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Do You Have A Lucky Name?
Is Your Name Lucky? Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures When it comes to numerology and having a lucky name, it might be important to realize that the monikers that will bring good fortune are not necessarily the most popular or contemporary choices.

To be truly lucky, you want the name values in a name for your child to add up to the following numbers:

Number 1 - To produce a leader or achiever. A good number 1 name for a boy is Joseph. Emily and Hannah are good super achiever names for girls. The 1 energy will produce someone who is self sufficient.

Number 2 - To produce someone who is lucky in love. Good contemporary 2 names for boys are Joshua, John, and Jonathan. Names for girls are Sarah and Chloe.

Number 3 - To produce a life that is blessed with fame and recognition of creativity and talent. Names for a boy that add up to 3 are Ethan and James. Madison is a girl’s name that adds up to 3.

Number 8 - To produce a rich and respected life. Natalie is an example of a girl’s name that adds up to an 8. Nathaniel adds up to an 8 for boys.

The other numbers are not as lucky and come with karmic burdens. For instance, a child that is a number 4 may have health problems. A number 5 may never settle down. A number 6 may be tied to family and a 7 may be a genius but too eccentric to be loved. A number 9 name also usually walks a lonely spiritual path that is more in the service of others.

What is interesting is that in 2005, the U.S. Department of Social Security in the United States did a study of what the most popular names were in the country for both boys and girls. It does seem that some of the most popular baby names were quite unlucky.  

For instance, the number one boy’s choice of name in the United States in 2005, happened to be Jacob, which adds up to a 4. In Numerology, the number 4 represents a life full of challenges and yet it is one of the most popular names in the country for males. 

There are also seemed to be a lack of both girl’s and boy’s names that were popular that added put an 8, which would the name that would signify wealth. It seems that parents all over the United States were giving their children names that only destined them to work hard to make their money.

The girls fared much better in the study in terms of having lucky names. The number one most popular name in the country in 2005 was Emily which adds up to a 1. The 1 energy denotes a strong leader.

To give your baby the luckiest name possible, consider combining lucky number combinations in first, second, and third names. For instance, if you wanted to have a girl who becomes rich and famous, you might want to consider calling her Madison (the name is valued at 3 which is for fame) and giving her the second name of Natalie (which has the wealthy number 8 vibration.) This way of choosing lucky names can help you cover all the bases and make sure your child has a good destiny in a couple of areas in life.

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By Sheryl, Saturday, June 16, 2012 01:22:29 PM
Are you serious? Really? Where's the rest of it??? How can you print a totally incomplete article with vague information!!!
By Darlene, Saturday, June 16, 2012 01:25:00 AM
As a #5, apparently I'll never settle down.....No wonder I've only been married 38 years. Also, the article keeps referencing the Social Security Administrations list of most popular names in 2005- something they actually do every year. Have they really been recycling this article for that seven years now?
By Laurie, Wednesday, July 29, 2009 04:46:43 PM
here is a link to a page that gives you the chart to figure out your own name numbers and it has a complete section on what your life path number means too. it is a do it yourself website so you can figure all this out on your own with easy steps!
By christina, Tuesday, July 28, 2009 10:08:08 AM
to Sagespriritwolf, you are so right ,this is not enought info to help anyone, i am going to try &find u on my space, would like to be friends,, ps i agree with most of you, mabey some of the books he recomened will help all who wants to know more info.
By Mary, Tuesday, July 28, 2009 08:44:51 AM
I have found that a lot of these additional pages, like numerology, don't give enough information so a person can study and find out and learn more. This particular numerology does not explain how they come up with the number for a name. They should supply names of books or web sites to find out more. MC
By peggy, Wednesday, December 17, 2008 10:37:35 PM
too long to post here - but if you look in the books or probably online somewhere, there are #'s assigned to each vowel & consonant for the letters assigned to name. then you add them together like you do for your birthday numbers to get your life path number, etc. (ie birthdate of 12/17/1957 would be 1+2+1+7+1+9+5+7=33 which you always reduce to single # of 3+3=6 so 6 is the result. the really cool thing is no matter how you add this (ie 12+17+1957) - still reduces to 6. anyways you have to have the numbers for the letters and then add them together same as example here.
By peggy, Wednesday, December 17, 2008 10:30:34 PM
Elizabeth - what or where is your worksheet? do you have a template copy to give us? thanx.
By Diana SageSpiritWolf, Thursday, December 11, 2008 11:53:24 AM
Bad & Incomplete Article for more information definitely research numerology. U will gain more info & enlightenment by researching for ones/your self anyway. Here are some interesting and fun books I have learned from. For information on NAMES try the following.... "The Hidden Truth of your Name" (The Complete Guide to First Names & What they say about you) also "The Secret Universe of Names" (The Dynamic Interplay of names & Destiny). One on Birthdays for yourself, children or loved ones (just 4 fun & 2 c how accurate) "The Element Encyclopedia on Birthdays" U can find many books that will have a chart w/ numbers and coinciding alphabet & a mini description as 2 what 2 expect or prepare for. Remember it is not just your name that shapes your destiny, it is the charts we have written for ourselves before arriving here. Try doing an astrological chart for yourself. The following book can teach you how "The Only Astrology Book You Will Ever Need" by Joanna Martine Woolfolk. I personally found it it fun, useful and easy to learn with/from. Good Luck everyone I hope this info helps. Please remember that we have many tools from different cultures that we are given to unveil our path and help us along our journey. It is in utilizing and understanding each tool together that we will get a broader and proper picture of what we are doing here, for ourselves and each other. Peace, Love & Light ~SageSpiritWolf
By Leslie, Thursday, December 11, 2008 10:51:25 AM
Well according to this I am a 5 for my first name (Leslie) meaning...A number 5 may never settle down. I am also a 4 (Blue) meaning the number 4 represents a life full of challenges. This doesn't look so great for me. Maybe I did it wrong! If I didn't My life isn't looking too good. I wonder if I changed my names if that would help up my
By Elizabeth, Thursday, December 11, 2008 10:48:42 AM
Sarah, I have to agree with you, this article is very incomplete for learning purposes. If you or anyone else is interested in learning how to do this, I have a worksheet that is very helpful. It is designed to assist you in organizing the various elements that will be used in producing a numerology reading.

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