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His Sign In Love


Romance-a-holics by nature, Leos love being in love, and his proud, flamboyant sign wants the whole world to know when he is. Some of the most high profile romances have been between two Leos, like Madonna and Sean Penn, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez (a.k.a. "Bennifer"), Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith, and Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. Plain and simple, Leos love drama — in fact, his sign rules it. Unless there 's romance and fireworks that light up the sky, he wants no part of the relationship. Red roses, poetry, expensive gifts...he'll bring them all. Spoiling and being spoiled are the name of the game.

Still, the number-one addiction for a Leo is attention. A woman can keep him hooked for years by giving him intense doses of it, then pulling it away, leaving him chasing desperately after another fix. His love life may read like a bad soap opera if he isn't careful. While he needs electricity and excitement, a wise woman will also know to bring her lion king a stabilizing energy if she wants to sit beside him on that throne.

Leos rule the jungle, and he's the boss in all he does. Because he's so powerful, it can be hard for him to find a mate who can keep up. A little worship goes a long way, but be careful. This guy has a strong sense of entitlement too and may expect everything to fall at his feet. Financially, he may go through from prince to pauper several times in his life before he finally learns that money doesn't grow on trees. He is not above letting a woman Sugar Mama him—buyers beware! This luxury-loving dude can drain your bank account as fast as he does his own if you give him joint access. Fortunately, he's highly capable of earning the big bucks. He DOES need a woman who will encourage him and tell him he's the best. This is pure motivation for him. When he feels like he's on top of the world in your eyes—he'll go out and grab the brass ring. Generous to a fault, he loves sharing his treasures with his woman, although he may be a little bossy about HOW he wants to enjoy them.

Loyalty is huge for a Leo, and he'll stick by his mate no matter what. His secret weapon? His heart. The warmth, generosity and love he offers are equally addictive to his mates. He is a wonderful parent, a beloved friend and a pillar in his community. Ruled by the Sun, he can be your life source and endless supply of energy.

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