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What Does My Dream Mean?
Sylvia Browne Interprets Your Dreams Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures

by Sylvia Browne


A popular question I always hear is, “Sylvia, what do my dreams mean?” People want to know how to understand dreams and dream symbols. Dream symbols can have many interpretations, not just a single one-line interpretation like a newspaper horoscope. Your dreams are interpreted by your very best dream dictionary: you! Your conscious and subconscious minds and wonderful body of experience are where dream symbols originate. Once you learn how to interpret dream symbols, you will be the one to define your dreams.


That being said, it is true that often some generalities about the meaning of dreams can be made. Some imagery and dream symbols can be very common and popular. No oneand I mean no onedreams just the way you do. When you look at a dream symbol, always look first to how that symbol could apply to your current life circumstances. There is no “right” or “wrong” when it comes to interpretationall that matters is that the answer resonates with you as the true and correct dream symbol interpretation.


To define dream symbols, begin by first understanding what type of dream you have had. Was it a wish dream, release dream, astral travel, lucid dream or a prophetic dream?


Some people don’t understand or believe that their dreams have symbols. Everyone’s dreams have symbols. Let’s do an exercise in personal symbols so that you understand them better. Even though you’re seeing these symbols while you are awake, this exercise will give you an idea of what symbols can mean to you. Get a piece of paper and a pen.


Now you will draw five objects: a house, the sun, water, a tree and a snake. Don’t worry about being a Picasso or the next Rembrandt. Just draw what you feel is right. Come back when you’ve finished your drawing. We’ll wait!


Did you finish your drawing? Okay, let’s interpret the symbols. You will see just how personal these symbols can be. Notice your impressions about each symbol before looking at the definitions.


The house. What are your first impressions about the house? The house is the symbol for you. Does your house have a door to invite people in? Is there a path to lead people into the house? Does the house have windows, to let people see in to you and you in to them? Is there a chimney for warmth? Does the house look good or like it needs extra care?


The sun. This is your father. How close is the sun to the house? Is the sun prominent in the sky? Does the sun give off warm rays?


The water. This is your mother. Is the water close to the house? What type of water did you draw? Is it a river or a pond?


The tree. This is your intellect. How large is the tree? Is it near the house? Is the tree strong and healthy?


The snake. This is your sexuality. How important is the snake in the drawing? How close is the snake to the house?


You can see now that everyone has conscious and subconscious reactions to symbols. So your dreams are full of symbols. Look for symbols in your dreamsas they are full of valuable meanings for you.


Love always,


Sylvia Browne



P.S. Dreams are rich with meaning and inspiration for us. Learn more about your dreams with my Book of Dreams. Discover the different types of dreams that we have all the time.


Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.



