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Home >> Dreams >> Dreams Articles

Interpreting Your Bad Dreams
Meaning of Bad Dreams Dreams, interpreting your bad dreams, learn what they mean!  Find out now FREE! If you are having bad dreams, it is not necessarily an indication of a bad omen or similar problem. It is more likely that a bad dream is stimulated by digestive problems or medical conditions. As Freud says, sometimes “a cigar is a cigar” and, in other cases, the nightmares that you face in your dreams are very real.

Most bad dreams are triggered by fears of one type or another. Also, the symbolism in one bad dream can sometimes mean the opposite. For instance, if you dream of someone dying, it might actually mean they are going to recover from an illness. The same thing goes for falling dreams, which is another dream common to all.

Of course, there are some bad dreams that are prophetic. These dreams foresee a death or other problem. However, you can never be completely sure of the accuracy of these dreams. If you do have a really bad dream and can’t seem to get it off of your mind, then you might want to consult a psychic who specializes in dream interpretation. Yet another option is to consult one of the many dream dictionaries that are online, including here on

Not everything is based on psychic interpretation. It is also very possible to have a bad dream about something in your life that makes you very anxious. This anxiety turns up in your dreams as a symbol of that anxiety.

If you have a new dream and it is especially bad or if it is repetitive, you need to realize that it usually symbolizes some kind of unresolved issue – either in real life or in your subconscious mind. Sometimes you can be trained in the art of how to dream lucidly so that you are more aware of what stage in your dreaming that you become so terrified.

One way to get over the terror of dreaming so that you don’t have the nightmare stay with you all day and ruin your mood is to think of them as dream movies. Think of the nightmare as a series of dream pictures that you would not ever pay to go see again or picture the dream moods as individual television channels. Tell yourself next time you have a bad dream that you will change the channel.

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By meryem, Wednesday, June 30, 2010 09:02:43 AM
reply to By Cindy, Monday, November 10, 2008 10:32:13 P I also had a dream about my best friend who committed suicide two years ago. We were walking through the woods and it was really dark, he was carrying a pail of water that had snakes inside of it. We kept walking and then we heard someone calling his voice and we looked back and there was a bright lightcoming down the path towards us. I began toi cry and scream, no you can't have him he can't go back, and then I woke up. I think it weas heaven calling him back. I never got to say goodbye to this friend in real life, he went far away and killed himself and they broguht him back as ashes :( u have to let your friend go ...otherwise hes stuck in between the worlds ...obvieusly he needs to go find his rest ......and dreaming about him is him probably saying goodbuy to u and its good ....let him go and get peace ..for him ..even how hard it is to let go ...he would be happy !!
By Naomi, Monday, May 18, 2009 09:25:37 PM
Back during the 1970s and 1980s, I used to have constant nightmares of planes crashing. I would feel so horrible during the dreams and I couldn't excape from them at the time. It was useless for me to even try. What was even worse was when the next day, after feeling I had been put through the ringer, my grandmother would ask me what was wrong and when I told her, she would calmly tell me that the very day there had been a plane crash. And every single time I dreamt of those planes coming down, it would in reality come true. It always frightened me and appaled me, not knowing why or what to do. I gradually got over them, with the help of sleeping and living with my cats and dogs and even though now I no longer have my beloved pets, I no longer have those startling dreams. Now I envision planes almost crashing into one another on the ground and when I say aloud " Oh no you don't", then it makes it alright. The scary part is that the next day, I hear on the news that two planes almost collided, but didn't and everyone was safe. A happy ending, but still it baffles me. Are my powers strong enough to prevent them from colliding even before I found out the next day about the occurence. Life in all its quirks, turns and strangeness, keeps getting stranger by the day. And night. Especially around and after the Witching Hour!
By Nicole, Wednesday, January 28, 2009 06:48:20 PM
For seven years I have been having dreams about this building, on off through out the seven years I am in that building alone. dream every time i am in a different part of that building the same building because the feeling I have. I am alone there and its evil feeling through out the building. It's nice builiding can't seem to get out. One dream not to long ago, I finaly left.
By elizabeth, Wednesday, December 17, 2008 10:41:53 PM
I'm always having dreams of someone dieing that is really close to me and dont know why and having dreams of my boyfriend cheating on me and still dont understand why can some please help me
By elizabeth, Wednesday, December 17, 2008 10:39:48 PM
By Cindy, Monday, November 10, 2008 10:32:13 PM
I also had a dream about my best friend who committed suicide two years ago. We were walking through the woods and it was really dark, he was carrying a pail of water that had snakes inside of it. We kept walking and then we heard someone calling his voice and we looked back and there was a bright lightcoming down the path towards us. I began toi cry and scream, no you can't have him he can't go back, and then I woke up. I think it weas heaven calling him back. I never got to say goodbye to this friend in real life, he went far away and killed himself and they broguht him back as ashes :(
By Cindy, Monday, November 10, 2008 10:28:41 PM
I have had dreams about falling. They say that if you actually dream hitting the bottom you die..not true I have dreamnt hitting the bottom and I woke up.
By Anida, Wednesday, October 08, 2008 02:23:27 PM
I constantly have nightmares that my family turn into vampires or zombies. And I don't know why. They don't realy scare me, they actually just make me thinkof why I dream of this happening so offten.
By Bette, Thursday, September 18, 2008 08:21:48 AM
It just doesn't make sense for you to say "click here and Barbara McKay will answer your questions on dreams". I have yet the first answer to ever see. I saw mine posted but never so much as a response. Bette
By kathy michelle, Tuesday, September 16, 2008 02:45:25 PM
i have been having dreams that i had three little girls and was in a furnel asking everyone to help me because we cant leave her she is like a mother to me and then i wake and then i have a dream of gold fish in a bowl 5 small ones the one large one and then i seen dooms day

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