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Attract Abundance And Be Spiritually Rich
Attract Abundance and Be Spiritually Rich Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures

by Sylvia Browne

Is there really anything wrong with wanting a comfortable, secure future? No it's only when material gain becomes an obsession or a passion unto itself that it muddles our mind and soul. Should we like nice things? Of course we should. I can't believe that God would have put all these beautiful creations in this world if we weren't intended to enjoy them. But when making money for money's sake is our only goal, then we begin to head off track. In other words, if we have to spend cash to make us happy, to buy love or friendships, or to create some false image of ourselves, then we'd better adjust our motives and thinking processes.

Too Much of a Good Thing

Money has n ever been the root of all evil - in fact, even the Bible says it's the love of money that's the root of all kinds of evil. Only when it's hoarded and adored, creating greed and avarice, is it a bad thing. When used properly, it's a tool to make life easier, to pay your bills, and to help others.

Over the years, I've worked extensively with both the "haves" (those who are rich in terms of worldly goods) and the "have nots" (those who tend to struggle financially), and I've found that neither group is immune to material concerns. The folks that have money are often worried about keeping it, and the ones who don't have it are usually obsessed with getting it. I believe that you can always spot those who live paycheck to paycheck, not because this is necessarily such a terrible situation to be in, but because these people tend to hate their circumstances and it shows. You see, there's a spiritual light that emanates from us when we're dedicated to life and what it has to offer, and constant financial worries can dull this light.

Some anxiety about debt is bad enough, but when we become fixated on money to the exclusion of what's true, eternal, and lasting, then we're really in over our heads. There's a word for those who fail to value inner qualities and instead place all attention on outward wealth: materialistic. Webster's dictionary says that materialism is a theory that physical matter is the only or fundamental reality and all being and processes and phenomena can be explained as manifestations or results of matter, and a preoccupation with or stress upon material rather than intellectual or spiritual things. The problem with placing all our values on what we can acquire is that we'll never be satisfied, because we could always have more.

Sadly, not only have we become a society of "I want more," but now we want someone to give it to us. So many want to start at the top, without putting in the effort required to be successful -  financially or otherwise. Some people say that this excessive materialism is the fault of the family, the media, or the community, and perhaps there's a degree of truth in all the above. But the main problem is that we've lost our spiritual zeal.

People have said to me, I feel better when I'm buying things, even if I know I'll regret it later. For these folks, spending money provides a kind of rush or high - a feeling of excitement to cover up something inside that's lonely, frightened, or without any self-worth. Yet the reality of the matter is that no matter how hard we try, we can't improve our lives by adorning ourselves son the outside, whether it's where we live, the jewelry we wear, or the things we possess. We can try for a "quick fix" or a temporary face-lift, but the relief those measures provide only lasts for so long.

Money and what it buys can help us put up a faced to fool other people, but when we feel poor in spirit, there's no amount of cash that can fill that void. Ironically, we often hear people say that they were happier when they had less. Why is that? Maybe because they didn't get so wrapped up in "things" that they forgot about what really matters. There have even been surveys conducted among people who won the lottery, and believe it or not, a few years later, an overwhelming number of these"lucky" winners are bankrupt and alone. Does that mean we should all just give up and go live in a box? No, that's ridiculous. We all want to have enough to pay our bills, take care of our loved ones, and be comfortable. But aside from meeting those basic, needs, what would we do with a ton of money?

Some people use their extra cash to "buy" their children. For example, they'll say, I'm too busy to spend time with you, so here's a new video game. Now go entertain yourself. This gives our kids the message that we don't want to be bothered. Others do the same with their significant other: "Here's a Rolex - now you know I love you," or "Honey, this new car shows I care." It isn't wrong to give gifts to the people we love, but things shouldn't take the place of communication or intimacy.

We all need to ask ourselves why we spend any of our time worrying about how we'll keep up with the neighbors, how we're judged by our salary or who we work for, or whether we're from "old money" or "new money" (whatever that really means). As I stated before, most of us have more than we actually need, and we buy more than we can ever eat or wear.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.