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By Bette, Friday, August 22, 2008 08:35:38 PM
Dear Sylvia, While growing up at home, with my parents, I would awake every night around 3:00 a.m. to feeling a presence. I was a teenager at the time. This spirit seemed to go from room to room searching for something. I would reach a panic point and call out to my mother. My father later told me that a man had killed his brother in that house before we lived there and I believe this spirit remained and was searching for his murderer. I am no longer young but up in age but still have very bad dreams. Did this experience for so many years leave a mark on me. I wake feeling a presence by the bed or someone touching me or even lying next to me in bed. My husband tells me that this might be my father trying to visit with me because we were very close. Do you know who this presence is, is it my father? I asked this presence to please leave me because I am frightened by it, not knowing what is happening. If it was my father I would not have wanted to send him away. Can you tell me who is visiting me? Thank you Sylvia, I think you have been given a very special gift from God and you use it as God meant for you to, helping others. Bette in Florida
By massy, Friday, August 22, 2008 10:03:29 AM
Hi Dear, am Massy and i registered with your web ~ "spiritnow", how can one mail you his/her dream for an answer.........?! Coz i've read all thru the above dreams but they have no answers with them...! Please let me know. Thanks.
By Beulah, Friday, August 22, 2008 01:17:34 AM
By amie, Wednesday, August 20, 2008 09:38:21 PM
how do I feel people did I feel the knifes ,the draging on asphalt,the buttets going through my can I feel all this every time I have a bad dream something bad happens,from earthqaces,to deaths,to tornadios.when I let my motherinlaw go MY son branden with cearable paulsy I told her she could go wathch over branden ,nathen&eithen.dont forget I love you so much.god it hurts so much!ifinever got hurt none of this would happen!all I wanted to do was hold her and not let go,god please I cant lose my grandma the same way.god Sylvia it's all comming down on me and I dont feel as strong anymore.I have to keep my home take care of my kids,my mom my husband,my grandma,my grandpa.I'm only 29 and I have arthritis in my c2 c5 and my c6 I want to be me agen but I know my dreams are telling me something I just don't know what Thank you AMIE HAMILTON BEND OR
By amie, Wednesday, August 20, 2008 09:08:59 PM
Hi Sylvia .ME amd my family have been going through alot for the last four years I lost my brotherinlaw and my motherinlaw it was hard to let her go because of branden thay where so clouse I feel like the house of cards is falling in on me.I'm trying my best to keep our home and be there for my kids,and my husband my my grandma & grandpa I love them all very much.I have been reading you'r DREAMS BOOK because I had a dream About a reality show on a sub a lady in a brown roffly skirt and she said her water broke and I said are you sure she lifted her skirt and it did then we where all cooking and seen a SHARK on the screen we went in then it was only me and inside the SHARK there was a baby boy in a white with bluedots on jammies and little hat .then back on the sub it got rocky we stoped and then three of us got out and we seen a peterfied SHARK with a dehydrated head in it and the body was dehydreted out of the SHARK.I have been having these dreams when i was little,I could tell my mom when someone was coming over I could dream about being in a store and then happen latter,A few years ago I had a dream about some one but I fealt like it was me being drug behind a yellow chevy short bed pickup,and as I was being drug up hill with chains not rope .I was watching tv and I seen a woman, police was wondering about wat happend to her thay knew she was drug but not by who or what thay showed the seaean and that was my dream! I had a dream about a trrnado and warshington had on,why do I have dreams that happen not just with weather but about how someone dided?Is it because I'm INDIAN or because I was born in april Why only when I'm dreaming .PLEASE HELP ME I SEE SO MANY THINGS AND HIDDEN MEANINGS LIKE YOU"R THREE YOU'R mother, motherinlaw, and husband.I think I understand the shark we are going throught forclouser and I thought this man was to help but he was to get our home he was the shark.but what about the BABY, the HEAD ,and THE BODY, and the lady s water braking .PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME UNDERSTAND ALL I"M GOING THROUGHT.I'm AFRAID OF SOME OF THEM !I KNOW CHARISH YOU'R DREAM BUT IM SO CONFUSED! THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING THANK YOU AMIE HAMILTON :BEND OR
By amie, Wednesday, August 20, 2008 09:01:29 PM
Hi Sylvia .ME amd my family have been going through alot for the last four years I lost my brotherinlaw and my motherinlaw it was hard to let her go because of branden thay where so clouse I feel like the house of cards is falling in on me.I'm trying my best to keep our home and be there for my kids,and my husband my my grandma & grandpa I love them all very much.I have been reading you'r DREAMS BOOK because I had a dream About a reality show on a sud a lady in a brown roffly skirt and she said her water broke and I said are you sure she lifted her skirt and it did then we where all cooking and seen a SHARK on the screen we went in then it was only me and inside the SHARK there was a baby boy in a white with bluedots on itthen back on the sub it got rocky we stoped and then three of us got out and we seen a peterfied SHARK with a dehydrated head in it and the body was dehydreted out of the SHARK.I have been having these dreams when i was little,I could tell my mom when someone was coming over I could dream about being in a store and then happen latter,A few years ago I had a dream about some one but I fealt like it was me being drug behind a yellow chevy short bed pickup,and as I was being drug up hill with chains not ropeI was watching tv and I seen a woman police was wondering about wat happend to her thay knew she was drug but not by who or what thay showed the seaean and that was my dream I had a dream about a trrnado and warshington had on,why do I have dreams that happen not just with weather but about how someone dided?Is it because I'm INDIAN or because I was born in april Why only when I'm dreaming .PLEASE HELP ME I SEE SO MANY THINGS AND HIDDEN MEANINGS LIKE YOU"R THREE YOU'R mother motherinlaw and husband.I think I understand the shark we are going throught forclouser and I thought this mas was to help but he was to get our home he was the shark.but what about the BABY the HEAD and THE BODY and the lady s water braking .PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME UNDERSTAND ALL I"M GOING THROUGHT.I'm AFRAID OF SOME OF THEM I KNOW CHARISH YOU'R DREAM BUT IM SO CONFUSED THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING THANK YOU AMIE HAMILTON :BEND OR
By Toni, Tuesday, August 19, 2008 06:26:23 PM
Hi Sylvia, I am disappointed in some of the posted comments from your viewers. But, I'm sure you meet all kinds. Maybe if they were more familiar with you and the numerous projects you are involved in, they wouldn't assume you sit at your computer and ponder over their dream symbols. What's worse, they're even rude about it! PS I have a prediction for Lorraine and Gerry (they're meant for each other!)
By Isabella, Tuesday, August 19, 2008 03:51:51 PM
Hi Sylvia, I'm a strong believer in dreams meaning something (especially my dreams) For as far back as I can remember whenever I would have these intense dreams I would be left emotionally confused...(I guess not understanding what they mean didn'n help) As I got older I started to realize that most of these intense dreams would come true... maybe, not as they appeared in my dreams, but with the same conclusion(s)...I started to pay more attention to them (still confusing) but I felt like they would always come true, maybe not in a day, week, month or even a year, but it would do I learn more about interpreting these dreams so they make more sense.... I hope to hear from you....Isabella
By Mercedes, Monday, August 18, 2008 10:58:18 AM
Dear Sylvia, I sent you an email regarding my dreams, my mother often comes to my dreams, she passed away 29 years ago and recently I dreamt of my father, who died on the 22 March 1963 but yet he also comes to my dream but not as often as my mother. Do they want to say something to me? Please help me to find out if they want me to do something. Thank you, Mercedes, U.K.
By Mercedes, Monday, August 18, 2008 10:57:55 AM
Dear Sylvia, I sent you an email regarding my dreams, my mother often comes to my dreams, she passed away 29 years ago and recently I dreamt of my father, who died on the 22 March 1963 but yet he also comes to my dream but not as often as my mother. Do they want to say something to me? Please help me to find out if they want me to do something. Thank you, Mercedes, U.K.

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