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Watch Sylvia's Latest TV Appearance
by Sylvia Browne

I had a great time back on The Mike & Juliet Show on FOX this past Tuesday. It's always fun being back on television after some time away since Montel finished.

If you missed my TV appearance, click here to watch the video replay from the Mike & Juliet Show website.

Even more good news is that I will be back on The Morning Show with Mike & Juliet in April. Stay tuned for the exact date. I will have more details on in the coming weeks.

Love Always,

Sylvia Browne

PS. Remember the next time you can see me will be Wednesday, March 26, 2009 on for my next Web Class. If you haven’t done so yet, click here to register now and send me your question!

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By sheila, Tuesday, May 12, 2009 01:26:01 AM
Hi Sylvia and Chris i live in Calgary,Alberta and i signed up for Chris's webclass session on May 14 and was wondering the time difference? so i don't miss out.Thank-you sheila
By Elvira, Saturday, May 09, 2009 12:28:24 PM
Hi Sylvia: I really like what you wrote about going through tough times builds on your soul! My daughter even said that she would not be the person she is today had she not gone through what she has. It was not the path she chose and believes that God is guiding her as i have always known but never knew what it was going to be. I would like to make a comment on the fibromialgea that so many people are being diagnosed with. I agree with the food suggestions as they have recommended this too. There is a major breakthrough that i believe the medical profession needs to learn about and need to know if this is true as well...that we are all structually different and they have found now the cause of so many problems...we do not need the cord connected to the end of our spinal cord after birth--now known as tethered cord... Keep the sun shining in your heart always... we have a website if anyone is daughter wrote a strong poem when she was dying which is inspirational written as a child...
By Sandra, Friday, May 08, 2009 01:41:11 PM
Dear Sylvia, "Happy Mother's Day!" I miss seeing you on a regular basis on Montel, I was able to see you again in Mpls. for your farewell tour, but now what will I do to get my Sylvia fix?!:) I am so very thankful that Chris is able to share his gifts with all of us as well.(he's single right?...I would love to have him meet my sister Donna!)...Thank you for the webclasses and for the great surprise of the bonus questions! Even though mine was not one of them, it was a real treat. Thank you! Sending blessings and love to you and your family, Sandy
By Bobbie, Friday, May 08, 2009 10:49:52 AM
Hi ylvia,i wanted to know if i can still register for the june class,i missed the may 7th one,i was doing a musical in town here,it is called the follies.from beg to end its only 3 weeks.last night was opening night.i really like reading your books,bought some of them,the other ones i got from the library.i would really like to be registered for the june class,have been for a long time,just missed yesterdays.please can you help me.thank you,and god bless you and your son.he is really nice.
By Juanita, Tuesday, May 05, 2009 12:02:53 AM
Hello Sylvia, I miss watching you on Montel Williams. I registered for your May 7 webcast. Your husband, looks so good! My blessings to you both. Happy that I got an email with this site. Juanita
By rose-mai, Saturday, April 25, 2009 12:01:09 AM
hi sylvia, i have ask a question before ,but i just don't know where to go to find the answers ,when you do answer ? so i would appreciate if you would let me know? but again if i could not find the answer before i am sure that i want find the answer to this question either. thamk you anyway rosemai
By Julee Ann, Friday, April 24, 2009 10:22:50 AM
Hello! Thank you for all you do. You bring peace and some clarity into people's lives, and that is something we all seem to need. I'm glad to see Chris at your side, he's a nice addition (and very very nice on the eyes too! smile).
By cindi, Sunday, April 19, 2009 01:25:24 PM
Sylvia and chris...they both of u bring hope and closure to many lives. i have submitted a question about my ex husband who was beat to death i do hope u get to answer it. his kids need answers. i have watched u fro yrs on montel and i hope all is well with him. i hope one day i get to meet u and or ur son too. my god bless u both and contiune to watch over u with all u and ur families do! u both are truley amazing!!! thank u so much Cindi Diller Ohio
By Mary Ann, Thursday, April 16, 2009 09:31:17 PM
Love to see you and Chris together on the webcast. Look forward to you weekly!!! God Bless!! Love to you, both!! Mary Ann GA
By Jodie, Monday, April 13, 2009 09:18:13 PM
Hi Sylvia, I just watched your March webcast. I missed it in March since I was in the process of an emotional meltdown! Anyway, I will be sure and watch your April webcast in a couple of days. I hope to see much more of your son on future webcasts too. It would be wonderful if he also had his own webcast! We would be blessed to be able to watch both of you online, and what a wonderful opportunity to have more of our questions answered!

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