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John McCain: Astrology of a Presidential Candidate
Republic Presidential Candidate John McCain's Horoscope and Astrology Chart John McCain has an almost perfect triad of planets for a world leader. He was born August 29, 1936 in Canal zone, Panama. His Sun is in sensible Virgo, his moon is in practical Capricorn, and his ascendant (or rising sign as it is also sometimes known) is in fair-minded Libra. Put together, this makes an individual that is a bit cold, but would take care to always make the right decision. This is because in these key astrological positions, he has planetary positions that signify someone who is careful, thoughtful, and makes decisions devoid of emotions or prejudices whenever he can.

Virgos make good leaders because they tend to be honest and humble. They are also humble, efficient and notorious for just getting the job done. As President, he is likely to be a stickler for detail and he will keep his staff in line. He also deals in nothing but facts.  There will be no conjectures, suppositions or lies in this administration. Virgos like to get to the bottom of a matter. However, he is also likely to be as hard on himself, as Virgos tend to be a little self-critical.

The drawback of being a Virgo is that sometimes others see you as a little dull, dogmatic or stuffy. You are so helpful and so busy that others will take advantage of you. Some, including the nightly talk show hosts, may see him as being a bit too serious.

He might also have a tendency to focus on the flaws in things rather on the positive, but this comes out of the Virgo compulsion to fix things. There is no doubt that an administration run under McCain will be run fairly and with as little corruption as possible.

That moon in Capricorn also denotes a workaholic, and also someone who is not afraid to take the weight of the world on his shoulders. This is an individual who is not afraid to try and solve problems such as poverty. This is also a very humble placement and he may not often show how much he cares or his deeper emotions to prevent others from perceiving him as being out of control.

This Capricorn moon also probably is what allowed him to survive his trials as a POW.  Rather than cause a crack in his character, this horrible experience probably served to strengthen his character instead.

His sun also trines Uranus. This means that he is not afraid to explore new solutions and ideas and put them into action. He is not as conservative as he seems and does not fear implementing changes.

His Libra ascendant makes him a natural diplomat. This is a reasonable, tolerant and fair individual. He will always agree to disagree, rather than got to war.  He will excel at maintaining harmonious relationships with other countries and world leader. Cooperation, fairness and friendliness are high on his list of values and he could help restore the maligned reputation of the United States.

Donna West is a professional writer and researcher on psychics and astrology.


