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Understanding Your Wish Dreams
by Sylvia Browne

Every night we dream and our dreams give us insights into our lives. Some of our dreams are prophetic and will tell us of future events. Other dreams are release dreams, helping us to get rid of unwanted emotional states. Then there are wish dreams.

A wish dream is a wonderful dream and it is just like it sounds: a dream about something you are wishing for. Perhaps you are newly married and wishing for a baby. So you dream of holding that sweet baby in your arms. When you have a wish dream, you wake up feeling so satisfied because in those few moments your dream came true! It was as if you won the lottery of your choice: your desires were within reach.

Sometimes your wish dream is literal and very easily understood. Just like the example of wanting to have a baby and holding it in your arms in the dream. You dream for exactly what you wish for.

Other wish dreams are not meant to be taken as literally as they appear. Someone once told me they were dreaming that their mother-in-law told them that she had left a letter in the house that the woman needed to read. The woman searched the house top to bottom, but found no letter. The dream spoke of the unresolved communication between the two women.

Understanding your dreams is very much a gift that you can give yourself. As you learn about your dreams, you will understand yourself.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Diane, Sunday, September 07, 2008 08:44:47 PM
My biggest wish dream was at a time when my husband and I decided we were going to Vegas. I was to see Sylvia and he would gamble. Several nights after our discussion, I dreamt that I was in Sylvia's church, with my best friend and I decided that before the service started I would visit her store in the church (I don't think there is a store in her church). I walked around a wall and there sitting in a beautiful ornate wood booth was Dean Martin (from the "Rat Pack") looking quite healthy and alive, smoking a cigarette. Boy, I knew this was a wish dream. Hopefully in the future I will see Sylvia in Vegas. For now it is still a wish. Diane
By Marilu, Friday, September 05, 2008 01:08:49 AM
Hi Sylvia, What does it mean when you have a dream about your ex-husband who has past? Thank You Marilu
By Leticia, Thursday, August 14, 2008 11:58:50 AM
I have dreamed being around a man who connects with me - as one. In my dreams its all so real, so right, and feel so complete. Then the moment happens when he reaches out to hold my hand, and I reach out to hold on to his...that end up awake and still feel the warmth of his hand on mine. I struggle to fall sleep remain in that dream. But, often I can't recapture it. My day is empty, there is a loss within me, and a strong yearning to be with him. This happens every so often, and faces maybe the same, and other times, not ...but the connection exists the same, and the parting with a kiss, or holding my hand, or looking at me from a distance. I want to understand why I dream this - to wake up with such emptiness and such yearnings...that at times, I end up cry...something within me fluters, moves...its a crazy feeling that I'm not sure I'm explaining it right. So, Is this a wish dream or is there more to this?
By Christine, Sunday, August 10, 2008 12:05:13 PM
I had one dream in particular a while ago that i can never forget because of the feeling of love, warmth and contentment. It was back in ancient times (i think), i was getting food and i sat down with it. And someone came up behind me, said something and touched my back. The feeling is warm and relaxing, comforting and healing. I turned around and I was looking at Jesus (I think). I woke up after that. But my back and me in general felt very good after that. Is that a dream wish of wanting to see Jesus or something?
By virginia, Wednesday, July 30, 2008 10:40:18 PM
Hi, sylvia i feel love gernerading from your spirit. i want to thank you for your kindness. my question is will i get maried again and will he be my kinderspirt? Virginia in Canoga Park CA
By Natalie, Sunday, July 27, 2008 02:09:43 PM
For the people that keep posting stop Sylvia Brown- seriously get a life! If you don't believe in what she does and how she helps people then have your opionin and get on your way. There is no room for comments that you keep leaving here and if you think this is a joke then why are you wasting your time to add hateful comments? Sylvia I love you and I'm so thankful for you shring abilities with others, you are a truly an amazing person.
By gerry, Friday, July 25, 2008 10:29:16 PM
By maylin, Friday, July 25, 2008 07:33:15 AM
HI Diana. well, i really think that you have a bit of psychic powers. because you can see many things about what will happen in the future. that is not just a dream, i think it is a sign that you are given a gift. you can predict many things and they call it as being a psychic.
By Diana, Thursday, July 24, 2008 09:18:05 AM
I have dreams that come true. They almost always deal with weather and disasters. My dreams are always in color, I feel compelled to tell people about them, and two weeks later, they happen. I dreamed of 911, the earthquake that hit Granada Hills in CA, the three tornadoes in Albany, GA and surrounding counties, and one of the last school shootings in the Midwest. All came true two weeks later. Recently, I have been trying to talk to my Angels and Spirit Guide. I dreamed the other night I was in the woods staying in three snow covered cabins with my daughter and strangers. One cabin had three beds in it. We were told a blizzard and avalanche were coming towards us. My daughter and I went in a cabin, and there was a long table with figurines all over it. I picked up three crystal angels to save them from the disaster coming, and we went in the cabin with three beds. I remember also seeing the snow on the roof, and the trees outside were evergreens. Any ideas what this means? Diana
By maylin, Wednesday, July 16, 2008 06:53:44 AM
yes Green, i agree with you. maybe those bad dreams are just guides for us to have a good life and to prevent bad things from happening. it is true that praying is the best way for us to have a better life. so if you dream about bad things, just ask for it not to happen.

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