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The Most Popular Questions About The Other Side
The Other Side with Sylvia Browne Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures by Sylvia Browne


Many people ask me about what is on The Other Side. They especially have questions about The Other Side when a loved one, friend or a beloved pet goes to The Other Side.


Here are some of my most popular questions about life on The Other Side. Most likely, you will find some of your questions about The Other Side on this list.



Where is The Other Side?


The Other Side exists right along with us; it is not way up there in the clouds. It is simply three feet above the ground. The Other Side is a higher dimension than what we have here on earth.



What is the silver cord?


The silver cord connects us to our spiritual life force that comes from God. This is very much like the umbilical cord that a baby has when it is first born, except your silver cord is never to be cut. The silver cord is located just below the breastbone.



What is the tunnel that people travel through to get to The Other Side like?


I had a near-death experience at 42. The tunnel that I saw appeared instantly and came up from my body. It did not lead straight up, but instead led across at a twenty-degree angle. I felt very energized as I moved through the tunnel. I was weightless and felt very peaceful. I knew in my heart that soon I would be greeted by my loved ones.



What happens when your life is over?


My Spirit Guide Francine says that when life on earth ends, our eternal spirits leave our bodies and go Home to God. Home is a beautiful place that is almost indescribable. You can feel pure love all the time while living in Home.



What is the importance of our charts with The Other Side?


On The Other Side, before we are born, we create a chart of our life. This chart includes all that we will experience. This includes our happiness and our challenges. It includes the beginning of our life and the parents we will have. It also includes our time of death.



Do we remember our other lives?


Yes, we remember them on a spiritual level. Our spirit retains memories from each lifetime we have had. Our current life is affected by these memories, even if we are unaware of this.



Why are we here on earth?


We are here on earth to overcome negativity and to also perfect our spirits for God.



The Other Side, as you can see, is not some grand mystery. Your loved ones are always with you, as they live on The Other Side.



Love always,


Sylvia Browne



P.S. The Other Side is a place that many people have questions about. Everyday people, religious leaders and scholars have asked thoughtful questions about The Other Side for centuries. In my book Life on The Other Side, learn just what life is like.


Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.


