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Angels Come in Every Shape, Style and Size!


How often do you see commercialized images of angels? They have long blonde or brown hair and are most often female. They are wearing soft, flowing robes. Their wings are white and sometimes have golden or sparkly touches to them. But most often we see the same type of angel over and over again!


Your angel may look nothing like this angel! Your angel could have short red or black hair and be wearing something more modern. Our angels appear in all different shapes, styles, looks and sizes.


One of my angels wears turquoise and purple. His wings are most often tucked back. His hair is short, and it is blonde. He seems very tall—I have no idea how tall he actually is—but he does seem very tall.


To see what your angels look like—simply ask them! Sit quietly in meditation and ask them, “My angel, please show me what you look like.” 


Tell us what your angel looks like!

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By Melvin, Sunday, August 10, 2008 06:29:30 PM
To see what your angels look like—simply ask them! Sit quietly in meditation and ask them, “My angel, please show me what you look like.” I have had a thought about this statement and plans to use it on future. Not sure to be effective though.
By Melvin, Tuesday, July 29, 2008 05:30:28 PM
angels are not glorified human beings. Matthew 22:30 explains that they do not marry or reproduce like humans, and Hebrews 12:22-23 says that when we get to the heavenly Jerusalem, we will be met by “myriads of angels” and “the spirits of righteous men made perfect”—two separate groups. Angels are a company or association, not a race descended from a common ancestor (Luke 20:34-36). We are called “sons of men,” but angels are never called “sons of angels.”
By Melvin, Sunday, July 27, 2008 01:26:47 AM
Hello Karen that is a very inspiring story. Well I think I have also some friends who have told me about having such kind of angels. I really feel some people are so blessed to have someone who could guide them and give them advices when they need it.
By maylin, Saturday, July 19, 2008 02:52:05 AM
hi Karen. that is great story. yeah, i think that we can not really trust people, but our angels, yes of course. wow, you have already seen your angel? amazing. i hope i could also see my angel and know who she or he is. i would really love meet my angel.
By Karen, Friday, July 18, 2008 02:06:50 PM
My angel is a man. Short brown hair. Seems tall but I'm like 5'1 so anyone seems taller then I do. His wings are always tucked behind him unless I need help and when he knows it they spread wide. His smile is very peaceful very sweet and he isnt always wearing white but he likes wearing a suit. When I was 3 I fell from a slide and I remember seeing his smiling face like time stood still and he helped me from hurting myself. Then I remember my father being there. Sense then he hasnt left my side and I know him as Rick. When I have bad nightmares from bad things that happened to me in my past he wakes me up. Back then he use to whisper to me to make me tell my parents about the things happening to me. I didnt listen though. People who I thought I could trust hurt me so it was hard to trust people but he was there. I am so glad he is here for me. I love him alot and few times he has let himself known to a couple of my freinds and family to let them know he is around. He knows how much my family and friends mean to me so he looks out for them to when I am not around them.
By maylin, Tuesday, July 15, 2008 06:11:26 AM
wow, that is a great experience Nina. are you sure you were not dreaming when you saw the wing? well, i really believe also that it was your angel who came visited you. it is good that you did not get scared and you thought about it as your angel. you really believe in angels.
By maylin, Tuesday, July 15, 2008 06:08:43 AM
yes Dartz. before we really are so curious about angels especially when we were still kids. and i think that many people see angels differently. we have different perception and beliefs.
By Nina, Tuesday, July 15, 2008 03:17:10 AM
My angel or "an angel" woke me out of a sleep. At first, I thought it might be a dream, but I soon realized that it wasn't. Actually, I felt something....nothing touched me per se....then I woke up and immediately after waking up I had to look around to make sure I wasn't dreaming and I wasn't and the angel and blocked my view with "his" and I say "his" I believe it was a "he" GIGANTIC WING....I was just in awe by the wing and the perfect white big featers....they were fluffy and perfect and I saw the "joint" were the wing would bend I took note of that...I wasn't at all scared although I was definitely astonished and then I remember just drifting back to sleep. I never forgot that experience. I took it as a sign of happiness, but now in retrospect I feel it may have been a angel came to me after an evening with a man who has turned out to be a "bad dream"!!!!!
By Dartz, Monday, July 14, 2008 06:51:59 PM
Angel seems more of a title than a level of existence now that I think about it. Anything can die and become a wandering soul, but it takes a special sort to be an angel.
By maylin, Thursday, July 10, 2008 02:38:24 AM
Yes Julian, we always perceived angels when we were still kids as beautiful, long hair and with white skin. but i also can not tell or imagine now how angels look like. but it does not matter how they look like, as long as i know that there are angels watching over me.

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