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Spirit Guides: Do They Give Psychic Information?
By Sylvia Browne

Spirit Guides can help you with your chart, your lessons, and your life in general, but their purpose is not to infuse you with psychic abilities. That gift comes from God, and it's your vehicle through which the record of your life (and others' lives) can be accessed. Can a guide tell your future? Yes...if he or she is standing right there reading your chart. But when you're attempting to be precognitive, it should be between you and God. That's why even though I hear what Francine has to say, I also ask God before I go to sleep to talk to me or infuse me with knowledge so that I do the right thing and stay on my chart.

In addition, throughout all my years of research -- not only with my own clients, but through the study of other mediums such as Edgar Cayce, Margaret Leonard, Douglas Johnson, Arthur Ford, and others -- not one of them, including myself, can honestly say that we've gotten much verbal psychic help for ourselves. The guides seem to be virtual fountains of knowledge for others, but not for us.

Spirit Guides don't give us Lotto numbers, or great insights into our future. Certainly guides will nudge us and give us some advice, and they talk to the Council and help us behind the scenes with different situations, but as far as giving us personal, hard-core data -- never! Now, Francine will give me information about Novus Spiritus and pass on spiritual knowledge, which helps, and she'll also answer specific personal questions in trance sessions for those who ask her...but not for me.

It's almost as if mediums are in a tube that allows information to come in for everyone else, but not for us. If you consider this concept further, it makes sense, because if spirit guides verbally instructed us every step of the way, we'd never make mistakes -- and therefore we'd never learn. If I do encounter anyone who gets specific day-to-day guidance, I'm suspicious, because life doesn't work that way. What would be the purpose of coming down to this earthly plane if everything always went perfectly? Mediums have to take their knocks just like everyone else.

Spirit Guides can certainly offer guidance and insight, but they do not give us psychic information.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Michelle, Wednesday, April 22, 2009 02:51:22 AM
I agree with you very much Sylvia. If things were told to us all the time, we would learn NOTHING. Other than my children, what I'm most thankful for in life, is my many life experiences that have shaped me into the woman I've become. And I love me! haha. I really do. I'm thankful that God, Azna, my guide(s) were all so patient with me and allowed me to see my own inner beauty and strength....when I was READY TO. I do wonder though Sylvia, given that our guides rarely give us info. about ourselves, what is it that you usually go to Francine for? What types of things would you go directly to Francine for? Is it just kind of for love, support, and a bit of guidance? The life you chose for yourself, is not an easy one Sylvia, and I am very proud of you for doing such an amazing job. I cant even IMAGINE how exausted you must get. I hope you remember to take time for "you" as well. Take good care Sylvia. God Bless. Michelle Hill British Columbia Canada.
By Angela, Thursday, March 26, 2009 06:12:52 PM
Sylvia, I moved in to take care of my grandmother after my mother and grandfather passed away. How can I get my aunt to go home? She stays up here all day and all evening as if she doesn't think we can take care of here. She has a very bad temper and it is really getting old. I don't want to just stay away or just leave how do I get her to understand we can take care of my grandmother and there would be less arguing up here if she would spend more time away from here.
By Deborah, Wednesday, March 04, 2009 08:46:14 PM
Hi sylvia, I feel as though I was born into this circle but I now seem to have lost it all, kinda like I'm not grounded or something. Used to do out a body traveling and all, now I can'nt seem to do none of it. What is wrong with me debbie
By Donna, Wednesday, January 14, 2009 02:21:46 PM
Dearest Silvia, I really need an answer as to why All of the sudden, I find "dimes" everywhere I go. I started finding "ONLY" "dimes" about a year and a half ago. I don't care where I go, I will surely see a dime. Is someone on the other side trying to tell me something? I'm often scared when I see a dime now. I'm scared that something is about to happen to me whether good or bad. I get nervous now when I see these dimes. I don't know whether to pick them up as I have been doing or to just leave them there. Can you give me some insight on this Silvia? Thank You very much. I love and admire you greatly. Donna Martin:
By Carmela M., Sunday, November 02, 2008 10:13:02 AM
Dear Sylvia, Am wondering if you would give me help in sorting out my relationship with my fiancee. Is he good for me? Why do I feel drawn to him like no other? Am confused about marriage to him. Thanks in advance for any insights. Love your books. You are an inspiration as is Chris. With love and prayers, Carm aka Honey (My mom 's name for me by which friends and family know me.)
By Lois, Wednesday, October 29, 2008 10:02:09 PM
Hi Sylvia, I was born with psychic ability and would like to know how to develop it. Can you tell me my spirit guides name? Thanks for all the people you help. Lois, British Columbia
By andrew, Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:41:26 PM
Miss Browne, I think my Spirit Guide's name is Anna. I have many psychic gifts, but what are they in my Chart for?
By Leslie, Tuesday, October 28, 2008 12:34:05 PM
Hi Sylvia, my name is Leslie and I just got home from our Carribean cruise. You told me that I am supposed to go into healing. Specifically, trangression therapy. Where would a person learn to d almost hcan do this? Also, my ears keep ringing. Is this my spirit guide or family that has crossed over trying to reach me? I can hear audible differences in tones and almost audible words.
By Beverly, Saturday, October 25, 2008 09:29:31 PM
Hi Sylvia, I am Bev from Victoria, BC, Canada. I love reading all your books Sylvia. They really do help me understand. Thank you very much. Sylvia I was wondering what my Spirit Guides name is? Thank you and love you Sylvia. Love Bev
By Mellian, Friday, October 24, 2008 10:13:19 AM
Hi Sylvia, How are you? I am a divorced mother of 3 kids and just lost my job of 9 years, do you see another job coming soon for me. Thanks

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