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By Sammy, Monday, April 23, 2012 05:30:42 AM
Sylvia Browne is a fraud and so is her son Chris. Don't believe in those charlatans. They'll be happy to rob you blind. They're criminals to the max!
By sarika, Friday, July 22, 2011 03:42:40 AM
Hello sylvia. Hope you are doing well. I want to know when i will find the man of my dreams. Am i ever going to stick to one career, job or education. I am at the age where i feel like ,I havent accomplished nothing.Could you show me a direction. PLEASE NEED HELP.THANKS ,GOD BLESS U
By Glenda, Sunday, May 31, 2009 03:36:18 PM
Goodafternoon Sylvia While I sit here reading the comments of a few I had this beautiful spark of enightment come over me and I know this is my Son Alex he embraces me with such tender Love from the Spiritual World and reassures me that all is ok not to cry and upset myself for he is contented where he is and I should not ponder over loosing him anylonger but embrace the loving energies of moving forward in the moment for I already know these things now he ask me to live it.
By beatrice, Sunday, May 31, 2009 12:05:18 AM
my son said that he had a dream of his grandmother and she was talking to him but he could not hear her he said it look like a TV with out an antenna and my mother was younger but she was sad he could see her coming on the TV but it was black and white. He felt it was wrong because he was crossing over to the other side he was not so post to be there or it was my mother that was not to be there and he felt that he was communing with her this way. He felt he was crying but he said that he felt like she was not in haven yet that she was in the middle he said it's hard to explain but it was like she was not dead. Is my mother not in Haven? did my son cross over? or is she trying to warn him, Why was she sad? Sylvia Please can You Help? Please!
By naomi, Monday, May 18, 2009 04:47:15 AM
There is nothing selfish about asking Sylvia or Chris, for help. Or asking God for help, for that matter. God loves us unconditionally, and we should be loving others and helping others. Whatever good you do for each other, will return good karma back to you. And it is absolutely rewarding to help one another out. If you want to do something nice for Sylvia, then say a prayer of thanks, say a prayer of energy and positive well being to her. Say a prayer of health and immense love and joy of life to her. Thank her and love her. You can never love anyone too much. And yes, I love her. She loved us first, and it is so very appreciated. And it is a good example to set. Love others, and the love will be accepted, or go to someone who appreciates it. It will be caught by someone. It will never be wasted. Try not to be too judgemental. Everyone needs love. Everyone needs a connection to God. And within ourselves is a connection to God. We can call him everyday, all day, all night. Thank you God. And thank you God for opening our eyes, that God is here, now and always available for our every need. When you have children, you always have time for them. And God always has time for us. Sylvia and Chris make time for us, and we should make time for others as well. How many people can you help today? How many people can you cheer up, heal, or bring a positive influence to? Lets help Sylvia and Chris by helping each other as well. Write something positive as a solution, to any problem that you may have come across in these comment sections. Someone somewhere will hear your answer. And it will be a glorious thing to know that you are a part of helping and loving someone with the very best intentions and help that you can come up with. God works through us, if we ask for it. And if you know any positive advice to give, then share it. We all need love. And we all know how to love. Use it, share it, and care for one another. It will come back to you, in some shape or form, as a good luck gift. A happy day. An overwhelming sense of well being for no apparent reason. And feeling a sense of purpose. Do what you can, when you can. Its the little things that count. Tend to someones garden. Help plant flowers. Clean thier yard. Get their groceries. Paint their room a different color. Bring them a plate of homemade cookies, and a visit. Drive someone around to run errands. Volunteer at the animal shelter, to feed, clean, pet, and walk dogs or cats. Pick someone to shine your love toward, even if they don't respond immediately, they might feel better and not know why. Choose many people to love. Love your pets. Love the nature around you. Love parks, love people, love bbqs, sunrises and sunsets, family, happy memories, carnivals, movies, travelling, books, libraries, plays, whatever your heart desires to love. Their is so much to love. And love is a wonderful feeling. And it is abundant, and it is freedom and light. Feel love, give love, be love.
By Sue, Thursday, May 14, 2009 10:04:55 PM
I like how some people con you with," I love you" and ask a dozen questions! What a selfish bunch. I'm getting selfish like the rest lol, I'm waiting for you to answer my question I've been asking a year now. lol Well probably I'll be ok and you know it. lol
By Susan, Thursday, May 14, 2009 03:32:26 PM
Hi Sylvia, I am new to your site, books and TV appearances on Montel. I am trying very hard to believe the things you tell however my christian beliefs learned as a child do not coincide. The Bible says not to confer with a fortune teller and I haven't found anything in the Bible about living multiple lives however there is something about you that intrigues me and wants me to learn more. My own mother had some psychic abilities and used them only to an extent when she was younger. She always told us kids that they frightened her and gave her terrible headaches so she tried not to use them. She has passed away now almost 4 years. I was wondering if she ever comes around me or my sister Sally. We miss her so much and hope she is doing well on the other side. She was so very sick the last few years of her life. She was the kindest, most caring and put other before herself always. She did not like the fact that I was married to the husband that I have and I wish I had listened to her. I use to talk to her all the time about him and now have no one. Can you tell me if I will remain with him (Michael) and if so how can I change that. He is lazy, mean, and abusive in nature. I look forward to hearing from you. My name is Susan and I live in Goochland, Virginia. Thank you Sylvia. God Bless!
By Vickie, Thursday, May 14, 2009 10:37:35 AM
Hi Sylvia, I lost my son in August of '08. I miss him so much I sometime wish I could just go and be with him. No Iwill not do nothing stupid, but I can't wait for the day when I can hold him again. Nothing is worse then loosing my first born child. I really need to know how he lets me know he's here with me. Like so many have asked you before, if we have many live how can they stay with us all the time? I guess I just need to know my son is ok and happy? This is the only thing that matters, is that he is ok. Thank You, Love YOu & God Bless
By Bonnie, Thursday, May 14, 2009 08:25:50 AM
Sylvia. I Need To Know This So Bad So I May Have A Little Comfort In My life. 2 Years Ago I Was On The Phone With The Man I Was Suppose To Be With For The Rest Of My Life. We Loved Each Other So Much. All Of A Sudden His Voice Went Muffled And I Couldnt Hear Him. 5 Days Later After Not Hearing From Him I Received A Text Message From His Son Telling Me He Had Died Of A Heart Attack. Is He With me And What Signs Can I Or Do I Receive From him..I Have Cried Every Day For 2 Years. Last July I Was In A Near Fatal Car Accident, Went Into Cardiac Arrest And Was Resusitated. I Had A Heart Attack From Hitting The Steering Wheel When I T-Boned The Other Vehicle At 80 MPH Which had 5 intoxicated People In It That Had Pulled an illegal Left in Front of Me. So I,ve Had My Share Of Crisis. But In Order For Me To Have Some Kind OF Comfort In My Life I Would Just Like To Know If He Is Watching Over Me And What Signs He Leaves Me..
By Victoria, Wednesday, December 17, 2008 01:54:28 PM
Hi Sylvia, I read in the comments people dreaming of loves who have passed on hugging them in their dreams but when I dream of my father and my Aunt who Loved dearly I always dream of them when someone in our family is about to die. Also my father and my Aunt tell me never to touch them in my dreams or I will have to go to other side with them. Why do I dream this if everyone else is dreaming of hugs?

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