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The Angelic Force of The Powers And The Carrions
Angels: The Powers and The Carrions Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures

by Sylvia Browne

Some may remember that in my book, Life On The Other Side, I wrote about eight phyla of angels. I did not mention The Powers & The Carrions. But recently, my Spirit Guide Francine gave me information during trance sessions about two additional phyla. The Powers and The Carrions are very important angels you will want to know about.


What are The Powers? The Powers are the fifth phylum of angel and their primary function is healing. They use their wings to create a healing cocoon around the person who is in need of healing. While the Archangels use the scepter of healing, The Powers simply use their own energy to heal. If you call upon The Powers, they can easily shelter you with their wings, but it is the healing electrical force that comes from them that enters our bodies and heals us cell by cell. 


The Powers are large angels – some of them quite enormous. Their totem is the falcon, known for being swift and having perseverance. Their element is the moon which represents the motherly or female aspect. The Powers’ stone is the emerald, which is the healing color of green. The Powers’ wing tips are a greenish white and they have electric blue flames that rise from them.


The Carrions are the sixth phyla of the angels. These angels carry away dark entities when they die. Because of The Carrions, dark entities do not exist on earth after they have died. The Carrions have only this one mission and it is very important: no one else touches the dark entities.


The Carrions exist as protection for entities both here and on The Other Side. Their totem is the raven. Their element is the wind; this represents the type of task they carry out. Their stone is the opal.


We can call lots of other types of angels to come to our aid, but The Carrions are not for us. The Carrions exist for another purpose. So you typically do not call on The Carrions for help. This is because we are considered white entities and they only come for dark entities.


There is one circumstance in which a white entity will call on a Carrion for help. At this time, a Carrion can help protect us by surrounding the dark entity and keeping it away from us. Please understand that if you call a Carrion it would not come to you, it would respond to the dark entity that had been somehow attracted to you.


These are very powerful angels that are happy to help you if you are in need. Call upon

The Powers or The Carrions if the circumstance warrants.



Love always,


Sylvia Browne



P.S. Many angels exist simply to protect and love you. You can learn about these angels in my, Book of Angels. Discover how these angels can help you through life.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Pauline, Saturday, May 09, 2009 06:16:12 PM
Fascinating article... oh yes I am familiar 'with in the wings of an angel', I've lived it, used it. Wonderful article. Thank you Sylvia....
By diane, Tuesday, May 05, 2009 01:47:42 AM
sylvia could you say a pray for a lady linda who has been in a coma for 20 years now and a lady named chris she has been in a coma for 6 years now thank you and god bless you
By Vicky, Friday, April 24, 2009 01:12:42 AM
Thank you and God Bless You for all you do for others. I never lose faith in God. I pray everyday to see my 4 yr old granddaughter again. I haven't seen her for 8 months, due to my son taking her away from me. I hope the courts can help and help him to get the help he needs. I am so worried for my grandbabys safety. Also, my husband has been laid off from his job. We are in our 50's and I'm afraid he won't be able to get another job. I have many ailments and am really in condition to hold a job, so much worry, feels like a nervous breakdown. Hope not, we have no insurance. Could you let me know what angels to call on for help? Thanks, Vicky W.
By Tara, Wednesday, April 22, 2009 10:08:13 PM
I re-habbed an injured raven, while I was doing this I was approached by a psychic in a bank parking lot. She asked to touch my hand and then went on to identify the animal and told me to do everything I could to make him well - he was an angel. Now I understand the spiritual connection. Thank-you Sylvia for all you spiritual teachings!
By katie, Wednesday, April 22, 2009 02:52:21 PM
When I read about The Powers I immediatly saw the Angel and asked that He/She envelope my son who I saw being surrounded in the center of the circular wing span with the wing span in a hue of green and the wing tips sparkking with blue flame energy. My son in the center appeared in different ages from adult to baby (in an embryonic bubble) spinning in a capsule receiving The Powers Healing. A BEAUTIFUL VISION. May The Powers continue to Heal My Son!
By MARYKAY, Wednesday, April 22, 2009 10:53:42 AM
Hello Sylvia! God Bless you and yours. I have had MS for over 15 years now, been pretty stable with it due to the COPAXONE injections, but 'am doing a lot of falling lately. Do you forsee any new therapy down the pike? I'am also running out of injection sites as my skin has become rather hard from soooo many needles! I'm not a crybaby, I just hope there will be something better for this dreaded disease. Thank you for your time...Love, Mary Kay
By eleanor, Wednesday, April 22, 2009 10:40:44 AM
God bless you, Chris and youur families, I love tuning in to your web class, it is so informative. Do you see financial help coming my way and in what manner. Thank you so much for all you do to make this a better place.
By Luvenia, Wednesday, April 22, 2009 09:03:39 AM
Dear Sylvia, Will I get the balance due May 1, 2009 to start my home-based business in which I have previously been accepted as a "distributorship" fulfilling all assignments with Planet Antares? Thanks Sylvia and much love to you and your family. Johnola
By CHARMAINE, Thursday, January 15, 2009 10:40:20 AM
Hi Sylvia, God Bless you and your family. Blessing goes out to all in the world. Slyvia, I am very much interested in your books. Where can i purchase them? Thank you and have a Blessed Day! P.s. My first time writing. Pls. pray for my and my family. Thank You.
By Luz Lorena, Friday, July 11, 2008 10:18:17 AM
the Powers... this description is so familiar to me... not because i have seen them but because all their elements have great meaning to me... the color green, the moon, the blue flames, the large scale... constant themes/loves in my life... the Carrions... calling on them would have come in handy, many times in my past... makes me curious about when i see the dark lights... i see all different colors, mostly white, purple, and blue lately... but sometimes i see dark lights... i have been interpreting this as some kind of warning of an obstacle & then i try to remain positive... muah!!!! sylvia

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