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Types Of Angels In The Spiritual World
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Many people are aware that angels exist. But did you know that there are different types of angels on The Other Side? Each phylum performs different duties and you’ll want to be sure to call upon the different type of phylum depending on your exact need to define different angels.


Angels are the first phylum. Angels, specifically religious angels, radiate with the love and glory of the Holy Spirit. They appear with shining white light surrounding them.


Archangels are the second phylum of angels. They do not have individual names, my Spirit Guide Francine likes to suggest that we call all of them “Michael.” Archangels are the type of angels that carry the scepter of healing. This scepter is full of water from the pond near the Hall of Wisdom. An Archangel will touch someone gently on the heart chakra and send them healing.


The Cherubim and the Seraphim are levels three and four, respectively, of the angel phylum chart. The animal totem for both is the canary, known for its beautiful singing. The main difference between the two is that the Cherubim have beautiful singing voices and the Seraphim have vibrational and tonal abilities.


The Powers are the fifth phylum of angels on The Other Side. Healing is their main function. When they heal, they surround a person with their protective wings, giving off healing energy. Powers are usually large and sometimes can be enormous. 


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The Carrions are the sixth phylum of angels. Their purpose is to carry away the dark entities when they die. The Carrions only have one mission: to stand back until a dark entity is ready to pass into death. The Carrions act as protection for our world and also The Other Side. Because of The Carrions, dead dark entities don’t exist on earth.


The Virtues are the seventh phylum of angels. The Virtues help us with our life charts, and they help us make changes to our charts when needed. The Virtues also help us with our charts and with life on The Other Side before we come to earth.


The Dominions are the eighth phylum of angels. They watch over our good deeds and actions and record them permanently in the Akashic record. I consider The Dominions to be some of the busiest angels. They guide by informing which Angels would be of the most assistance to us. The Dominions typically do not act on our earth plane, but perform their work where they are on our behalf.


The Thrones and the Principalities are considered the “most high” of all of the angels. They are Mother and Father God’s armies. There are no other angels that are higher than them. The Thrones and Principalities are sent to us when we are in danger of any type. The Thrones are Azna’s (Mother God) Army and the Principalities are Om’s (Father God) Army.


These many angels are always ready to be of assistance to you! 

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By FwoeApApageCV, Monday, April 11, 2022 06:37:34 AM
By cher, Tuesday, June 14, 2011 03:09:37 AM
Dear Angels..Please get me out of my depression and take away the dark cloud I feel I live under. I need to do something with myself. I need purpose and meaning, but I feel when ever I try, things just do not seem to go my way. I have been a stay at home mom for many years now, I no longer need to stay home kids are older now, but I lack confidence and feel so inadequate to get a job. I feel stuck . Please remove all these negative feelings and help me to live life being productive rather than being in the house feeling like such a loser, Help me find the courage and strength to change my way of being and feeling. Please guide me and show me the way to inner peace and personal fulfillment. thank you for listening..god bless
By Sally, Wednesday, March 23, 2011 02:24:05 PM
Hi do you know how my friend Keyerah Conklin died I'm not sure how also do you know where she is? Thanks -Katy
By dorothy, Sunday, February 27, 2011 09:26:11 AM
Lord Jesus ,you have heard my plea.You are answering my prayers.Please be with me and see me through my situation.Send your heavenly angels to help and guide me through,I ask this in your name Jesus,Amen.
By frances, Monday, February 01, 2010 01:54:13 PM
Archangel Michael who carries the scepter of healing I am calling upon you with your scepter full of water from the pond near the Hall of Wisdom, please touch my husband Tom gently on the heart chakra and heal his mind, his body, his soul and his spirit and please heal my broken heart. Thank you for your blessings. In Jesus' name I pray.
By Trish, Saturday, January 30, 2010 03:07:52 PM
Brenda I have read this poem before and I agree it is so beautiful to pass on to grieving Parents, the Author is Doris Stokes and I read it in one of her books she was a Psychic, sadly now past over. Just thought Id let you know. Hugs Trish x
By Janet, Saturday, January 30, 2010 11:25:56 AM
Sylvia, Who is my spirit guide? Thank you! Janet
By Brenda, Saturday, January 30, 2010 11:09:27 AM
Dear Lupe, My heart aches for you and I know the pain you are going through. You see, in 1986 my 12 year old son was killed by a drunk driver. I thought I was going to lose my mind. But with much prayer, and the reminder that I had 2 small girls depending on me, I managed through it. I have always believed that everything happens for a reason. I to this day believe that my son had accomlished the task that God had sent him here to do and it was time for him to go home. Then at the funeral home, I received a letter from a couple that I didn't even know. In this letter they explained that years ago they had lost their son also and they were sending me a copy of a poem that had been sent to them from a family that they also didn't know. I am sharing this poem with you and I hope that it helps with your grieving. The pain never goes away but it does become easier as time goes on. I still to this day have my moments when I look at his picture, hear a song, a smell and I cry. But, I know that he is in a better place surrounded with the rest of my family and the peace and love of God. Below is the poem I have kept all these years: God’s Lent Child. “I’ll lend you for a little while A child of mine” God said – For you to love the while he lives and mourn for when he’s dead. It may be six or seven years or forty two or three but will you, till I call him back, take care of him for me? He’ll bring his charms to gladden you and, should his stay be brief, you’ll have his nicest memories as solace for his grief. I cannot promise he will stay, since all from earth return but, there are lessons taught below, I want this child to learn. I’ve looked the whole world over, in my search for teachers true, and from the things that crowd life’s lane I have chosen you. Now will you give him all your love, nor think the labour vain, nor hate me when I come to take this lent child back again? I fancied that I heard them say, “Dear Lord Thy Will Be Done” for all the joys thy child will bring the risk of grief will run. We’ll shelter him with tenderness, we’ll love him while we may, and for the happiness we’ve known forever grateful stay. But, should thy Angels call for him much sooner than we planned, we’ll brave the grief that comes and try to understand. author unknown God Bless.
By tracy, Saturday, January 30, 2010 02:10:04 AM
angels please help my daughter find a good job or get into college and help me be able to take the classes I need to finish my education too. thank you tracy and kay
By virginia, Friday, January 29, 2010 09:09:47 PM
Please Lord keep blessing me with your BEING, and Angels of mine show yourself and help me with my health, and monetary issues. Let my future be bright, and may my financial situation change for the better.

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