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Virgos And Relationships
by Sylvia Browne

As we are in the month of the Virgo, let’s talk a bit about how these Virgo folks are in their relationships.

Virgos are very close-knit with their family, even more so than a Cancer. And if there is any kind of dissension in the family, the Virgo will handle it. Some would say let the Libra handle it, but they’re too busy balancing everybody. A Libra will drive everybody crazy, saying, “I see your side, and I also see your side,” whereas the Virgo will say, “You’re wrong, she’s right; that’s the end of it!”

Virgos are loyal supporters, and are more apt to be in the internal workings of an organization, rather than being the front-runners. Virgos are like Cancers – when allegiance is pledged, its’ for life. They’re more apt to keep their “friends” within a group made up of members than to have many outside acquaintances. Virgos have been known to be called fair-weather friends, but that’s not the case.

Usually the first half of the Virgo’s life is very introverted, and then all of a sudden they became extroverts. You can see Virgo one day, and in six months, you won’t know this person. All of a sudden, this individual has decided to be completely outgoing, Virgos usually don’t get going until around age 40. This is because they don’t feel particularly wise until then, and they’re very slow to develop their self-image.

I wish all of you wonderful Virgos a very Happy Birthday during your birthday month. Wishing you happiness and success.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Stacy, Thursday, October 23, 2008 08:27:42 PM
I know a virgo that this just describes sooooo much!!! Thanks for posting this Sylvia!!!
By Christine, Friday, September 19, 2008 10:39:19 AM
Thank you for saying happy b-day to us all. and you are right (seems like you are most times haha) about virgo's and their introverted-ness. I just turned 20 and i haven't really done anything because i typically stayed away from everybody. And i still don't have a very good self image of myself. But i have noticed alot of things and have started to turn things around, including thinking better of myself, god and others!
By Phillip, Thursday, September 18, 2008 10:36:25 PM
Dear Syvia You hit the nail right on the hammer. I never had like being in charged. My birthday is September 5th and 8 years ago I told my step-mother that something very bad was going to happen, cause I felt death around me, alot of death, then I woke up Sept. 11th. I'm only 36 now, but I think I'm a little wiser then I was in my younger years. I dreamed about the snippers, before they attacked to. I justed wished that I could get a hold onto my dreams. But, now I'm haveing issues about me getting overian cancer, I feel like I will get it, but I'm not sure. Could you please help me. With lots os Love, Jennifer Jackson
By vicky, Wednesday, September 10, 2008 06:23:39 PM
Dear Sylvia, I have been watching you for years on the Montel Show,I have read many of your books, and greatful I have for many of the things I had questions about, I know to be true. I can as I call it travel in my sleep. It scared me at first as I did not know what was happening. I have been able to be close to those I care about on this earth, I have also visited those on the other side, and was surprised that they were like I always knew the on this side. I have something to ask you, The life I have now wll it change in the furture, or is this where I am to stay? Thanks vicky
By Mary Ann, Tuesday, September 09, 2008 04:07:18 PM
Dear Sylvia My name is Mary Ann and my birthday is tomorrow Sept. 10, can you give me any advice, direction, anything? This would be a dream come true and the greatest birthday I could ever have. I love you have almost all your books, and audiobooks of all you produce and use to get your newsletters but fell behind on ordering. I Love You, God Bless!!!!
By lola, Tuesday, September 09, 2008 02:27:14 PM
I love u Sylvia!!!! reading what you write just makes my day. Thank you for careing about Virgos and wishing us a happy birthday. What u say is so true. And as a Virgo I love reading about me. Now I know why its taking me so long to find out what I really want out of life.
By Amy, Sunday, September 07, 2008 12:19:58 PM
Hello Slyvia! I had a great reading with your son Chris, although he talks very fast he was very clear! My birthday is september 11, ugh ya- so since the twin towers it has been very sad. There have been a few years I didn't even want to get out of bed on this day just because of the overwelming feelings of yuck. Is there a reason or purpose why my birthday happens to fall on this day? Something I am suppose to look at? Thanks Sylvia! I LOVE YOU! AMY.
By Amy, Sunday, September 07, 2008 12:19:47 PM
Hello Slyvia! I had a great reading with your son Chris, although he talks very fast he was very clear! My birthday is september 11, ugh ya- so since the twin towers it has been very sad. There have been a few years I didn't even want to get out of bed on this day just because of the overwelming feelings of yuck. Is there a reason or purpose why my birthday happens to fall on this day? Something I am suppose to look at? Thanks Sylvia! I LOVE YOU! AMY.
By Amy, Sunday, September 07, 2008 12:12:28 PM
By kim, Friday, September 05, 2008 10:08:48 PM
All I want for my birthday is a great partner to share this fantabulous life with! I know he's out there....maybe he'll read this! Cheers.....Kim

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