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Are You With Soul Mate? Take This Quiz!
Take This Quiz to Find Your True Love Soul Mate Soul Mates and Life Ties!  Past life connections with soul mates, how to get in touch with your past life soul mates. Are you with your true soul mate or is it just a decoy for the real thing for now? Taking this quick quiz can tell you whether or not you are with your one and only soul mate.

1. Our relationship can best be described in one word as...

a. Distant
b. Platonic
c. Fraught with challenges
d. Highly sexual

2. When we met, he or she seemed...

a. Wonderful
b. Absolutely irresistible sexually
c. Like I knew him or her from another life
d. Very fresh and like nobody I have ever met before

3. Others describe us as...

a. A nice couple
b. Meant for each other
c. Two people who complete each other’s sentence
d. Telepathic twins

4. Our sex life is...

a. Non-existent
b. Okay most of the time
c. There is a lot of cuddling
d. Thrilling and daring

5. My biggest fear about my relationship is that...

a. We will run out of money
b. Our children will hate us
c. Our sex life will die out as we age
d. I will wake up one day and he or she will not be beside me

6. My favorite way to spend time with my beloved is...

a. Watching television in bed
b. Doing a hobby we love together
c. Making love
d. Holding hands and gazing into each other’s eyes

7. If you accidentally murdered some, would your lover...

a. Call the police and refuse to ever see you again
b. Call the police but visit you in jail
c. Smuggle a nail file in a cake to you so you can escape from jail
d. Help you bury the body and never tell a soul

8. My soul mate thinks...

a. I don’t understand him or her as well as I should
b. I am part of him or her and that everything should be shared
c. That I am perfect as I am and that not a thing should be changed
d. That he or she loves me even if I am not perfect

9. Which of the following situations do the two of you believe could separate the two of you...

a. Infidelity
b. Money problems
c. Death
d. Not even death can separate our souls

10. If we ever broke up I would...

a. Move on as that is always the best course of action
b. Get revenge
c. Do whatever it takes to get him or her back
d. Let her go because I love him or her enough to let them lead their own life

How To Score:

For every "a" that you answer give yourself 1 point.
For every "b" that you answer give yourself 2 points.
For every "c" that you answer give yourself 3 points.
For every "d" that you answer give yourself 4 points.

If you scored 1-10...
You are probably not with your soul mate because your answers were mostly a’s. This indicates that your relationship exists on a more pedestrian, sexual plane that is probably more based on looks or owning another person. This is not indicative of a soul mate.

If you scored 11-20...

You have probably met someone who will “do for now” but who is not your soul mate. If you answered a lot of a’s, b’s and c’s to get this score, it can mean that you treat this individual like a possession and not like a soul mate.

If you scored 21-30...

You are with someone you are very compatible with but he or she is not likely your soul mate. They are probably part of your personal evolution in terms of karma that will lead you to the one who is absolutely perfect for you in the long run.

If you scored 31 to 40...

It is very possible that you actually have met your soul mate. You love this person enough to let them go. You do not see familiarity with someone as being basis for a soul mate and you understand that the challenges involved with fighting for or accepting your soul mate’s flaws are part of the karmic purpose of these relationships.

