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Your Child and Spirit Guides
Your Child's Spirit Guide Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures

by Sylvia Browne

Do you believe your child has a Spirit Guide? Think back: did you have an imaginary playmate as a child? When I ask people this question, often a big smile comes across their face as they remember this connection. Sometimes, they feel a little silly and they blush. “How’d you know?” they ask shyly.


Many children have imaginary playmates. These are very special relationships for children. But very often when a child has an imaginary playmate, this is a Spirit Guide in the child’s life. I would say 99% of the time this is a Spirit Guide!


Children know how to call on their Spirit Guide. I can remember my son Christopher’s Spirit Guide came to him as a young boy. His Spirit Guide Charlie was the perfect playmate – always ready to have fun. Charlie grew up with Christopher. The two of them were simply inseparable.


My Spirit Guide came to me as a maternal figure. Francine was the perfect mother – very wise and although I didn’t always agree with her, she was always right. I needed a mother figure at the time. So I selected a Spirit Guide that would take on that form.


So while Christopher chose a fun playmate Spirit Guide, I chose a very different type of Spirit Guide. Children’s Spirit Guides can take many forms. The Spirit Guide takes a form that the child desires in their life that will benefit them in some way. The Spirit Guide wants the child to know that they are always there to help the child and have the child get to know them.


Children – like adults – can name their Spirit Guide any name that they feel most comfortable with. That is how I first named my Francine. When a name comes to you, you listen to how it sounds and see if it simply sounds and feels “right.” If it doesn’t, you think of what other name might be better suited for them. Your Spirit Guide is less concerned about what you call them, as long as you do call them.


If parents are somewhat indulgent about this new imaginary playmate in a child’s life, they may discover information about their child’s spiritual life they never could have imagined. Consider asking how the imaginary playmate is each day, just as you ask your child how they are each day. Listen to the answer. It may be a very wise answer or it may be a very funny one.


At mealtime, set an additional place at the table just for the imaginary playmate. This truly treats the imaginary playmate just like part of the family. By getting to know the imaginary playmate, your child could tell you all about their angels or their past lives or other information about their spiritual life.



Love always,


Sylvia Browne



P.S. Your Spirit Guides want to get to know you! My book, Contacting Your Spirit Guide, gives you a meditation CD and information about your Spirit Guides. Learn about this important relationship in your life.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Sheila, Thursday, September 18, 2008 10:17:19 AM
Sylvia, I just want you to know I am almost finished reading your book, psychic Children and I am most grateful for all the information. I just love you!:) I also watched your last show with Montel Williams. It brought tears to my eyes. You are one of the greatest teachers on earth and I feel blessed to have you as my teacher, through reading your books. I enjoy your books very much and will continue reading them for guidance. I just wanted to ask you about my children. I have one girl who is 4 years and 2 boys ages 2yrs. & the youngest 5 months. I want to know if I have made the right desicion to Home school her? What do you see in the future for her. also, which should I put her into : Dance, Gymnastics or Martial Arts? and if my daughter will ever get into The Pearls school... The next question has to do with a Tibetan man who appeared (in a dream I had before my daughter was born) to me and said a psychic will be born and then he dashed away. Who was he? Is he related? and what is the name of my Daughters spirit guide and my spirit guide. Last, My husbands' Mother and Youngest Brother past away last year and I would like to know who my 5 month old is seeing. He's always looking at someone and laughing and playing. I always sense someone is around. and what is in the future for my two sons. I Thank You so much in advance, I love you, Sincerly, Sheila Young -Sherpa
By Dartz, Saturday, August 02, 2008 03:19:16 PM
Huh, I had quite a lot of them. So the odds of at least one being a spirit guide s pretty high. One of them was like a ghostly flame, and that's all I remember.
By Keely, Saturday, July 26, 2008 07:52:27 AM
Hi Sylvia, I am nine years old! I have two spirit guides. One is named Ramey, she is a Native American. I am unaware of the males name. Will you please help me and tell me his name?
By natalie, Thursday, July 17, 2008 12:09:11 AM
Hi Silvia.... I have always had issues with my faith but i feel it's getting better now by listening to u talk and reading your books. But lately my 9 year old daughter claims that she see's a man in our house(she even drew a detailed picture of him) and most recently saw a woman named Wendy in her dreams, than she appeared to her in my backyard. We are trying to explain to her it's a gift from god but she is scared and cries alot when this happens!! I am lost at what to do... i have told the ghost or spirit to leave my daughter alone and go to the light and that he or she is dead and they can move on now but nothing doing . Could u please help us ? I feel really bad because this is ll new to all of us as a family. Thank u for what u do for everyone it is greatly appreciated!!!!
By marvalee, Wednesday, July 09, 2008 04:24:34 PM
my daughter Savannah use to talk to a Imaginary friend. When it was time to start school, I told her she had to get rid of her because if she went to school talking to her self they would think something was wrong with her.I ask her what she look like she said she had red hair and the rest sounded like my aunt in law that past a way a couple of years before she was old enough to remember her .I told her to say good bye to her and I opened the front door let her out, and she never talk to her again. I don't know if she made her up or if she was our aunt in law or her spirit guide. Does any one know the answer.
By Dawn, Wednesday, July 09, 2008 08:54:40 AM
P.S. My Father, "Deanie" was a twin to his sister, "Jeanie" and they both had Spirit Guides. When they were little children they were always talking to what my Grandma thought were "imaginary friends." They each had a guide, and they called them "Johnson and Dickle." I know the names sound strange but that's what my Dad and his sister called them when they were young children. :) Dawn R. Anton
By Dawn, Wednesday, July 09, 2008 08:51:58 AM
My daughter, Jordan, who is 12 has been telling me about her Spirit Guide since she was old enough to talk. She used to call her "Rena" but when she got a little older, she told me that her Spirit Guide's name is "Serena." She also has told me about a life as a pioneer woman with children of her own. My son, Adam has never talked about a Spirit Guide, but when he was a child he used to talk to my deceased Father. He was always telling me about his conversations with "Deanie." I never told Adam about my biological Father, because I felt he was too young to understand, let alone tell Adam that my Father's nickname was "Deanie." My Father's name was Robert Dean House and everyone called him "Deanie." I knew Adam was really speaking to him, because there is no way Adam could have known the things he did unless Dad was telling him. I was only 5 years old when my Father, Deanie died of cancer at the age of 27, and here was my little boy having conversations with him. It was wonderful. :) I was open minded about those things BECAUSE of the wonderful information I learned from Sylvia Browne. She has been a help and a guidance to many, many people, and I love her for it! Thank you Sylvia! Dawn R. Anton xx
By Anastasia, Wednesday, July 09, 2008 08:30:32 AM
Several years ago when I asked my son about his Spirit Guide he told me that he had two but that they were in one body. He said he calls the female Carol and the male George. He has also told me, as we were doing things away from the house, for example on the city bus, he told me to send white light through the bus because his Guides appeared to him in two bodies not one. I asked him what that means and he said that when he sees his Guides in two bodies there is negative energy near him and they are protecting him and when they are in one body everything is all right! Thank you for sharing this information and know that you are deeply loved, Sylvia!
By Karen, Wednesday, July 09, 2008 06:44:03 AM
Thank you Sylvia for sharing all your knowledge. I love you Sylvia.
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