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What Does The Other Side Look Like?
What Does The Other Side Look Like? Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures by Sylvia Browne

When people have heard me talk about The Other Side, often they will ask me “Sylvia, what is The Other Side like?” Many have heard that The Other Side is more beautiful than they could imagine. Well that’s sort of a sneaky description. If it is more beautiful than you could imagine, then why should you bother imagining it? Also, if it is so hard to imagine, could it be all made up, like some type of fairy tale?

Understand that The Other Side is simply beautiful. The image of what The Other Side looks like is left deep in our spirit memories. We first came from The Other Side, so we already know what it looks like. We will once again return to our beloved home of The Other Side. Often, we are so homesick for The Other Side that we astral travel there during sleep several times a week.

You may have some small memory that is conscious of what The Other Side looks like. As you read this description, some of it may sound very familiar. I have found as I have described this to people, often they have found they will agree with what I say – because they realize they already know in some ways what The Other Side looks like.

The Other Side is actually simply three feet above our ground level here on earth. We have earth’s exact natural topography. We have seven continents full of mountains, deserts, rivers, forests and jungles. We have our beautiful oceans. But unlike today, there is absolutely no pollution on The Other Side. The oceans and rivers are clean, clear, and pure.

On The Other Side, time simply does not exist. So things do not age, they do not rot or corrode. Everything is beautiful, fresh and new.

Lots of man-made wonders are on The Other Side. You can see the Pyramids, the Great Wall of China and the Taj Mahal – all are on The Other Side. The Other Side is known for its Greco-Roman architecture, and it was brought from The Other Side to earth. Many artists carefully reproduce great art or architecture on The Other Side for souls to enjoy.

The weather is interesting to mention on The Other Side. There is no rain, snow, sleet or hail. There is the occasional breeze – but no strong winds. The weather is a constant 78 degrees. Day and night do not exist on The Other Side, so the sun, moon and stars do not exist on The Other Side. The Other Side is lit with a blend of soft pastels, very much like the sky during a summer’s dawn.

The Other Side is a beautiful place – as you already know!

