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Sylvia Browne 2009 Economic Predictions
Sylvia Browne 2009 Predictions on Economy Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures by Sylvia Browne

I hope you had the opportunity to watch my December Web Class here on where I made my 2009 Predictions on everything from the economy to politics to weather to celebrity events. If you haven't gotten a chance to watch, click on the link - Sylvia Browne's 2009 Predictions Web Class - to watch it now.

As we enter 2009, I know so many of you are worried about the economy more than anything. These are tough economic times with much of the world in a recession and, unless things better, the chance of a major depression. Thankfully, I predict positive changes for the economy in 2009 with improvement coming sooner than most people expect.

Here some of my psychic predictions for the economy in 2009...

I believe we are going to recover a great deal this summer. We're not going to recover totally, but we are going to see a great amount of exhaling. The economic rebound will start to become evident around May 2009.

New loan companies spring up that are government regulated to help us out of the credit crunch. The bank will loosen their financial hold on people and help people more with comprise and loans than they already have. The majority of banks are safe so we shouldn't panic. A run on the banks will assuredly lead us into a depression.

We will see more regulations concerning Wall Street and loan and stock companies. Personally, I don't know about you, but giving these CEO's $65 million bonuses is just wrong.

We're going to be financially taxed more in 2009, but not severely because more jobs become available with better benefits toward the mid part of the year. It's almost like what Roosevelt did in his benefits program in the first half of the 20th century. We're going to see people working on railroads and see people working on new types of cars.

We will find more resources in gas and oil, not only in Alaska, but in Texas and Arkansas as well. I think what we're going to see is the country using more of our own resources than ever have before because America, especially Alaska, has everything we need so we can lessen our dependence on foreign resources. Oil prices will continue to fall, even more drastically by spring.

As many of you know, I correctly picked Barack Obama to win the Presidential Election and I believe the Democrats, under Obama, will leads us out of these bad economic times starting in the summer of 2009. 

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Michelle, Tuesday, January 06, 2009 02:55:46 PM
I believe if we spread the word and many, many people focus on the economy improving then it will happen. The Law of Attraction is always working, I believe that the people in this world who don't want to see peace and joy reign on earth are the ones that have set up our economic crisis, greedy people. I am in total agreement with Sylvia about the CEO's, for what do they need 64 million dollar bonuses, there are people, families who need help, now I do not know how much the CEO's donate out , but I mean really isn't that too excessive? My goodness I have a hard time spending more then $40 dollars on shoes for myself. Happy New year and best thoughts and wishes for all who are ready to receive. Thank you Sylvia for your undying love of the Human race! You are one of God's Warriors/Messengers!! Bless you and your family! Michelle
By Carol, Tuesday, January 06, 2009 02:46:05 PM
Hi Sylvia! I last saw you in Seattle but have lots of your books I read! Can you tell me what will happen in a court case against my husband who has been falsly accused of hurting our foster Grandkid. Several adults saw what happened.He did not choke this kid! CPS and the prosector lined up togather. This man has been married to me 26 years. He has feed and provided a roof for all of my kids, 6 plus 2 Grandkids which he helped me raise and he would never choke a kid. He is a kind caring person. This has torn our family apart and all our health is failing because of stress.He helped care for my Mom as she was dying! Love, Carol
By Denise, Tuesday, January 06, 2009 02:40:15 PM
Sylvia, I love reading your books. Thank you so much for all your wonderful insight. My first encounter with your work kicked off a spiritual growing period for me that is still helping me in my life. I hope you can see a more peaceful time period for all of us that includes a good economy, a cleaner enviroment, and much good health. Thanks so much. Denise Odom, Benton, La.
By Darlene, Tuesday, January 06, 2009 02:22:50 PM
Sylvia: giving us hope and positive feedback for the middle of 2009 really helps us to give hope back to the universe. With so many of us in this belief, we will all move forward with small steps to bring about a more balanced environment. We look to you for this guidance and appreciate all the information you can send forward. With our growing spirituality, we will all support each other and show love and pride to our growing strengths. Thank you for being there for us.
By Barbara, Tuesday, January 06, 2009 01:36:40 PM
sylvia, I love your books.please, I want you to write something more in detail about what francine thinks about the year 2012, and what we can do to prevent the inevitable crisis of world peace and distruction of human kind. anything she thinks will help will be fine. Sylvia, I think everyone should aspire to be as good of an example to mankind as you.we all are lucky to have you.Mother and Father God certaintly knew what they were doing when they put you in our time.Well, enough sucking up .I have to go do my our battles of the day. thanks girl for everything!! Barbara c.
By Carole, Tuesday, January 06, 2009 01:11:24 PM
Hi Sylvia, I hope you will add closed captioned to the webcast and blogs. I also hoping that you might provide transcript button who ever need it so others and I can read and fully understand better. Can I request transcript being send to my email so I can read what the webcast and blogs are trying to say. I cannot wait to read because I am also Deaf and request a transcript please and Thank you so much. God bless you!!! Carole
By Dawn M. J., Tuesday, January 06, 2009 11:57:11 AM
Hi Sylvia, As much as I love to watch and recieve your newsletters I would like to see close catpioned on your blogs so I can fully understand what you are saying. I am deaf and have been since birth. Love you, Dawn
By Glenda, Wednesday, December 31, 2008 03:10:07 PM
Hi Sylvia I wanted to ask why my husband lost his job the way he did during the Christmas holidays, and will he be back on another jobsite soon.thank You Happy New Year!
By Vicki, Wednesday, December 31, 2008 02:04:17 AM
Sylvia, When reading your case studies, I was amazed and truly believe that God has choosen you to help hundreds of thousands of people. I hope that I can one day meet you or talk to you on-line, me and my family have so many unanswered questions, and know that you can guide us through the future. Thank you so much for all that you do. Love, Vicki
By Julie, Tuesday, December 30, 2008 01:15:27 PM
Hey everyone, I just wanted to comment on the issue about the president having a heart attach and dying. Sylvia did say it, but she did not say it was this president! I believe what it says in her book "END OF DAYS" is that sometime between 2008 and 2020 that this would happen. On this web site someone who typed her predictions awhile ago typed that she said some time after 2008 every one just assumed it was president Obama. When she said she didn't say it she meant she didn't say Obama would die. Hope this clears this up. Thanks

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