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By naomi, Sunday, November 16, 2008 07:16:22 PM
There is more than one area of life to balance. Family, Social, Financial, Health, Spirituality, and probably other areas that I can't remember right now. When any of these areas are out of wack/ or lacking, then we have to be strong enough to not let it get us down, or, let/or have, it affect the rest of the areas of our life. Are you ingenuitive, or are you a victim? Will you let it break your spirit, or will you make lemons out of lemonade? Haveing money (or a problem free life for that matter), from the get go will not teach you to grow, mature, or appreciate anything fully. I think its important to know where the little guy, that struggles, comes from. The rich snobs, who start at the top with all the money that you can buy with, is not going to have empathy, or depth of character. Thats my opinion. By the way, Sylvia started at the bottom, poor, and worked her way up. Nobody gave it to her. She earned it,(over many many years!) and she is humble, and continuously shareing her wealth and knowledge. I've met people who have money that look down on the poor person, and can't relate, and almost put us down. Sylvia is not like that at all! Sylvia is nicer than nice! She would never hurt a fly! She also knows where the poor come from, she herself was poor, and had hard life lessons. In some instances, money can unfortunately change some people for the worst. Making them snobby, or uncompassionate, maybe even ungrateful, or full of false ego. If you are fortunate enough to get money, just remember where you came from. My mom told me this old saying. "The poor are more generous than the rich." And its true. The poor will give more than the rich. And especially when the poor know how appreciated a plate of cookies to an old lonely person is. Or visit someone who is housebound, and get their groceries, or run errands with someone who doesn't have a car, Or how wonderful it is to have a utility bill that miraculously got paid by a stranger. A rich from birth kind of person wouldn't know how to share, unless they were taught otherwise by their parents. Sylvia helps those in need. She is made out of genuine love for mankind. To the public: If you are lucky enough to have money, then have the decency to share it, and for goodness sake help someone with it. Sylvia Shares her wealth, and you don't have to advertise all your good deeds, and financial contributions to be a saint. In fact humblness, and private contributions count in Heaven too! And for that matter: You don't have to have money to help someone either. My parents are always in poverty, and they somehow, discretly help more people, in good deeds, than you can shake a stick at. And nobody knows about it except for me. So who cares how much money you make? And don't judge a book by its cover. You don't know whats going on in the inside. What did you do with your life? In Heaven, you can measure what you did, but you can't measure the worth of money.
By naomi, Sunday, November 16, 2008 05:28:57 PM
Angel Message of the Day Nov 16 2008 I have an attitude of gratitude. I appreciate all that I have. I know what I have, others can also have. I can also have what others have without jealousy.
By Alberta, Saturday, November 15, 2008 06:38:14 PM
My name is Lucy: I was forture enough to afford a reading with Chris. But he started out fine. Then I asked all the questions I wrote down. But I was so nervous that there was a lot I forgot to ask. When you on done asking questions your reading is over. He is a friendly person, it will be awhile before I can do it again. Its hard to remember all the things until you hang up. Then things come to you. Well I love sylvia and Chris. It was not Chris fault that I did not ask all my questions. It was mine for not writing all of them down. Thank you
By Barbara, Friday, November 14, 2008 09:54:31 PM
yes, I find this article quite interesting! I LOVE you Sylvia, but for you to say these things to people who want some kind of faith that they will someday, somehow be a little better off where they could sit back and relax a little with some security (I believe thats all everybody wants) You could have given them at least a little hope that this COULD happen for them if they worked hard enough for it. Its very ironic for you, who collects over $700.00 per reading (your son is $400.00) to sit and talk about how unhappy that money makes people!!! I DO LOVE YOU, but this is just so hypocritical of you to make the statements you did. Its very easy for people that HAVE money to say that it doesn't buy happiness. I think WE ALL KNOW THAT, what people want is a chance to live their lives without the worries of where their next mortgage payment will come from, or weather they will have enough food to feed their children. Believe me, I have been a single mother of 2 sons (since my 1st son was 3 months old, I was divorced and I never married my second sons father nor anyone else!) I have always worked very hard, and still made sure that I went to EVERY ONE of their sports games, or back to school night wasn't easy and I would go back to work after dinner & homework and a sitter would come over. My sons are now 25 & 21 and are in college full time and working and both living together on their own! I havew raised to wonderful, loving, careing, & most of all responsible sons! Sometimes wondering if we would have enough to eat when the fathers child support was months late!! we went on vacations, and day trips, I made sure that they longed for nothing, but also taught them about REAL LIFE which parents DON"T do anymore. Now, is it to much to ask to have faith that someday maybe I will win the lottery, that one day I can sit back and enjoy my life without worrying? If you didn't have the faith you had when you were a poor single parent, you wouldn't be where you are. I believe that people can dream and sometimes those dreams DO come true. I just think that in the statements you made above, you are taking away those dreams. If it happened for you, it can happen for anyone! I know that you will never read this anyway, why should you, you are not getting paid for it!!
