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Virgos And Relationships
by Sylvia Browne

As we are in the month of the Virgo, let’s talk a bit about how these Virgo folks are in their relationships.

Virgos are very close-knit with their family, even more so than a Cancer. And if there is any kind of dissension in the family, the Virgo will handle it. Some would say let the Libra handle it, but they’re too busy balancing everybody. A Libra will drive everybody crazy, saying, “I see your side, and I also see your side,” whereas the Virgo will say, “You’re wrong, she’s right; that’s the end of it!”

Virgos are loyal supporters, and are more apt to be in the internal workings of an organization, rather than being the front-runners. Virgos are like Cancers – when allegiance is pledged, its’ for life. They’re more apt to keep their “friends” within a group made up of members than to have many outside acquaintances. Virgos have been known to be called fair-weather friends, but that’s not the case.

Usually the first half of the Virgo’s life is very introverted, and then all of a sudden they became extroverts. You can see Virgo one day, and in six months, you won’t know this person. All of a sudden, this individual has decided to be completely outgoing, Virgos usually don’t get going until around age 40. This is because they don’t feel particularly wise until then, and they’re very slow to develop their self-image.

I wish all of you wonderful Virgos a very Happy Birthday during your birthday month. Wishing you happiness and success.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By ellie, Friday, November 14, 2008 11:40:37 AM
By ellie, Friday, November 14, 2008 11:37:51 AM
I'm a virgo and my husband (passed August 1) was a cancer. Love -- like two peas in a pod. Difficult - miss him so much. I think he is around me a lot????? Going on a cruise in December -- for some reason I can't seem to get excited -- hope it will be a happy time. Thank you for letting me make comment. You have helped me during this dificult time -- more than you can image.I have all your books and it has made life so much bearable -- thanks a million. Ellie Belko
By Ann, Thursday, November 13, 2008 10:49:21 AM
Thank you Sylvia 4 wishing me a Happy Birthday. I'm a virgo & my husband is a cancer. A very very Happy Belated Birthday 2 u also! I need 2 know if my husband & I will b together (married) until death do us part? My dad is having some very serious heart problems. Will he have 2 have surgery, & will he be ok???? Thank you Sylvia 4 ALL that u do. God Bless You & Love always, Ann Ostmeyer
By Lisa, Saturday, October 25, 2008 11:38:00 PM
Sylvia, thank you for reading these comments as for some of us like myself, just the fact that 1 i'm actually releasing these thoughts and questions is healing, and 2 The thought that someone knowlegable will be reading them and perhaps we can get answers restores hope to many of us. When someone is the product of a personality disorder such as sociopathy, does that degate any ability to relate them to an astroligical sign. What I mean is that I recently got a protective order against a virgo. His personality was better discribed as a con man, someone who has the inert ability to see someones weakness, which he uses for his own profit or gain. Relationships mean nothing to the sociopath as they can end even marriages at any time once they realize they have stripped the other person of anything of worth, including their self esteem. So what I am asking, does the personality disorder, or mental illness put their lives out of whack with the universe so that they don't fit in?
By Cessie, Saturday, October 25, 2008 01:02:32 PM
Oh, boy, Im probably in the wrong month here, but just wanted to wish you a very Happy 72nd Birthday..It's already October 25th, Sylvia..but my heart is in this message. May this be your best year so far..Big hugs to Chris and Paul and all the family..loveya, Cessie
By Anita, Friday, October 24, 2008 09:57:17 PM
Well, I have to agree, my life since 40 has been much easier than the years before that. With my Virgo traits of perfection, I have decided being single is the best road for me. But I am always greatful for any insights I can get about myself. I am intriqued with the whole personality study. God bless you more than ever Sylvia for the great work you do. Anita
By Diane, Friday, October 24, 2008 07:52:20 PM
Dear Sylvia, You definitely know the Virgo personality as you described most of my life to a tee. I also want to thank you for putting the words you have received into book form. I have always thought different from the rest of my family and now have a better understanding why. My family is Roman Catholic and my beliefs run more true to your books. This has given me more peace of mind and put me more in tune with what I felt. I always felt different and was somewhat chastized for questioning what I did not feel was quite right - my religion didn't match what was in my heart. Thank you and keep spreading the word.
By Lorraine, Friday, October 24, 2008 11:06:10 AM
Hello Sylvia. Thank you for the work you do. You never fail to amaze me with your words. You've hit the Virgo personality right on the nose!!! I'm a Virgo married to a Virgo. We have one Virgo child and one Libra child (both teens now). This makes for a very interesting household. Virgos are very black and white people...not much grey area with us, so you can imagine some of our disagreements. There's seems to be a lot of strange logic involved in them, because we have three people who all think their viewpoint is the right one. I think our Libra child sometimes feels very overwhelmed by our presence, but I'm not really sure. She tends to be on the quiet side as far as talking about her feelings goes. I can only imagine how hard it must be for her to find the "balance" her sign so strongly desires. I try to be the peacekeeper of the group, but it's a tough job. How can I help my little Libra strike a balance and how can I help us Virgos find neutral ground? Is it even possible?:) Once again, Sylvia, thank you for doing what you do and may God bless you and yours.
By bonni, Thursday, October 23, 2008 09:01:35 PM
hi sylvia!! you described my conscience perfectly! that is what i call my virgo husband. I am a gemini and he is my balancer--but he is also 15 years older than me, so you bet he is soooo wise! do you think it is possible for a gemini and a virgo to maintain a harmony?
By frances, Thursday, October 23, 2008 08:31:26 PM
dear slyvia i have been watching you on montel for some time im in australia and keep missing your class the time zone get me every time i would like to know if my life is going to get any better in the future for me and my family medical and financal frances

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