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Raising Psychic Children
by Sylvia Browne

Don’t you wish all children were born with little instruction manuals tied to their wrists? I know I would have appreciated it, and probably would have done a lot of things differently. And I won’t presume to give you general advice about child rearing. I’m no more of an expert at that than anyone else who’s raised children.

I can, however, offer specific advice about the psychic aspects of raising children. None of it is complicated or time consuming. Its purpose is to see to it that your children’s psychic gifts are a positive, safe, comfortable, normal, empowering, and above all, God-centered force in your lives. I’m confident that it will also deepen the communication between you and your children and create disciplines you’ll come to treasure. Above all, it will help your child through the often overwhelming transition from the Other Side to here.

Try using this Tool of Protection with your children to protect them from negative energy. When your children are old enough, teach them to use the Tool of Protection for themselves:

The Bubble of White Light - This is a Tool that children love and can easily picture. I’m sure you remember Glinda the Good Witch of the North, in the Wizard of Oz, who floated from place to place inside a beautiful blue transparent bubble. Send your children to sleep and/or out the door in the tradition of Glinda, with one variation - instead of a blue bubble, surround them with a glowing translucent sphere made from the sacred, transparent White Light of the Holy Spirit.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Julie, Friday, December 26, 2008 09:47:29 PM
This is a very important question/situation for me. I would even appreciate feedback from other parents. It's not about a psychic child, but it might have something to do with it...I don't know. My four-year-old daughter does not adapt well to change. She never has - although she has been forced to go through some changes; moving twice in her lifetime, changing daycares, school, and growing up. I try to keep any major transitions that are NOT avoidable as smooth and easy and fun as possible for her. This is why - she does not sleep. Well, she will sleep, but then she will wake up several times a night. Or she will wake up just once and stay up for a very long time. This is VERY had on my husband and myself; especially me as she is on "my schedule". I work days and my husband works nights (and sleeps during the day). If she wakes when he is home, he will do everything to ensure that I am not woken up. However, if he is not home or he is somewhere in the house that he cannot hear her, I have to deal with this & it's VERY frustrating as we both end up losing sleep. This routine could go on for months and months. I am currently reading "Psychic Children" and wonder if my daughter's transition into this life is particularly hard on her. What can I do to make it easier - more fun (she's a miserable child for the most part (like her Mommy was).....but incredibly intelligent for her age). I have been crazy about structure & routine since the day she was born - but let her "let her hair down" on weekends. Reviews from her Jr. K teacher for her first few months of school were not positive at all. Our daughter is defiant, challenges authority, is slow & VERY dramatic. Basically she will do what she wants to do when she wants to do it. I feel, as a parent, that I am doing something very wrong since I am the one who spends the most time with her. What can I do? Should I bring her to the family Dr? Could this be medical, emotional, or spiritual? Help PLEASE!!
By Dawntay, Saturday, October 25, 2008 09:55:38 AM
I am blessed to know that I have two grandsons that are very tuned in to the other side. They were born a week a part. The youngest of the to, started seeing what he called a ghost. In his home nothing that could scare a child is aloud around him or his brother. He feel a couple of weeks ago, and twisted his wrist badly. After that happened, he started saying at bedtime I see a ghost. My daughter and I talked, I told her to find out what the " ghost " looked like. We now know that it was either my sister we lost over ten years ago, or his grandmother on his fathers side, who passed long before the lil one was born. Since then we have told him who it is, well sorta as we are not sure which one. But now bedtime has become much easier, and he cant wait to go visit. We only knew what to say to him because of your book on psychic children. Thank you so much. Your are a blessing in my house and hers. I hope you find every blessing you deserve.
By Helen, Saturday, October 25, 2008 02:29:28 AM
Sylvia My mother passed away a few years ago and my daughters got these clown dolls from her and it was only 2 weeks from when she died but my daughter came out of her room in the morning with tears in her eyes and said mom i seen nanny last night she told me to cross the legs of the clowns so i called my aunt and told her about the dream and she gasped on the other end of the phone and said she was talking to your mom cause i told her that when i gave them to her. I never questioned it when my daughter said it to me but i guess my aunt became a believer that day.
By Gladie, Saturday, October 25, 2008 01:17:54 AM
Sylvia, I am relatively new, to your website and have viewed 3 of your live videos. I enjoyed so much, your personal introduction to your Son in your last presentation...When I read your words of the - White Light of the Holy Spirit, my heart beat rapidly, because of my true awakening, I had in the past, when I was praying in church (Catholic) for guidance, I said, "I did not come here Lord for myself, (a special mass), but the miracle I asked for is for my Husband and my Son," as the paretioners, slowly approached the alter, they were passing out to the floor, this frightened me, and I prayed and asked, that this not happen to me as I was not there for myself, as I prayed at the alter with the others all holding hands, when I singly approached the alter, to pray...I completely experienced the touch of, and the MIGHTY POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT...I heard a sound that represented electricity I opened my eyes from prayer and I saw all around me an umbrella of streaks of electric light going all the way down to the church floor. The POWER that I experienced at this very moment, is so POWERFUL, it cannot be explained...thank you Sylvia, for renewing the White Light of the HOLY SPIRIT for me once again, this has told me directly that I have not continually shared this experience with my children to help them. And YES, the miracles I asked for that day, have been answered....thank the Dear Lord, and Blessed Mary, the Mother of God... I close with a BIG Thank You Sylvia, Warmly, Gladie