By Barbara, Friday, November 14, 2008 09:51:01 PM
yes, I find this article quite interesting! I LOVE you Sylvia, but for you to say these things to people who want some kind of faith that they will someday, somehow be a little better off where they could sit back and relax a little with some security (I believe thats all everybody wants) You could have given them at least a little hope that this COULD happen for them if they worked hard enough for it. Its very ironic for you, who collects over $700.00 per reading (your son is $400.00) to sit and talk about how unhappy that money makes people!!! I DO LOVE YOU, but this is just so hypocritical of you to make the statements you did. Its very easy for people that HAVE money to say that it doesn't buy happiness. I think WE ALL KNOW THAT, what people want is a chance to live their lives without the worries of where their next mortgage payment will come from, or weather they will have enough food to feed their children. Believe me, I have been a single mother of 2 sons (since my 1st son was 3 months old, I was divorced and I never married my second sons father nor anyone else!) I have always worked very hard, and still made sure that I went to EVERY ONE of their sports games, or back to school night wasn't easy and I would go back to work after dinner & homework and a sitter would come over. My sons are now 25 & 21 and are in college full time and working and both living together on their own! I havew raised to wonderful, loving, careing, & most of all responsible sons! Sometimes wondering if we would have enough to eat when the fathers child support was months late!! we went on vacations, and day trips, I made sure that they longed for nothing, but also taught them about REAL LIFE which parents DON"T do anymore. Now, is it to much to ask to have faith that someday maybe I will win the lottery, that one day I can sit back and enjoy my life without worrying? If you didn't have the faith you had when you were a poor single parent, you wouldn't be where you are. I believe that people can dream and sometimes those dreams DO come true. I just think that in the statements you made above, you are taking away those dreams. If it happened for you, it can happen for anyone! I know that you will never read this anyway, why should you, you are not getting paid for it!!
By debbie, Friday, November 14, 2008 09:05:05 PM
dear Sylvia. thank you for coming into our lives. and helping us. i enjoyed watching you on Montel. i miss his show alot thank you again debbie
By Ione, Friday, November 14, 2008 03:15:04 PM
Hi Silvia love you deeply girl, you have given me so many ansewers to questions about why I am here. I have always wanted money not for me but for my parents, sisters, children, and for donations. I try my best to give what I can I always tip, and for myself I am happy when my bills are paid and if I have extra well woo hoo but that isn't to often. I like nice things but my favorite thing is the gifts that my children would make for me it always made my cry from happyness. When it comes from the heart it is the best. Yes money is nice and of course I want some but love is better by miles.
By Patricia, Friday, November 14, 2008 10:26:26 AM
Wow, I asked if I would ever win the lottery yesterday and you soooo answered me. I needed a wake up on this yet I did want the help of the lottery to see that my grandkids got to go to college, get a home of my own, and just relax my retirement years. Now I will get creative and just let GOD take over my concerns for the grandkids. Thank you GOD, my Angels, Sprit Guide and Sylvia as you were the messengers. P. Sanchez
By Patricia, Friday, November 14, 2008 10:24:07 AM
Wow, I asked if I would ever win the lottery yesterday and you soooo answered me. I needed a wake up on this yet I did want the help of the lottery to see that my grand kids got to go to college, get a home of my own, and just relax my retirement year. Now I will get creative and just let GOD take over my concerns for the grandkid. Thank you GOD, my Angels, Sprit Guide and Sylvia as you were the messenger . P. Sanchez
By MARISOL, Friday, November 14, 2008 10:22:07 AM
Hi Sylvia, I wanted to send my love your way, and I also would like to comment on Ashlie's post. Believe me, I can feel your frustration, and I wish it was as easy as someone telling you you how to win the lottery. You said that you have watched her on Montel, and visited this website. I do believe that if we are destined to win then we will win. I to sometimes feel frustration finanically, but I also understand that I can only do so much. I am trying very hard not to worry to much. I to wish that I could afford a reading, and at this time I can not, but thats not to say that maybe someday I wont be able to. Think positive Ashlie, even though I know times are hard. You never know maybe you are destined to win the lottery, and you know how things always happen when you least expect them. So stay strong. Again I want to say thank you Sylvia. You have risen in me an understanding, and if you have reassured me that I should not be afraid of death. Thank you again.

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