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By Carolyn, Monday, November 03, 2008 08:52:19 AM
For those of you who do not believe in this reading is because you have not studied astrology. Likewise, you have not studied Obama's background. Also you have not studied what happened in Germany. We learn from history and this is why history keeps repeating itself. We don't study it. Another thing you guys don't study, because you are showing your ignorance and that is how our government works. Congress runs this country, not the president. If you have a democratic congress and they send a bill to a Republican president and he vetoes it then they can override it and pass it anyway. The Clinton years were good because we had a Republican Congress. Study history and government and you just might change your minds.
By Scott, Monday, November 03, 2008 08:32:12 AM
After readig what you said on Sentator McCain I decided to search for your astrological views on Sentator Obama. I can understand certain perspectives due to astrology but you are just down right biased. In here you speak of all the "great" McCain values but you practically call Obama a nut job. Professional (I say that with great sarcasm) writers should not ever use your tactics to push the candidate of your obvious choice. If you want to push your political views then do it somewhere else. Not in an area that has too many impressionable readers. You should be ashamed of yourself for such a low tactic. SpiritNow should also be ashamed to allow such biased writing on their site.
By Scott, Monday, November 03, 2008 08:30:04 AM
After readig what you said on Sentator McCain I decided to search for your astrological views on Sentator Obama. I can understand certain perspectives due to astrology but you are just down right biased. In here you speak of all the "great" McCain values but you practically call Obama a nut job. Professional (I say that with great sarcasm) writers should not ever use your tactics to push the candidate of your obvious choice. If you want to push your political views then do it somewhere else. Not in an area that has too many impressionable readers. You should be ashamed of yourself for such a low tactic. SpiritNow should also be ashamed to allow such biased writing on their site.
By shirley, Monday, November 03, 2008 08:27:09 AM
I have watched EVERY speach of the candidates & as a democrat MY VOTE is for McCain.The reckless spending of Obama is ruthless.How many children could have been fed & homeless helped with the MILLIONS he has SQUANDARD? not to mention the 600.00 plus dollars his wife spent on a SNACK of caviar etc. I get 749.00 a MONTH SS to live on.No welfare for me ,but if Obama get elected he will distribute the wealth~meaning we will pay for all those people who are now on welfare {imigrants + etc.} If he gets elected maybe the people will finally see what suffering REALLY WILL BE. If his family was so poor as he says WHO paid for his over million dollar home ,harvard education,etc. Maybe his PROVEN RADICAL FRIENDS had something to do with it.He doesn't care to let a baby die How could he care about the USA He lies & keeps changing his stories,try's to say McCain is still tied to Bush economics {totally false}it's a broken record now.McCain has stood up to Bush on many policies. People need to PRAY .God SAVE America from Obama.
By Bette, Monday, November 03, 2008 07:51:36 AM
Donna West - it is quite obvious that you are a Republican. How amazing that you chose to put this right out there the day before election. Where have you been for the last 8 years under the Bush years. Do you really want 4 more years of that? Wouldn't you like to see America back where it was when President Clinton was Commander In Chief, I would. I want CHANGE NOT MORE OF THE SAME ! ! !
By Nancy, Monday, November 03, 2008 05:19:50 AM
Amazing what this election has done, divided an already disrupt country. But I will add my two cents since others are doing so. Why on this earth would someone vote for OBAMA a man who has nothing more then the gift of talk and absolutely no background other then working with biased racially motivated groups and people that HATE white America...So who is being racist here? So what will Obama do if he gets that 3 AM call? Ask Ayers, Farrakhan, Rev Wright and his other friends on what he should do. A vote for Obama is a vote that will destroy this country far more then others have ever done and for some reason people are making stupid excuses as to why he will make a good president. Maybe American just wants a radical man full of hate against a country that has oppressed certain people. God help us all when that man takes office and he will win because of dishonest ties with ACORN and so many others. Would you let a doctor operate on you if he not gone to medical school? NO, but you will put a man in office to run this country all because you believe in a smooth talking politcian with no life expereince. This is pathetic!!!!
By susan, Sunday, November 02, 2008 08:34:22 PM
I dont understand how people can make such judgements about the the candadates running for president. Every one here acts like they know these people on a personal level, making comments such as he is dishonest, or he this he that. get off your high horses and listen to what each has to say, make an educated decision go vote and get on with your lives. Referring to any one race as "your kind"as ive seen here really makes me sad. Pray that God will guide who ever is put into office and stop all of this bashing,what a bad example for our young people, i try to teach my children better.
By Sharon, Sunday, November 02, 2008 07:13:43 AM
By Sharon, Saturday, November 01, 2008 04:10:32 PM What makes me sad is that after all these years, these United States are still not united. It, although is a great country still hoards prejudice as if it was yesterday. We have still not grown as a country of civilized people. The people that have died trying to bring a change to this country. Trying to make a difference for us all. And it still comes down to one race thinking that it is better than the other. What is it about Barrack Obama that scares you. What does black people have to do to make you all see us differently. We as a race of people have been called everything imaginable. We go to college, we get our education. We become productive in society, we pledge allegiance to our flag, we go to war for this country, we also sacrifice our children. We raise our children to be productive in our society. But we are still not good enough to possibly be president of this country. You still want us to be seen and not heard. We have to walk around with the scarlet N on our shoulders. We can not be trusted because we are black. But yet and still we black Americans place our live in the hand of you every single time, its time to re-elect our next president. What more can this man to this country that has not already been done by the none blacks of this country. For 8 years the president has done nothing but run this country into the ground. If you can not see this then you choose to be blind. What are you so afraid of. Are you afraid that he may be able to do something the presidents before him could not do. And what is this calling this man the Anti-CHRIST. We could make this claim about our present president. Look what he as done to this country and still doing before he leaves office. Are you people so blind that you can not see that this man is trying to make it impossible for the next president to be able to fix the mess he is leaving behind. And no the next president may not be able to keep all the promises he is making but I say give Barrack a chance. He can not do any worse for this country that has already been done. So are you trying to say that because he is black is not allowed to make any mistakes. I ask you to look back at all the presidents in the past. What color are they. Yet I have never heard any one say the bad things I hear about this man. I look to GOD and GOD only to supply my needs. If you are looking at these Presidents as GODS, I truly feel sorry for you all. Stop being prejudice. You threaten to kill him if he is elected, all because you believe the White House is just that, only for white presidents. And if a black man should become president then it will be tarnished. We love to speak freedom but who is it free for. Is just free for your kind or is it freedom for us all.
By Barbara, Friday, October 31, 2008 09:19:26 PM
"Virgos make good leaders because they tend to be honest and humble" Ha! Well this certainly isn't John McCain!!! He is not the LEAST BIT HUMBLE, Nor IS HE HONEST!!! We know who you are backing Donna, and I for one am apalled that you think we readers would believe this!! I believe that their are good psychics and bads ones (from experience) and you fit in with the latter!!! I am surprised that Syvia would even let her name be associated with psychics like you!!!!
By peggy, Friday, October 31, 2008 01:45:03 PM
and sara is just scary like a little knat flittin around. too quick mouthed without thinkin, makes me think she's got a shaky trigger finger and responds before thinking of the repercussions of anything.

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