By Gladie, Saturday, October 25, 2008 01:14:48 AM
Sylvia, I am relatively new, to your website and have viewed 3 of your live videos. I enjoyed so much, your personal introduction to your Son in your last presentation...When I read your words of the - White Light of the Holy Spirit, my heart beat rapidly, because of my true awakening, I had in the past, when I was praying in church (Catholic) for guidance, I said, "I did not come here Lord for myself, (a special mass), but the miracle I asked for is for my Husband and my Son," as the paretioners, slowly approached the alter, they were passing out to the floor, this frightened me, and I prayed and asked, that this not happen to me as I was not there for myself, as I prayed at the alter with the others all holding hands, when I singly approached the alter, to pray...I completely experienced the touch of, and the MIGHTY POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT...I heard a sound that represented electricity I opened my eyes from prayer and I saw all around me an umbrella of streaks of electric light going all the way down to the church floor. The POWER that I experienced at this very moment, is so POWERFUL, it cannot be explained...thank you Sylvia, for renewing the White Light of the HOLY SPIRIT for me once again, this has told me directly that I have not continually shared this experience with my children to help them. And YES, the miracles I ask for that day, have been answered....thank the Dear Lord, and Blessed Mary, the Mother of God... I close with a BIG Thank You Sylvia, Warmly, Gladie
By nelda, Friday, October 24, 2008 06:54:55 PM
Dear Sylvia, reading your blogs are great and very informational. I also watch your web classes. I talk to my daughter alot she lives in ohio, she is 27 her name is khalia, and I know she has a gift that is special. she remember things from the age of 2 weeks old. She informed me the other night that when she was around 7 or 8 and I was staying with a friend. She said that evry night this woman would come in her room and watch her and her brothers sleep. She said she would do this evry night, but she never said or did anything she would just watch for awhile then leave. Khalia said she was not afraid of her. then she would tell me on 4 different ocations that she seen a certain person who might be ill and she would see them lying in a casket then within 1 week this person will have passed on. she belives in god and says that the things she sees she just goes with it. Sometimes she sees thing she said would make her want to pee on herself those times she just blocks it out. Could you tell me her guide and gaurdian name and is there anything that i can tell her to help her channel this gift. Love you and keep your coming... Misty from Detroit, Michigan
By Shari, Friday, October 24, 2008 12:42:21 PM
I am a single parent with two daughters, ages 11 & 13 years old. I come from a family background with my great-grandmother being able to communicate with the other side. Raising my two daughters, I have taught them to tap into their psychic side by listening to their gut instincts and following that nagging voice that they hear. This little exercise has helped both of my daughters in many ways with their friendships at school, their homework when taking a test, or when they are just in doubt period about something. I feel that if you teach your children at a young age that it is okay to listen to what they hear or signs that they might think at first it being just a coincendence, is indeed a real sign from the other side. My daughters now know when they need to stop, listening, then react to what the messages are being told to them.
By Diana, Friday, October 24, 2008 11:44:08 AM
My youngest daughter and a school friend are working on an assignment for her science class and they chose to do theirs on hauntings. I have been helping them get books on the subject for research and have started having dreams about ghosts that were not in any of the books or other resources that we got. It is very unusual for me to do this. One I had was about a house that was haunted by a ghost named Sara. In this dream she only haunted a room that was storing her belongings in that had remained unused as a result. I went in there and while I was looking around she began knocking things over and I asked her what her name was. She said Sara. I asked her what she wanted from the peolple who lived there. She said she wanted me out and her room cleaned out of her stuff so they wouldn't be likely to get into them. I asked her why did she want me out. She began tossing things in my direction. I took a cloth of some kind and knocked a flying object out of the air to deflect it knocking a nail out of the ceiling. She took the nail that was bent and threw it at my throat like a dart and told me to get out. I deflected it and left telling her I would have them remove her things as she asked. I did and she never haunted the place again. I woke up after that. My daughter was having dreams too and has told me several interesting things in hers as well though I can't really remember them.I found them quite interesting though as she told me about them. Is this Sara real or is this just a dream in which I astral traveled and things sort of got out sync with reality? Thanks Sylvia! I am anticipating your webcast in Nov. greatly. I hope the site will allow me to take part in it without any problems this time. Thank you! Love you!
By Bec, Thursday, October 23, 2008 11:53:52 PM
I am fortunate enough to have not one but two psychic children. Although they are now grown young men in college, while little, both of them had the gift of healing by the laying on of hands. I never told them that they couldn't do it and I encouraged them to practice as I saw it as normal. Unfortunately, society doesn't understand that there are some children who are extremely gifted and as they got older, their friends mocked them so they stopped. Isn't it sad that such a marvelous gift is gone forever due to the ignorance of others. If you have a child who is special enough to be gifted, treasure them and encourage them as you can. Bec, Clarksville TN
By Bec, Thursday, October 23, 2008 11:49:34 PM

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