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Dating For Woman Over 40
Dating For Woman Over 40 Soul Mates and Life Ties!  Past life connections with soul mates, how to get in touch with your past life soul mates. No matter their age, dating is still a big part of life for single women. Most older women know how to date successfully. Many women over 40 have tons of dating experience under their belt and are really good at it. They know what they want and how to make a great impression on a first date.

There is also a group of women who have been married and are newly thrust into the dating scene because of divorce or death. All of a sudden, it feels like you are in the twilight zone stumbling around in a strange new worls. You are flung back out there, competing with the 20 year olds and 30 year olds, and wondering if you are up to the challange (being over 40). 

You may be a single mother of a teen or college age child who is out there dating as well, and find yourself asking your kid for dating advice. Maybe even taking fashion tips from your daughter.

The good new is, once you sort of get your footing and start feeling comfortable with teh new single, fabulous dating you, you'll find that dating can be easy and fun! It is so comforting to know that you have years of life experience to draw upon, but also still look great since being 40 years old is the new 30, 50 is the new 40, and so on. And any man would be lucky to be on a date with you!

You are not desperate, your biological clock is not ticking, you feel comfortable with your body, and you are sharp as a tack! Rejoice in your strength, go out there and have a ball on the dating scene!

A Beverly Hills Matchmaker, Marla Martenson is the author of Excuse Me, Your Soulmate Is Waiting.

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By Prasanna, Thursday, August 14, 2008 01:47:21 PM
Green has really admired me. Very few will take the road less travelled. No body will be ready to help the needy. Everybody is busy with their own job. But only a wise man/woman can lead a team. All the best for your efforts.
By Green, Wednesday, August 06, 2008 11:40:20 AM
Like you said Prasanna, I would like to spend my late forties doing a lot of charity work. I'd like to help in combating malnutrition in children under five, living in the rural areas of my country. Hopefully I would be able to work with charitable organization who are interested in that area.
By Prasanna, Friday, August 01, 2008 08:24:55 AM
Wish you good luck to have a peaceful life at your 40's Green. As said, by then you could become more sensible, wise. With your experience, you could win the world. How do you wish to spend your life at that time? I think its the time to think about helping others. Try to help the teens who take the wrong path. What do you think about dating over 40?
By Green, Wednesday, July 30, 2008 06:57:40 AM
Nice story Nancy. I think life does get better as you age. As we grow older, we become more matured, more independent and more sensible. By 40 most people have already kind of settled down unlike when you are in your 20s and just starting out. At 40 probably, most of your children are grown and you are not planning to have any more. I am planning to retire when I'm 45. I really do look forward to life during my 40s. Hopefully I would be in a stable marriage by then.
By Melvin, Sunday, July 27, 2008 01:14:36 AM
Another lengthy and long opinion Nancy. Well the thoughts here is that you should always be confident with yourself even though you are already 40 or even older. People oftentimes tend to put themselves down for being old and wasted.
By nancy, Saturday, July 26, 2008 12:49:14 PM
I am over 40 and feeling good. Sylvia Browne says that our soul mates are on the other side, the people that we partner with are called lifes partners. We do not need someone here to complete us, we are ok alone. My life's partner was much younger then me and he went first. He was devine. He knew ahead about a year that he would not be here much longer he said he could do more for me on the other side then he could in his psyical state. I did not think so, R. just being was enough for me, I loved him so. One yr. before he went HOME, he introduced me to a wonderful man, told him all about me, my quirks and all. After he passed, I had to find him to tell him of the sadness and we went out to eat and talk. He was so shocked. It has been since 1-27-2007 and we have become special to each other. We are not rushing things but it is so wonderful that he was thnking of me when he knew inside time was short between us. I helped him cross over and it was the most beautiful loving time, sad but Joyfull in that he knew I was there and he went in Peace. Singledness is not bad, stop having pitty parties and just enjoy the moment, if you are to have a mate, then he will be sent to you in the right time. My partner passed at (45) my new bow is (49). Think young and not age, I feel as sexy now, if not more then when I was 20. I am secure in who I am. Be satisfied that you are single, then maybe someone will come. Worrying about it only puts future-pain that isn't there because of the worrying. Live for today and be glad in It. Peace!Nancyl
By Melvin, Friday, July 25, 2008 07:33:42 AM
Aw, thanks Green. Now biological clock makes sense to me. For me that term is somehow sad. Because it is always or most of the time associated with the word "ticking" and usually people talk about it when they are growing old.
By Green, Sunday, July 20, 2008 01:37:03 PM
Melvin, when people talk about their biological clock, they are really talking about growing older. Your biological clock ticking means you are aging and slowly running out of time (Cause we eventually die). Hope that makes sense.
By Melvin, Friday, July 18, 2008 01:47:06 AM
Great story. Well I am somehow confused on the true meaning of biological clock? Can someone explain it to me more further? I have heard a lot of people already feeling the pressure of ticking of their biological clock. Is it really something we have to be worry about?
By Green, Tuesday, July 15, 2008 12:04:12 PM
Pamela what an amazing story. You make dating over 40 seem like such an amazing thing. I would have to agree that not having the pressure of needing to get married, have children, get a house and all those things can make a great difference. Life at 50 must be really amazing.

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