Love always,

Sylvia Browne

P.S. Many people are curious about The Other Side. If you want to learn more, read my book, Life on The Other Side. It will answer all of your questions about life in this special place.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By tracey, Wednesday, September 03, 2008 06:48:09 PM
dear sylvia, with all the problems and struggles i have been going through in my life, i can't even begin to express how much you've helped me keep positive. i don't feel as though i have much more time left here on this earth, but because of you i am not afraid. all my love, tracey
By nancy, Sunday, August 03, 2008 01:41:17 PM
A note to Dartz, I just came off of a sight about astro travel and boy was I ever surprised. You were "Learning". That makes me feel so happy. You sounded like a nice person and the words you had said in the past did not fit you. Keep up the searching and learning. Have your own opinions but if they are good ones you can share and help others grow. Sylvia has changed my life and the way I look at each day. I am just one person and I know millions more have learned with me and see her in her help by sharing her knowledge and gifts. People are told, "T am About 85% correct." Things can cross and would she sit in front of people and give word live T.V. Show and give a lie??No way, For some reason the message about that missing child was wrong BUT what did these peole write in their charts about this incident???People took that and tried to hurt this wonderful spirit. Keep up the learning and I will look for more of your words and SEE a change in you. People will listen to you now because You were a NON-believer because you did not search the truth by the gossiping lips of a person that did not get the word they wanted or she did not fall all over them. I am like a Michael Jackson and "where were your hands??Do not come up and touch all over me. Think about it, she doesn't know us personally and we do not do it to people we just meet daily. Right?? Talk Later!! Nancy L.Bisset New Oxford, Pa.
By nancy, Sunday, August 03, 2008 12:58:40 PM
MY DEAR Sylvia, I have followed you for many years. I have at least 12 of your books which are my keepers and I read and re-read as I go to bed at night. I think those sights that try and debunk your wonderful work are HERITICS, If it were not for your books and talk shows and NOW that wonderful web cast, things for me would have been pretty terrible. I have noted on many sights about your helping me know how to pass my sweetie (Age 45) crossed over 1-27-2007. I have those precious memories to go back to and my photos I kept to record that journey with him. You have done more with one of your little fingers then the mass of these cruel people that all the time they have is spent being NASTY and discrediting your wonderful work. I see people MAD and JEALOUS OF YOUR TIME. They demand you to answer their every whim. You get the same questions over and over that you have written the answers so clearly in your wonderful to read books. You also tell us NOT TO LIVE YOUR LIFE BY A PSYIC. That YOU ARE 85% correct. The negitive energy that people send out is so bad.I cannot see how you can keep your energy up to even help people. You TAUGHT us how to hear our spirit guides, to pray to angels to come and heal and help us out. God made these beings to help us on our learning path all we must do is ASK and we shall receive, when we BELIEVE. How do people have time to put these complicated sights up. I try to get my POSITIVE messages on them and they like block your path to comment on their crap. How they trail you around like a pet. That is discusting. The disrespect that many show that because they paid to go on a crusie with you that they should be with you 24/7. I love you and just being able to run up and give you a hug to say thankyou would be encroaching because YOU ARE ONE BEING, knowing my thought is enough for you. Would we like it if we were treaded by you the way that even fans can disrespect you. Our egoic nature makes us into this little Jealous person if YOU DO NOT DO OR SAY WHAT WE THINK YOU SHOULD DO OR SAY. I Thankyou for this forum where we can tell you of our love and allow those around you to PORTECT you from "US". I mean that kindly because you have a family, you have desires, hopes and live a life like us EXCEPT YOU have an extraordinary GIFT that you want to share with us and boy does that ever open a can of worms. I would like to write a small healing book about my crossing over my sweetie experience because You were there with me in spirit, and Helped me know what to do. My sweetie and my dialog about your gifts and John and James I had them all with me. Your books on how we can call angels to help us, I did that and the joyful experience that I had that should have been painful and hard became a LOVING LAST TIME WITH HIM and You need to know that MY knowing from you IS REALLY ALL YOU HAD TO DO TO MAKE USING YOUR GIFT ON the earth this last reincarnation was worth your trip this one last time. THANKYOU! Please be strong and I love your sights where I can share knowledge of your WONDERFUL BOOKS and all people need to tell them all the knowledge you have shared so clearly and plainly. And your Mantra "Take what you want and leave the rest" I have taken as mine and (I give you credit everytime I use it) I use it with everything I Read and Hear. Why can't these Dartz and Lausen??SP. be kept from coming on our PERSONAL LOVE for you Sight?? I hope you get all these nasty sight blocked. You must be doing something right because WHY ALL THIS ATTENTION?????? WOW! Sylvia, They must be bored out of their head. I close with God Give you a wonderful day and I pray that the words I have written about my sweetie "R" let you see how wonderful you are. Also, I think I told you already, I love your Finger nails. It is a sisters thing and they have the attitude, the only personal friend of mine an R.N. had ones like yours and the Hospital let her have them and she was in ICU when I about died of paratonitis 1975, she never touched me with those gorgious nails she took such care of me and I loved her as a co-worker and friend. When I see your beautiful nails I see K. and her loving kindness during that 6 wks. and 2 days of a horrible experience. I close with LOL and if God allowed me to ever meet you here I'd just stand and look at you and smile BUT when I get to other side with you watch out I will get all of the (NO-TIME) I need. That clock really does mess our lives up. LOL Nancy L.Bisset from New Oxford, Pa.
By Laureen, Sunday, August 03, 2008 12:22:03 AM
How the heck does she know? How are there MAN MADE things in the other side?
By Barbara, Saturday, August 02, 2008 05:39:38 PM
My husband once strangled me till I died. I was in heaven walking. I had no thoughts of who am I ,where am I. I was just enjoying a walk on a path with woods on one side ( I love to walk in woods) and other side was a clear field.I was enjoying the day. Next thing I knew I was having my chest pushed on and someone breathing in my mouth. He said I had no pulse and wasn't breathing. That was 46 years ago and I still can see that picture in my mind. Very peaceful feeling.
By Dartz, Saturday, August 02, 2008 02:44:26 PM
You could always go to Antarctica I guess. If the world is a replica of the material world, I guess you would be able to build your snowmen over there.
By Aries, Saturday, August 02, 2008 02:02:35 PM
No snow!? Aw man that sucks!
By Carrie, Wednesday, July 23, 2008 07:52:03 PM
Hi, Sylvia. I just want to say that I thank God your now on SpiritNow. I cried when Montel's show came to an end because I love the both of you, and the thought of not ever seeing you again made me so sad. It still brings a tear to my eye that you and Montel won't be together again on t.v. the both of you were so dynamic. Again I love you and thank you for finding this outlet to still reach all of us. Love, Carrie
By donna, Friday, July 04, 2008 09:30:20 AM

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