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By anonymous, Saturday, December 15, 2012 02:23:32 PM
I scored 33 and my husband scored 34 points .this confirms that we are soulmates.we share immense compatibility with each other and find our relationship rejuvinated each new day. we also share a telepathic connection and we sense difficulties of each other without communicating. Even though we are at distant places.We checked our compatibility from a book on relationship signs written by linda goodman .Our scores and linda goodman prediction about out relationship confirm that we are soul mates.How wonderful it is to have ur soulmate!
By Katherine, Monday, October 31, 2011 03:18:54 PM
I scored a 32 which means that I am pretty sure he is the one...I am a leo and he is a virgo. It was hard at first to find a balance between power. We are so judgmental that it carried into our relationship early on. We have overcome so many obstacles. Our relationship has progressed and I am proud to stand by his side. Although he is all work and very little play, when we do have the time it is well worth the wait. If you communicate and compromise things will always work out for the greater good.
By Darlene, Saturday, December 04, 2010 05:11:45 PM
We scored 22....which ranked us less than soul mates. We've been married 36 years. It seems unrealistic to place so much emphasis on sex life.....Our bodies/libidos DO change as we approach 60. It does not mean the spiritual union is not strong. Just goes to show, no one should be trying to judge their relationship based on a 'quiz.' The heart knows.
By Tonia, Tuesday, November 16, 2010 09:29:33 AM
I scored a 32 been married to my Leo husband for 39 yrs and have known him since I was 16, I'm an Aquarian Female, Fire and Air work what to know is no one is perfect communication is number one for a relationship to work. No matter how stupid you think the question is ask it, he isn't a mind reader, no one knows what is in your head but you. Don't take each other for granted, that will keep the relationship fresh. Tell him what you like in bed, he loves pleasing you too. Thanks
By Tonia, Tuesday, November 16, 2010 09:24:47 AM
By Carol, Monday, June 14, 2010 07:42:40 AM
Sun signs got nothing to do with a soulmate being compatible as too many people thinks. We all have other signs rising in our birth signs. Anyway I already new my soulmate the man I'm going to marry since we pass the test with a high score.
By Carol, Wednesday, May 26, 2010 12:55:40 PM
I scored 37, we're both Scorpios born 11 days apart. We met at 14 but I moved to another State. We wrote letters for 3 years then I returned, but he joined the Marines and was sent to Okinawa more letters for another 2 years (yep, I've got them all). When he returned home on leave we were married we'll celebrate our 50th Wedding Anniversary next year. My advice to young lovers talk or write...share your hopes, dreams, aspirations. Plan for the worst and accept what comes. Have no debt and live on what you make; save 20% of your income when you both have jobs. Talk about where you want to live, what jobs do you want, how many kids, most important keep going to school, then college. You married one another...don't let family interfer. Never leave home mad. Never fight in the bedroom...that's neutral territory. You aren't one you will have differences. Never do anything you have to say you're sorry for; be kind to each other and you can have a long loving relationship that will stand the test of time. You'll end up with a secure financial life. We went from 20 cents left over from pay day to pay an $800,000 (paid for) home in Calif.
By Carol, Wednesday, May 26, 2010 12:40:41 PM
I scored 37, we're both Scorpios born 11 days apart. We met at 14 but I moved to another State. We wrote letters for 3 years then I returned, but he joined the Marines and was sent to Okinawa more letters for another 2 years (yep, I've got them all). When he returned home on leave we were married we'll celebrate our 50th Wedding Anniversary next year. My advice to young lovers talk or write...share your hopes, dreams, aspirations. Plan for the worst and accept what comes. Have no debt and live on what you make; save 20% of your income when you both have jobs. Talk about where you want to live, what jobs do you want, how many kids, most important keep going to school, then college. You married one another...don't let family interfer. Never leave home mad. Never fight in the bedroom...that's neutral territory. You aren't one you will have differences. Never do anything you have to say you're sorry for; be kind to each other and you can have a long loving relationship that will stand the test of time. You'll end up with a secure financial life. We went from 20 cents left over from pay day to pay an $800,000 (paid for) home in Calif.
By Elizabeth, Wednesday, October 21, 2009 02:55:39 PM
My Husband and I have known each other for 20+ years. We grew up together. I fell in love with him in late 1999, and we dated for a year in 2000/2001, then went our seperate ways. He is a taurus and I a Virgo. I have loved him a long time, and grabbed the chance to keep him, when he proposed in 2007. After a short 3 month engagement where he was at Basic Training for the Air Force, we Married in December 2007 and have had a steady 2 years of marriage under our belts. We are happy sitting in the same room together, and our Romps can be very intense when they happen. But Both of us are happier having a friend first and Lover second in our relationship. the best example to our kids is respect and trust in your Partner, and other half.
By tina, Sunday, October 11, 2009 06:11:24 PM
i scored a 36. me a gemini my husband a cancer have and will forever be soulmates. see i lost my soulmate 10 years ago to cancer, but he is still with me and always will be. we were together for 3 years, got married in 1990, and i lost him in march of 1999. that was the worst day of my life, but i had rather have loved and lost than to of never loved at all. he was the kindest, most gentle, humble man you could ever meet. the old saying you don't know what you have till it's gone is so true. he put me so high up on a pedalstal, and i didn't realize what life would be like without him. he took very good care of me and our son {who was 3 years old at the time}and my oldest son {14 when he died}, and he wasn't even his. we always knew what the other was thinking before it was ever said. when he was on his death bed he was more worried about me than himself. he asked everyone to watch out for me and to take care of me. he was 40 years and i was 31 years old when he died. he is missed every day and will continued to be forever.

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