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Where We Live On The Other Side
Life on The Other Side Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures

by Sylvia Browne

When people start to ask me about The Other Side, they want to know, “Where do we live on The Other Side?” We have all grown up with the misconception of people floating around in the clouds, strumming a harp while being totally “blessed out.” Many have heard me define that The Other Side is just like it is home here on earth, only completely pure with no pollution. The Other Side exists just three feet off the ground, right here where we are. It exists in another, much higher vibration.

Many will be pleased to discover that we have our very own home on The Other Side. Keep in mind that on The Other Side, our bodies do not have many of the same functions, so we do not need homes for the same reasons. We do not eat, do not sleep and do not eliminate waste. Our appearance is created with our thoughts, so we do not need closets to be filled with clothing. We also do not really need protection from the elements – as it is always 78 degrees on The Other Side. So our reasons to have a home are for personal comfort.

There is a lot of freedom about where and how you live on The Other Side. You can live anywhere you want in any style of home or building that you want. You can easily have a castle or a mansion. Homes are often built by projected thought. I say “often” because remember that there are architects, builders, construction managers and all types of home building geniuses living on The Other Side that enjoy building homes. These home builders are never at a lack for enthusiastic volunteer crews.

Cities, suburbs and large towns do not exist on The Other Side. This may surprise some people. But think about the practicality of it: we no longer need to live close by to our workplace. Commuting time is not an issue. Travel on The Other Side is done through projected thought. This is very similar to astral travel here on earth. There is also no commerce or money system. Without a finance system, there are no stores and no purchases to be made. Now, homes do cluster together, to form small villages of perhaps several hundred people.

So you do have a home on The Other Side, but you certainly think differently about it. Homes on The Other Side are beautiful and people enjoy creating their own homes with thought and love.

Love always,

Sylvia Browne

P.S. There is much to know and learn about The Other Side. In my book, Life on The Other Side, learn how people live, work and everything about what happens on The Other Side. All of your questions are answered!

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Johnny, Thursday, August 07, 2014 04:20:55 AM
Get ready for... chicken every wednesday. Alright! Right from the bucket. 16 pieces of finger licking good Kentucky Fred chicken for you and you and you and you. Get ready for... chicken every wednesday, right from the bucket.
By kim, Saturday, May 09, 2009 08:51:42 PM
HI Sylvia, our beautiful daugther passed away July of "08". She was very sick 6 monts before her passing, however, we did not expect to her to pass away so soon. We have adopted our 7 year old grandson, whom we love very much and our daughter wanted us to raise him. What I would like to know is if she leaves us any kind signs that we are missing. We would love so much to feel her presence because we miss so much. Our daughter was only 26 yeas old. Thank you Kim Breaux
By Pauline, Saturday, May 09, 2009 06:04:50 PM
You are so cinchie Sylvia!! You bring ease and comfort.. Thank you!
By diane, Tuesday, May 05, 2009 12:35:55 AM
sylvia when a baby dies at birth are they reborn to some one else or do they stay on the other side di
By diane, Tuesday, May 05, 2009 12:32:40 AM
sylvia cant wait to see you on may 7th di
By diane, Tuesday, May 05, 2009 12:27:17 AM
sylvia why does god let you see or hear from the other side and why does your guide talk to you and people like me can not hear any thing when i was 3 or 4 years old i did have some voice whisper in my era and i did see a figure she was all white like a see threw body but since then i have not heard any thing di
By diane, Tuesday, May 05, 2009 12:20:00 AM
hi sylvia what do people look like on the other side what does every body do do they think where they want to be and they are there do they think of their loved ones left behind or do they not remember that they are not with them di
By sherrie, Monday, May 04, 2009 01:19:33 PM
Sylvia,PLEASE HELP ME?I just can't seem to get over this man that I have been in love with for over 20 years ago I want to know if he ever loved me because he said if he ever leave me for another woman for me to talk with someone like you but I don't trust anyone,and I wasn't familiar with anyone,and I did't have any money to invest in something that I did't trust their was a rumor say that he was having an affair with one of my family member and that have also been hanging over my head over the past 20 years because I have reason to believe it's true but i could never prove it one more thing did he marry his wife to spike me or did he just use me until he meet the love of his life because the last three weeks of our six year relationship I could see him transform right before my eyes but there was nothing I could do he said I was the only one in his life and we were each other shadow where you see him you see me and where you see me you see him we were together all the time except for when he was working.PLEASE HELP ME IF YOU CAN ????? my e-mail address is
By LeslieJean, Monday, May 04, 2009 12:00:01 PM
As I say, words are all I have, so thank you for helping so many of us! Leslie Jean Nearing
By Kim, Thursday, September 04, 2008 11:37:52 AM
Dear Sylvia, The skeptics and the media use the word' psychic' to decribe you...I use the words' Modern Day Prophet', on the same lines of all the prophets of history. The closemindedness of our times and thousands of years in the past , is at best a descrption of only human nature. I am so grateful to have found you, and thank God for you daily. I Love you Sylvia...and look for you in my dreams.

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