was no talking, no approaching, no communication at all... just watching me.
By jena, Sunday, July 13, 2008 03:08:28 PM
I have lots of dreams with BEARS usually GRIZZLY attacking people or their homes,something always physically keeps me from helping!!!Also there is a place in San Luis Obispo CA. that I dream about alot!! What do they mean??
By Robert, Sunday, July 13, 2008 02:46:45 PM
By aidie, Sunday, July 13, 2008 02:31:37 PM
Dear Sylvia, I have been living in a quandary for the last 9 years of my life. Lately I've considered having a soul retrieval done. This morning I dreamed about the subject, and I believe my animal guide and my spirit guide were both there talking to me as I was looking at parts of my soul in various ages being held hostage by a man with a whip pacing back and forth telling me to get away. I'm not really sure what my spirit guide was saying to me. I only remember that I was asked if I could retrieve them myself and did I have intention to do that. I knew my animal spirit also spoke to me, but I couldn't make him out. The Shaman I plan on using told me to ask what my intend is and read a book. This is what I've been doing.
By Leigh, Sunday, July 13, 2008 12:50:32 PM
My spirit guide told me months before that I was getting ready to have a baby girl within the next year. When it happened I was totally stunned. I have so many dreams that I think are just ..well..dreams. I wish I could always tell though when it's my Spirit Guide talking to me and not just regular dreams.
By Toni, Sunday, July 13, 2008 12:45:08 PM
Dear Sylvia, Thankyou so much for all of your wonderful help! I was dreaming one night about some construction going on around my home. All of a sudden out of no where, this booming voice said, in time you will meet this man!! What was that all about? There is no construction - it's been done...I don't get it. Was that my spirit guide talking to me? Thankyou Sylvia for any light you can shed on this. May God continue to bless you! Love, Toni
By Linda, Sunday, July 13, 2008 12:41:11 PM
I had a dream of a stranger but I was married to him in my dream. I don't remember every thing but I was married to him. I could make out part of his face but not all. what does this mean. Linda
By suzie, Sunday, July 13, 2008 06:45:51 AM

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